PHRProfessional in Human Resources
PHRPersonal Health Record
PHRPhysicians for Human Rights
PHRPartnerships for Health Reform
PHRPitch, Hit and Run (children's baseball competition)
PHRPrincipality of Hutt River (micronation; Australia)
PHRProfessional Healthcare Resources (various locations)
PHRPublic Health Reports
PHRPatient Health Records
PHRPhrygian (linguistics)
PHRPayroll, Human Resources
PHRPresse Hebdomadaire Régionale
PHRPaedagogische Hochschule Rorschach (Swiss university)
PHRPublic Health Region (Texas)
PHRPeak Heart Rate
PHRProfession of Human Resources
PHRParts per Hundred of Rubber
PHRPassband Hermitian Reconstruction
PHRPerformance Horse Registry, Inc.
PHRPotential Health Risk
PHRPreliminary Hazard Review
PHRPoverty Headcount Ratio