
单词 在互联网上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕King has made history by publishing a novel on the World Wide Web. 金在互联网上出版了一本小说,开创了历史先河。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕The web site allows you to order groceries over the Internet. 该网站使你可以在互联网上订购食品杂货。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕You can probably get most of the information you need from the Internet. 大多数你需要的信息也许可以在互联网上查到。朗文写作活用〔EVERYWHERE〕On the Internet, people can send messages worldwide in seconds. 在互联网上,人们瞬间就可以把信息发往世界各地。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕I did a quick search on the Internet and found three airlines with tickets available on that date. 我在互联网上快速查找了一下,发现那天有三家航空公司有机票。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕You can search on the Internet for the names of dealers in your area. 你可以在互联网上查找你所在地区经销商的名字。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕There's tons and tons of information on the Internet if you're willing to look for it. 如果你愿意在互联网上搜寻的话,那上面有好多好多的信息。朗文写作活用〔READ〕It's much easier to find the information on the Internet, rather than wading through piles of documents. 在互联网上找信息,比起费力地查阅一堆堆文献要便捷得多。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕Racist messages are being widely disseminated via the Internet. 带有种族主义思想的言论在互联网上广泛流传。朗文写作活用〔deal〕You can get some good deals on the internet.在互联网上可以买到便宜货。朗文当代〔distance〕Distance is no problem on the Internet.在互联网上距离已不成为问题。牛津高阶〔google〕You can google someone you've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet.你可以把最近见过的某人键入搜索引擎,看看在互联网上能查到什么相关信息。牛津高阶〔information superhighway〕He claims he can find out anything he needs to know on the information superhighway.他声称他能在互联网上查到任何他需要知道的事。韦氏高阶〔internet〕I looked it up on the Internet.我在互联网上查过此事。牛津高阶〔navigate〕A fast connection makes it easier to navigate on the Internet.快速连接可以更便捷地在互联网上浏览。韦氏高阶〔obtain〕Such information is easily obtained from the Internet.这种信息很容易在互联网上获得。牛津搭配〔pet-friendly〕You can find lists of pet-friendly motels on the internet.你可以在互联网上找到一长串欢迎宠物的汽车旅馆。剑桥高阶〔plagiarize〕She plagiarized from an article she read on the Internet.她剽窃了在互联网上读到的一篇文章。韦氏高阶〔post〕I never post anything on the Internet that I wouldn't want my boss to see.我从来没有在互联网上发布任何我不想让我老板看到的东西。剑桥高阶〔post〕The results will be posted on the Internet.结果将在互联网上公布。牛津高阶〔presence〕The company is an important presence on the Internet.这家公司在互联网上有重要地位。韦氏高阶〔publish〕The report will be published on the Internet.报告将在互联网上公布。牛津高阶〔scour〕He scoured the Internet for information.他在互联网上搜索信息。外研社新世纪〔trawl〕The software is used to trawl for information on the internet.这个软件是用来在互联网上搜寻信息用的。剑桥高阶〔troll〕They are trolling the internet for new customers.他们在互联网上搜寻新的顾客。剑桥高阶〔unreal〕It's unreal that I can access so much information on the Internet.我在互联网上可以获得这么多信息,这简直太好了。韦氏高阶〔video〕Her latest music video was first released on the Internet.她最新的音乐录影是在互联网上率先推出的。韦氏高阶〔video〕She was talking about a popular video she saw on the Internet.她在讲她在互联网上看到的一个热播视频。韦氏高阶〔web〕I found the information on the Web.我在互联网上找到了这条消息。牛津高阶Agents can use the site to sell their wares over the Internet.代理商可以利用这个网站在互联网上出售他们的商品。牛津商务An increasing number of people are booking holidays on the Internet.越来越多的人在互联网上预订假日行程。牛津商务Customers feel more confident about buying goods and services on the Internet.顾客对在互联网上购买商品和服务更有信心。牛津商务In all the noise of the Internet, I eventually found something relevant.在互联网上所有的垃圾信息里,我最终找到了一点有关的东西。牛津商务People are worried about transmitting credit-card numbers on the Internet in case these are copied and misused.人们担心在互联网上传送信用卡号码会被复制并被滥用。牛津商务Secondary data such as the results of public opinion polls and surveys are widely available on the Internet.民意测验结果等二手资料在互联网上可以广泛获取。牛津商务The company has several digital brands (= products sold on the Internet).这公司有好几个数字化品牌(在互联网上销售的产品)。牛津商务The company is trying to build a strong presence on the Internet.这公司正努力在互联网上建立稳固的地位。牛津商务The report will be published on the Internet.报告将在互联网上公布。牛津商务We are trying to increase our brand exposure on the Internet.我们正努力在互联网上增加我们品牌的曝光率。牛津商务You can order our product on the Internet.你可以在互联网上订购我们的产品。牛津商务You can set up an email account on the Internet.你可以在互联网上开立一个电子邮件账户。牛津商务You may get it cheaper on the Internet.你可以在互联网上以更便宜的价格买到它。牛津商务

