
单词 政治分歧
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕There is still a great economic and political divide between the east and the west of the country. 该国的东、西部仍存在巨大的经济与政治分歧朗文写作活用〔assembly〕The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院搁置了政治分歧,以通过有关援助的一揽子计划。剑桥高阶〔deep-rooted, deep-seated〕The country's political divisions are deep-seated.这个国家的政治分歧根深蒂固。牛津高阶〔emphatic〕They were emphatic about their political differences.他们强调了彼此的政治分歧韦氏高阶〔ruthlessly〕The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。柯林斯高阶〔set sth aside〕In times of war people tend to set aside political differences.战争期间,人们往往不计较政治分歧剑桥高阶〔transcend〕The desire for peace transcended political differences.对和平的渴望超越了政治分歧朗文当代The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院将政治分歧暂搁一旁,通过了有关援助的一揽子计划。剑桥国际

