
单词 敬意
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕For the first time that he could recall, Chris felt some admiration for his stepfather. 在克里斯的记忆中,这是他第一次对继父产生了一点敬意朗文写作活用〔DIE〕We want to pay special tribute to the men and women who have given their lives in service of their country. 对那些为国捐躯的男女,我们谨致以特别的敬意朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕After the final game there was a moving tribute to one of the players, who died tragically during the season. 最后一场比赛结束后举行了一个感人的纪念活动,以对本赛季中不幸死亡的一位球员表示敬意朗文写作活用〔Mother's Day〕The second Sunday in May, observed in the United States in honor of mothers.母亲节:五月份的第二个星期日,在美国用来向母亲们表示敬意美国传统〔PRAISE〕John Motum, presenting the trophy, paid tribute to the players and coaches. 约翰·莫滕颁发奖杯,他向运动员和教练表示敬意朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕Charles listened to the speech with grudging admiration. 查尔斯带着勉强的敬意听了演讲。朗文写作活用〔breathing〕Our days are punctuated by spontaneous breathings of praise and adoration.我们的生活不时被自然流露出的表达称赞和敬意的话语打断。外研社新世纪〔call〕He called to pay his respects.他来拜访以表敬意韦氏高阶〔call〕We called to pay our respects.我们去拜望了,以表示敬意美国传统〔cloth〕I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意外研社新世纪〔cloth〕I've got as much respect for the cloth as the next man.我和任何人一样都对神父充满敬意柯林斯高阶〔compliment〕A formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect.敬意:文明、客气或尊敬的正式行为美国传统〔compliment〕He complimented his wife with a dozen roses.他送妻子一打玫瑰花以表敬意英汉大词典〔compliment〕He paid me the compliment of inviting me to sing at his wedding.他为了向我表示敬意,邀请我在他的婚礼上唱歌。麦克米伦高阶〔compliment〕They are complimenting him by paying more attention to him.他们更加关注他以示敬意外研社新世纪〔deference〕He was welcomed with deference.人们怀着敬意欢迎他。英汉大词典〔deference〕You should pay [show] deference to [toward] your elders.你应该对长者表示敬意文馨英汉〔disrespect〕The press accused him of disrespecting the solemnity of the occasion.新闻界指责他对这一庄重的场合未表现出应有的敬意外研社新世纪〔duty〕She sends her duty in a letter.她在信中表示敬意英汉大词典〔esteem〕I greatly esteem your message in the midst of our hard struggle.您在我们奋力抗争时发来的电文让我充满了敬意柯林斯高阶〔esteem〕Please accept the small gift we enclose as a mark of our esteem.附上区区薄礼,聊表敬意,请笑纳。朗文当代〔esteem〕Please accept this small gift as a token of our esteem.小小礼物,聊表敬意,请笑纳。牛津高阶〔esteem〕We parted with expressions of mutual esteem.我们分别时相互表达了敬意牛津搭配〔esteem〕We would like you to accept this cheque as a token of our esteem.这张支票聊表敬意, 我们希望您能接受外研社新世纪〔estimation〕Bobbety Cranborne stood high in the estimation of both friend and foe.不论朋友还是敌人都对鲍勃梯•克兰伯恩深怀敬意外研社新世纪〔expression〕Let this plaque serve as an expression of our esteem.让此碑来表达我们的敬意美国传统〔fellow〕His fellow countrymen have honoured him for his bravery.同胞们对他的勇敢深表敬意麦克米伦高阶〔feudatory〕Owing feudal homage or allegiance.臣服的,忠诚的:怀有封建意味的敬意或忠诚的美国传统〔fitting〕I thought the memorial was a fitting tribute to the President.我认为这座纪念碑恰如其分地表达了对总统的敬意朗文当代〔genuflection〕Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.当代的好莱坞电影经常委婉地表达对电影界伟大前辈们的崇高敬意剑桥高阶〔gun〕A discharge of a firearm or cannon as a signal or salute.鸣放:鸣放火器或大炮作为信号或表示敬意美国传统〔hail〕To salute or greet.打招呼:向…致以敬意或问候美国传统〔hats off to〕Hats off to Susan for doing such a great job.让我们向做出如此伟大工作的苏珊表示敬意韦氏高阶〔hold〕I hold you in high esteem.我对你有崇高的敬意美国传统〔homage〕Her book is a/an homage to her favorite city.她的书对自己所钟爱的城市致以了敬意韦氏高阶〔homage〕On this occasion we pay homage to him for his achievements.在此我们谨就他取得的成就向他表示敬意剑桥高阶〔honorific〕A title, phrase, or grammatical form conveying respect, used especially when addressing a social superior.敬语,尊称:用于表达敬意的头衔,短语或语法形式,尤指称呼社会层次较高的人美国传统〔honor〕Her veneration for traditional learning never wavered.她对传统学问的敬意从未动摇。美国传统〔honor〕We need to find an appropriate way to honor these brave people.我们需要找个恰当的方式向这些勇士们表示敬意韦氏高阶〔honour〕Everybody stood up and warmly applauded to honour his coming.所有的人都从座位上站起来热烈鼓掌,对他的到来表示敬意21世纪英汉〔honour〕Her Majesty later honoured the Headmaster with her presence at lunch.后来女王亲自出席午宴, 以示对校长的敬意外研社新世纪〔honour〕The people came to honour their leader.人们前来向其领袖表示敬意外研社新世纪〔honour〕They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.他们肃立以示对她的敬意牛津高阶〔honour〕To honour them, everyone dressed for dinner.为向他们表示敬意, 每个人都盛装出席晚宴。外研社新世纪〔honour〕We are here today to honour the men and women who gave their lives for their country.今天我们在此向那些为祖国献出生命的人们表示敬意麦克米伦高阶〔low-key〕He received a low-key but respectful welcome.对他的欢迎仪式虽然不大张旗鼓,但却满怀敬意麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕He gave her the necklace as a mark of his esteem.他送给她这条项链以表敬意韦氏高阶〔mark〕He took off his hat as a mark of respect for her dead husband.他脱帽以示对她死去的丈夫的敬意剑桥高阶〔mark〕On the day of the funeral businesses remained closed as a mark of respect.葬礼那天,各行业都停业以示敬意牛津高阶〔mark〕Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.店主们暂时停业以示敬意柯林斯高阶〔mark〕The race was postponed as a mark of respect.为了表示敬意比赛延期举行。麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕They removed their hats as a mark of respect.他们摘下帽子, 以示敬意外研社新世纪〔obeisance〕A gesture or movement of the body, such as a curtsy, that expresses deference or homage.敬礼:表示尊重或敬意的一种人体姿势或动作,如屈膝礼美国传统〔offer〕She tendered her respects.她正式表达了她的敬意美国传统〔ovation〕A show of public homage or welcome.热烈欢迎:公开表达敬意或欢迎美国传统〔pay〕Thousands turned up to pay their last respects to a great leader.上千人参加了葬礼,向伟大的领袖致以最后的敬意麦克米伦高阶〔plaque〕They gave him a plaque in honor of his 30 years of service.他们颁给他一块匾额以向他尽职30年表示敬意韦氏高阶〔proof〕He gave me a bow as (a) proof of his esteem.他向我鞠躬以示敬意英汉大词典〔proper〕It seemed proper to pay tribute to her in this way.以这种方式向她表达敬意似乎很得体。牛津搭配〔props〕Props to Chris for all of his volunteer work.对克里斯所做的志愿工作向他表示敬意朗文当代〔respectfully〕As the body was carried through the crowd, people drew back respectfully (= to show their respect).当遗体被抬过人群时,人们满怀敬意地退后让道。剑桥高阶〔respectfully〕The audience clapped respectfully as she stood up to speak.当她起身发言时,观众们满怀敬意地鼓掌欢迎。剑桥高阶〔respect〕Despite our differences, I have enormous respect for him.虽然我们有分歧,但我仍对他满怀敬意韦氏高阶〔respect〕His voice was warm with friendship and respect.他的声音里充满了友善和敬意柯林斯高阶〔respect〕It's proper to call on a new neighbour to pay one's respects.拜访新邻居以表敬意是合乎礼节的。英汉大词典〔respect〕Please convey/give my respects to your parents.请代我向你父母致以敬意/转达问候。剑桥高阶〔respect〕To feel or show deferential regard for; esteem.尊敬;尊重:感到或表现出恭敬的敬意;尊重美国传统〔respect〕We observed a minute's silence out of respect for the disaster victims.我们默哀一分钟,向遇难者表示敬意牛津搭配〔retain〕He retains a deep respect for the profession.他对这个职业仍然深怀敬意柯林斯高阶〔retrospectively〕They honoured him with a retrospective exhibition in 1987.他们在1987年为他举办了一次回顾展,以示敬意柯林斯高阶〔reverence〕I closed my eyes in reverence.我满怀敬意地闭上了双眼。牛津搭配〔reverence〕They all have (show) reverence for their professor.他们对教授全怀有(表现出)敬意英汉大词典〔reverence〕They show a deep reverence for their religion.他们对他们的宗教表现了深深的敬意外研社新世纪〔reverence〕They spoke of the old man with reverence.他们怀着敬意谈论这位老人。麦克米伦高阶〔reverential〕He opened the ancient book with reverential care.他充满敬意、小心翼翼地打开了那本古书。剑桥高阶〔reverential〕His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.人们每次提起他的名字,语调中几乎总是充满了敬意牛津高阶〔rite〕The traditional rites of homage to the emperor were performed.举行了对皇帝表示敬意的传统仪式。麦克米伦高阶〔salute〕He saluted her with a graceful bend of his head.他很潇洒地低头向她表示敬意牛津搭配〔salute〕His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa.他首先向南非人民致以敬意牛津搭配〔salute〕The concert was a salute to country music legends.这场音乐会是对乡村音乐传奇人物的一种敬意韦氏高阶〔salute〕The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country.总统对那些为国战斗者的英勇精神表示敬意牛津高阶〔salute〕Twenty-one guns were fired in salute.鸣礼炮21响表示敬意韦氏高阶〔serenade〕Music A complimentary performance given to honor or express love for someone.【音乐】 小夜曲的演奏:向某人表达敬意或爱意的赞美性演奏美国传统〔stand for〕We all stood for his coming.我们对他的到来,起立表示敬意21世纪英汉〔thumping〕The coach paid tribute to his players despite their thumping loss.尽管队员们惨败, 但教练还是向他们致以敬意外研社新世纪〔tip your cap/hat〕I really have to tip my hat to those people for all their hard work.我真的要向那些辛勤工作的人们表达我的敬意韦氏高阶〔toast〕The act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to the health of a person or thing.干杯:向一个人或物表示敬意或祝一个人健康而举杯饮酒的动作美国传统〔toast〕To drink to the health or honor of.为…而干杯:为…的健康或对…表示敬意而饮酒美国传统〔tribute〕The couple paid tribute to the helicopter crew who rescued them.这对夫妇向救了他们性命的直升机机组人员表示敬意和感谢。牛津搭配〔trick〕I have no respect for my father who, having remarried, is still up to his old tricks.我对父亲没任何敬意,他已经再婚,却依然喜欢耍老把戏。柯林斯高阶〔undisguised〕He looked at her with undisguised admiration and respect.他以不加掩饰的倾慕和敬意看着她。英汉大词典〔utmost〕I've got the utmost respect for her accomplishments.我对她的成就充满敬意朗文当代〔vassal〕A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance.封臣,臣属:从封建地主手中获得土地并接受保护的人,以敬意和忠诚回报美国传统〔viva〕Used to express acclamation, salute, or applause.万岁:用于表达欢呼、敬意和鼓掌的美国传统A crowd of mourners gathered to pay their respects to the dead man.一群哀悼者聚集着向死者表示他们敬意剑桥国际He attacks the newspapers for their uncritical obeisance to the rich and the powerful.他就报纸向所有的权贵盲目表示敬意的做法进行了抨击。剑桥国际I take my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party. 我对他这样安排宴会表示敬意译典通Many people came in homage to the place where the miracle/tragedy had happened.很多人怀着敬意来到了这个奇迹/悲剧发生的地方。剑桥国际Some of the biggest names in the entertainment world turned out to honor his 40th year in show business.一些娱乐界的知名人士出席向他从艺40载致以敬意剑桥国际Their album pays homage to music masters Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton.他们的唱片向音乐大师本尼·古德曼和莱昂内尔·汉普顿表示敬意剑桥国际

