“to practice”例句

单词 to practice
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Marrano〕A Spanish or Portuguese Jew who was forcibly converted to Christianity in the late Middle Ages but who continued to practice Judaism in secret.马拉诺:西班牙或葡萄牙境内的犹太人,在中世纪晚期被迫改信基督教,但他却在暗地里继续信奉犹太教美国传统〔TIME〕We won't have time to practice tonight. 今晚我们没时间练习了。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Although he is a qualified dentist, he ceased to practice several years ago. 虽然他是位合格的牙医,但他几年前就不干这一行了。朗文写作活用〔ask〕Only lawyers who have been examined and certified by the bar association are admitted to practice.只有通过律师协会考试并获得证书的律师才能开业。美国传统〔bugger〕To practice sodomy with.与…鸡奸,与…兽奸美国传统〔bugger〕To practice sodomy with.同…鸡奸美国传统〔chance〕Most refugee doctors never get the chance to practice medicine in British hospitals.多数去避难的医生永远没有机会在英国医院行医。柯林斯高阶〔deceive〕To practice deceit.行骗美国传统〔dentist〕A person who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry.牙科医生:受过训练并获准执业牙医的人美国传统〔diddle〕To practice masturbation upon.对…进行手淫美国传统〔divine〕To practice divination.占卜美国传统〔doctor〕A person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice.医生,大夫:受过治疗培训并持执照开业行医的人,尤其用于内科医生、牙医或兽医美国传统〔economize〕To practice economy, as by avoiding waste or reducing expenditures.节约:节约费用,如避免浪费或压缩开支等美国传统〔economy〕We must learn to practice economy.我们必须学会践行节约。韦氏高阶〔euthanasia〕The doctor refused to practice euthanasia on that terminally ill patient.医师拒绝在那位末期病人身上施行安死术。文馨英汉〔evade〕To practice evasion.逃脱,溜走美国传统〔fence〕To practice the art or sport of fencing.练习击剑或进行击剑运动美国传统〔flatter〕To practice flattery.进行奉承美国传统〔force〕I forced myself to practice daily. He was forced to take a second job.我强迫自己每天练习。他被迫要找第二份工作美国传统〔licensable〕He was licensed to practice as a doctor.他获得了行医执照。21世纪英汉〔licensed vocational nurse〕A licensed practical nurse who is permitted by license to practice in California or Texas.领照职业护士:获得从业执照的护士,可在美国加利福尼亚州和得克萨斯州从业美国传统〔licensure〕The act or an instance of granting a license, usually to practice a profession.许可证的颁发:颁发执照的行为或事例,通常指许可从事某种职业美国传统〔meditation〕Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.很多忙碌的主管已经开始练习瑜伽和冥想。外研社新世纪〔mortify〕To practice ascetic discipline or self-denial of the body and its appetites.克制:贯彻克己原则或身体及其欲望的克己美国传统〔native speaker〕Our programme ensures daily opportunities to practice your study language with native speakers.我们的学习课程保证你们每天有机会和讲母语的人一起进行语言练习。柯林斯高阶〔pad〕The football players wore their helmets and shoulder and hip pads to practice today.今天训练时,橄榄球运动员们戴上了头盔、护肩和护臀。韦氏高阶〔paint〕To practice the art of painting pictures.绘画:从事油画艺术美国传统〔personal〕It's important to practice good personal hygiene.讲究个人卫生是重要的。韦氏高阶〔photograph〕To practice photography.摄影,拍照美国传统〔physician〕Abbr. phys.A person licensed to practice medicine; a medical doctor.缩写 phys.医生:被准予行医的人;医生美国传统〔practice〕Grandmother taught us to practice good manners.祖母教导我们要有礼貌。韦氏高阶〔practice〕She had to practice flying in various weather conditions before she could get her pilot's license.她必须练习在各种天气状况下飞行,才能得到飞行员驾照。韦氏高阶〔practice〕To be a good musician, you have to practice a lot.要成为一名优秀的音乐家,必须得大量练习。韦氏高阶〔practise〕It gives students the opportunity to practice their speaking skills.这给学生提供了锻炼口才的机会。朗文当代〔rehearse〕To practice (a part in a play, for example) in preparation for a public performance.排练:在准备公开演出时练习(例如戏剧的一部分)美国传统〔resurrection〕The act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use; revival.重新流行,恢复使用:使恢复实施、受注意或应用的行为;复兴美国传统〔role-play〕The students did role-plays to practice for their interviews.为了准备面试,学生们进行了角色扮演。韦氏高阶〔scrape〕To practice petty economies; scrimp.节省;勉强过日子美国传统〔segregate〕To practice a policy of racial segregation.实行种族隔离政策美国传统〔speed-read〕To practice or engage in speed-reading.练习速读,进行速读美国传统〔swindle〕To practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or property.诈取钱财:进行欺骗以作为一种获取钱或财产的方式美国传统〔teach〕The violinist had been schooled to practice slowly to assure accurate intonation.小提琴手慢慢地训练找到准确的音调。美国传统〔technique〕The players need to practice in order to improve their technique.这些运动员得多训练,以提升技能。韦氏高阶〔token〕Table tennis is easy to learn, and, by the same token, boys don't need a lot of space to practice it.乒乓球容易学,而且男孩们不需多大场地便可练球。英汉大词典〔unfrock〕To deprive of the right to practice a profession.解除职权:剥夺从事某一职业的权力美国传统〔vivisect〕To practice vivisection.活体解剖美国传统〔woodshed〕To practice on a musical instrument.练习演奏乐器美国传统She snatched at every chance to practice her oral English. 她把握一切机会练习英语口语。译典通They attempted to practice deception on the public. 他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。译典通What I preach, I am resolved to practice. 我所讲的道理,我必定身体力行。译典通

