“to cover”例句

单词 to cover
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ORGANIZE〕If we structure the meeting effectively, I think we should be able to cover everything. 如果我们把会议好好安排,我想所有的问题应该都能讨论到。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕The summer term was very short and the teacher didn't manage to cover the whole syllabus. 夏季学期很短,老师未能完成整个课程大纲。朗文写作活用〔calculated〕Irene's cleaning the floor had been a calculated attempt to cover up her crime.艾琳清洗地板是有意掩盖她的罪行。外研社新世纪〔canopy〕To cover with or as if with a canopy.用华盖遮蔽或仿佛用华盖来遮蔽美国传统〔cement〕To cover or coat with cement.铺或涂上水泥美国传统〔cope〕To cover or dress in a cope.笼罩:穿上或覆盖斗篷式长袍美国传统〔cover up〕They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up.他们知道自己犯了十分严重的错误,于是撒谎隐瞒。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕I used to read every issue from cover to cover.以前我每一期都会从头读到尾。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕Insurance companies try to persuade them to cover themselves against fire.保险公司试图劝说他们保火险。21世纪英汉〔cover〕It was a real scandal, but the school tried to cover the whole thing up.这是真正的丑闻,学校却试图把整件事掩盖起来。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry.《牛津化学初级读本》丛书旨在论述有机化学中的重要问题。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕When dad saw my short skirt he told me to cover myself up.爸爸看见我穿短裙子时,要我穿暖和一些。麦克米伦高阶〔ensheathe〕To cover or enclose with or as with a sheathe.把…插入鞘套内:以鞘套盖住或封起来美国传统〔feather〕To cover, dress, or decorate with or as if with feathers.羽饰:用或像是用羽毛覆盖、穿戴或装饰美国传统〔fee〕You'll need money to cover fees and expenses.你需要钱支付费用和支出。牛津搭配〔fledge〕To cover with or as if with feathers.用羽毛覆盖:用或象用羽毛覆盖美国传统〔frost〕To cover (glass, for example) with a roughened or speckled decorative surface.使…覆上:覆盖(例如玻璃)表面,使其粗糙或有小斑点美国传统〔glove〕To cover with or as if with a glove.用或好象用手套保护的美国传统〔havelock〕A cloth covering for a cap, having a flap to cover and protect the back of the neck.遮颈布:军帽的一块有垂布遮盖和保护脖子后部的遮布美国传统〔ice〕To cover or decorate (a cake, for example) with a sugar coating.涂糖霜:给(如蛋糕)盖上或装饰上一层糖霜美国传统〔income〕To cover its costs, the company will need an annual income of £5 million.公司年收入需要达到500万英镑才能收支平衡。柯林斯高阶〔insecurity〕His behaviour is an attempt to cover up his insecurities.他的行为是想掩饰自己的不自信。外研社新世纪〔insure〕To cover with insurance.为…保险美国传统〔liability〕There is enough money to cover existing liabilities.有足够的钱偿还现有欠债。牛津搭配〔list〕To cover, line, or edge with list.加边:用条覆盖、加线或加边美国传统〔live〕His tuition is paid, but he'll work to cover his living expenses.他的学费已经付了,但是他还要打工负担自己的生活费。朗文当代〔miscellaneous〕They receive a grant of £1094 to cover the cost of miscellaneous expenses.他们收到 1094 英镑津贴用于支付各种杂费。朗文当代〔mud〕To cover or spatter with or as if with mud.抹泥:(象)抹上泥或(象)使全是泥点美国传统〔paint〕To cover something with paint.涂漆:用颜料涂抹某物美国传统〔pall〕To cover with or as if with a pall.覆上棺布,以布幕遮盖:用或似乎用墓布盖美国传统〔parget〕To cover or adorn with parget.用灰泥涂抹或粉饰美国传统〔quarter〕To cover an area of ground by ranging over it from side to side.到处来回走动:通过从一边到另一边来回走动而经过(地面一区域)美国传统〔rag〕There is not a rag to cover him.他赤身露体。英汉大词典〔shoot〕To cover (country) in hunting for game.在(乡间)打猎美国传统〔silver〕To cover, plate, or adorn with silver or a similar lustrous substance.饰银于…:给…涂、镀或装饰上银或其它类似的有光泽的物质美国传统〔spot〕He tries to cover up the bald spot on his head.他尽量将脑袋上头发脱光的地方遮盖起来。韦氏高阶〔sweep〕The book attempts to cover the whole sweep of American history.这本书想要涵盖美国全部历史。韦氏高阶〔syllabus〕It was impossible to cover the syllabus in a year.不可能在一年内教完这一课程大纲的全部内容。牛津搭配〔thrum〕To cover or trim with thrums; fringe.加穗于:用了机回纱覆盖或点缀;装上穗饰美国传统〔top-dress〕To cover (farmland) with fertilizer.用肥料覆盖(农用地)美国传统〔wash〕To cover or coat with a watery layer of paint or other coloring substance.涂颜料于:用清漆或其它颜料覆盖或包住美国传统Even if his arrogance is only a defence mechanism to cover up his insecurity, I still can't stand him.即使他的傲慢只是用以掩饰不安的一种防卫心理,我还是无法忍受他。剑桥国际For many of these parents, two salaries are essential to cover the cost of (=pay for) school fees.对许多家长来说,要支付上学费用两份工资必不可少。剑桥国际It was so interesting I read it from cover to cover in a single afternoon.这本书很有趣,我用一个下午就把它从头到尾看了一遍。剑桥国际Make sure you take out adequate insurance to cover your possessions.务必购买足够的保险以保障财产安全。牛津商务She put on some make-up to cover the dark shadows under her eyes.她用了一些化妆品来掩盖她眼睛下的黑圈。剑桥国际The company has paid 1.5 million into an escrow account to cover potential tax liabilities.这家公司已支付 150 万元到代管账户以支付可能需缴纳的税款。牛津商务The company said that it would reserve $3 million to cover legal costs.公司称要保留 300 万元以支付诉讼费用。牛津商务The university has negotiated a block insurance policy to cover students' personal possessions.大学已商妥一份针对投保学生个人财物的综合保险单。牛津商务We agreed on a form of words (=way of expressing something) to cover the most likely situations that would arise.我们就可能出现的情况所用的言辞表达形式取得了一致。剑桥国际

