
单词 trunk
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕My father was a big man, with legs like tree trunks. 我爸是大个子,双腿粗壮得像树干。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The trunk was full of old dresses, some of which were falling to pieces. 这个大箱子里满是旧衣服,有些都破烂了。朗文写作活用〔END〕Ben carved his name in the tree trunk, using the point of his knife. 本用刀尖在树干上刻下自己的名字。朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕Thick, sticky syrup oozes out of the tree trunk and is collected in buckets. 又厚又黏的汁液从树干上渗出,被收集在桶里。朗文写作活用〔Harpy〕Greek Mythology One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird.【希腊神话】 鸟身女怪:有着女人的头和躯干以及鸟的尾巴、翅膀和爪子的可厌的、贪婪的魔怪美国传统〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕I heard meowing, opened the trunk of the car, and out jumped a thin black cat. 我听见“喵喵”的叫声,打开车尾的行李箱,一只瘦瘦的黑猫蹿了出来。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕If you want to get out the old photo albums, you're going to have to dig in the bottom of that trunk. 你要把旧相册拿出来的话,就得翻到那只大衣箱底下去寻找。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕That was silly of me -- I just locked the trunk and the keys are inside. 我好傻—我把箱子锁了,但钥匙还在里面。朗文写作活用〔Saratoga trunk〕A large traveling trunk having a rounded top.萨拉托加箱:一种圆顶的大旅行箱美国传统〔TOP〕On top of the cupboard was an old trunk, covered in dust. 橱顶上有一只积满了灰尘的旧箱子。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The wind swirling around the tree had blown all the snow away from its trunk. 绕着树盘旋的风把树干上的雪全都吹走了。朗文写作活用〔Triton〕Greek Mythology A god of the sea, son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, portrayed as having the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish.【希腊神话】 特赖登:海里的一个神,波塞冬和安菲特里特的儿子,被描绘成具有人的头、躯干和鱼的尾美国传统〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Their junk shop was full of chairs, trunks, ornaments, and other miscellaneous objects. 他们的旧货商店里满是些椅子、大箱子、装饰品和其他各种各样的东西。朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕There were racks and racks of snazzy swimming trunks. 一排排的架子上全是漂亮的泳裤。朗文写作活用〔aorta〕The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs.主动脉:系统血管的主干道,将血液由心脏左侧输送到除肺部以外的所有肢体及器官的动脉里美国传统〔appendage〕Biology A part or an organ, such as an arm, a leg, a tail, or a fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body.【生物学】 附器,附肢:与身体的轴或躯干相连的部位或器官,如胳膊、腿、尾或鳍美国传统〔around〕It measures five metres around the trunk.树干周长为5米。外研社新世纪〔axial skeleton〕The bones constituting the head and trunk of a vertebrate body.脊椎骨:构成脊椎动物的头和躯干的骨骼美国传统〔back〕The posterior portion of the trunk of the human body between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.背部:人体躯干的后部,在脖子和骨盆之间;背部美国传统〔baggage〕The trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage.行李:某人旅行时携带物品的大皮箱、手提包、小包裹和衣箱等;行李美国传统〔bag〕I opened the trunk of the car to retrieve my bags.我打开汽车后备箱取我的包。牛津搭配〔bleed〕The tree was bleeding from several points in the main trunk.这棵树主干上有好几处在流液汁。外研社新世纪〔body〕The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal.躯干:人或动物的躯干或主体美国传统〔bole〕The trunk of a tree.树干:树的主干美国传统〔boot〕Chiefly British An automobile trunk.【多用于英国】 行李箱:一种汽车尾部的贮物箱美国传统〔bore〕Along the trunk of the tree are holes where insects have bored into the tree.顺着树干有一些虫子蛀的洞。韦氏高阶〔branch〕A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk or main stem of a tree or shrub or from another secondary limb.分枝:从树或灌木的主干或另一次级树枝上生长出来的次级树枝美国传统〔burl〕A large, rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree.树瘤:树干或枝上生出的大的圆形突出物美国传统〔buttress〕The flared base of certain tree trunks.某种树干的加固基美国传统〔calisthenics〕Sit-ups, trunk twists, and other calisthenics are demonstrated on the videotape.录像带上演示了坐下、起立、屈蹲以及其它健美操练法美国传统〔canker〕A localized diseased or necrotic area on a plant part, especially on a trunk, branch, or twig of a woody plant, usually caused by fungi or bacteria.植物溃疡:植物一个部分,尤指一株木本植物的主干、枝干或小枝上局部的患病或坏死区域,通常由真菌或细菌造成美国传统〔carnivorous〕They discovered a partially digested mouse in the trunk of one of their carnivorous plants.他们在一棵食肉植物的主干里, 发现了一只已部分消化的老鼠。外研社新世纪〔carve〕This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.这根图腾柱是由一整根树干雕刻而成的。剑桥高阶〔case〕They unload their trunks and cases.他们取出了大小箱子里的东西。外研社新世纪〔caudex〕The trunk of a palm or tree fern.棕榈树或树蕨的树干美国传统〔cauliflory〕The production of flowers and fruits on the older branches or trunks of woody plants, such as the redbud, and many mostly tropical plants, including cacao.茎生花果:木本植物,如紫荆以及包括可可在内的许多热带植物,其老枝或树干上生出的花朵或果实美国传统〔centaur〕One of a race of monsters having the head, arms, and trunk of a man and the body and legs of a horse.半人半马怪物:具有人的头、上肢、躯干和马的躯体和下肢的一种怪物美国传统〔character〕The trunk is a character found in elephants.长鼻子是象身上的特征。英汉大词典〔check〕The hotel checked our trunks.旅馆收下了我们寄存的箱子。21世纪英汉〔check〕We checked two trunks (through) to Chicago.我们把两只箱子(直接)托运到芝加哥。英汉大词典〔claw〕The bear had clawed the tree trunk to shreds.熊把树干撕成了碎片。麦克米伦高阶〔collapse〕You can collapse the stroller easily and store it in the trunk of your car.你可以将婴儿车轻松折叠起来,放在汽车的后备厢里。韦氏高阶〔cord〕Jeremy corded up my trunk.杰里米帮我绑好了行李箱。外研社新世纪〔cram-full〕His trunk was cram-full of clothes.他的皮箱塞满了衣服。文馨英汉〔crowd〕He crowded everything into the trunk.他把每样东西都塞进皮箱。英汉大词典〔curl〕A snake curled around the trunk of tree.一条蛇盘绕在树干上。英汉大词典〔cut〕The chair had been cut from the trunk of a tree.这把椅子是用一根树干凿成的。朗文当代〔deadhead〕A partially submerged log or trunk.沉木:部分浸没的木头或树干美国传统〔decay〕Her grandmother's shawl had moldered away in the trunk.她奶奶的围巾已经在箱子里腐烂了。美国传统〔distinguish〕A trunk distinguishes the elephant.长鼻是象的特征。21世纪英汉〔down〕He put [laid] his trunk down on the floor.他把他的大皮箱放在地板上。文馨英汉〔dredge up〕The police dredged up the trunk of a dead woman from the river.警察从河水里打捞出一具女尸的躯体。21世纪英汉〔dredge up〕They dredged up some old toys from the bottom of the trunk.他们从树干底部挖出一些旧玩具。21世纪英汉〔epineurium〕The thick sheath of connective tissue surrounding a nerve trunk.神经外膜:环绕神经干的连结组织的外鞘美国传统〔erect〕Keep your trunk erect throughout the exercise.在整个练习过程中都要挺直身躯。牛津搭配〔excurrent〕Having a single, undivided trunk with lateral branches, as in spruce trees.(茎)贯顶的,(树性)塔状的:主轴延伸成不分枝的茎或杆的,如云杉美国传统〔familiarly〕The elephant's nose or, more familiarly, trunk, is the most versatile organ in the animal kingdom.象的鼻子,俗称为 trunk,是动物界中功能最多的器官。牛津高阶〔fit〕All these groceries won't fit in the trunk of my car. = These groceries won't all fit in the trunk of my car.我汽车的后备厢装不下所有这些杂货。韦氏高阶〔fit〕I can't fit all these groceries into the trunk of my car.我不可能把这些杂货都装进我汽车的后备厢。韦氏高阶〔flaunt〕Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.弗拉维奥穿了一条白色的游泳裤,炫耀自己晒成棕褐色的肌肤。剑桥高阶〔flitch〕A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree.料板,板皮:从树干上纵切下的一块木材美国传统〔foot rot〕A disease of plants in which the stem or trunk rots at its base.根腐病:一种植物病害,茎或干的底部腐烂美国传统〔footlocker〕A trunk for storing personal belongings, especially one kept at the foot of a bed, as in a barracks.扁平箱:用来存放个人物品的箱子,尤其在床下保存的东西,如在军营中美国传统〔force〕They had to force the lock on the trunk.他们不得不撬开行李箱上的锁。外研社新世纪〔fractal〕The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干逐渐分成小树枝、嫩枝的方式类似一个不规则碎片形。剑桥高阶〔funiculus〕A bundle of nerve fibers in a nerve trunk.精索:神经干上的一束神经纤维美国传统〔fusty〕The trunk was full of fusty clothing.箱子里装满了散发着霉味的衣物。韦氏高阶〔girdle〕A band made around the trunk of a tree by the removal of a strip of bark.轮迹:剥去树皮后在树干上形成的带美国传统〔grow away from〕The biggest branch has grown away from the trunk in a strange twisted shape.一枝最大的树枝弯弯曲曲地长得远离树干。21世纪英汉〔grow together〕The two trees have grown together to form a double trunk.这两棵树已长合在一起形成了一棵连理树。21世纪英汉〔handy〕Take your swimming trunks with you – they might come in handy (=be useful) .带上你的游泳裤,可能会派上用场的。朗文当代〔heave〕I managed to heave the trunk down the stairs.我用力把箱子弄下楼梯。牛津高阶〔hollow〕The tree trunk was completely hollow.这棵树的树干完全空了。麦克米伦高阶〔hollow〕The tree trunk was hollow inside.这树干里面是空的。牛津高阶〔hollow〕This tree trunk sounds hollow.这棵树的树干敲起来声音发空。剑桥高阶〔hum〕He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk.他一边哼着歌, 一边打开箱子。外研社新世纪〔hum〕He hummed to himself as he opened the trunk.他独自哼着曲子打开了车子的后备箱。柯林斯高阶〔lastly〕Lastly he jabbed the knife hard into the trunk of the tree.最后他把刀用力捅进树干。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The lid of the trunk will not lift.这箱子的盖揭不开。21世纪英汉〔line with〕She lined the trunk with strong cloth.她用很结实的布给衣箱做衬里。21世纪英汉〔line〕Blue cloth lined the trunk.这箱子用蓝布做衬里。21世纪英汉〔line〕Strong cloth lined the trunk.这箱子用很结实的布做衬里。文馨英汉〔line〕Strong cloth lined the trunk.这箱子用很结实的布做衬里。英汉大词典〔locker〕A flat trunk for storage.用于储藏的扁平箱子美国传统〔lock〕This trunk won't [doesn't] lock.这皮箱锁不起来。文馨英汉〔log〕A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.木材:倒下的或锯倒的树干或树枝的一段,通常很长美国传统〔lug〕He lugged the trunk into [out of] the room.他把那个大皮箱用力拖入[出]房间。文馨英汉〔lug〕I've lugged this trunk all over Asia.我拖着这只皮箱走遍了整个亚洲。英汉大词典〔lupus erythematosus〕A chronic disease of unknown origin characterized by the appearance of red, scaly lesions or patches on the face and upper portion of the trunk.红斑狼疮:一种起因不明的慢性病,症状是在脸上和人体上部出现呈红色鳞状的损伤或斑点美国传统〔mescal〕A food prepared by cooking the fleshy leaf base and trunk of certain agaves.麦斯卡尔食品:一种用某些龙舌兰的多肉质叶的基部和树干烹调而成的食品美国传统〔micrometeorology〕The study of weather conditions in a very small area, such as the area immediately around the trunk of a tree, that can affect meteorological conditions.微气象学:研究一个非常小的区域内的可以影响气象的天气情况,例如一棵树树干周围的区域美国传统〔monopodium〕A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches.单轴:植物的主轴,如云杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长出旁枝美国传统〔neck〕The part of the body joining the head to the shoulders or trunk.颈:连接头部和肩膀或躯干的身体部位美国传统〔niche〕Two birds huddled in a niche between the trunk and branch of a tree.两只小鸟挤在树干和树枝之间的凹处。外研社新世纪〔nutrient〕The roots transmit moisture and nutrients to the trunk and branches.根将水分和养料输送到干和枝。英汉大词典〔obstacle〕The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.我们路上最大的障碍是横在路上的一棵树。剑桥高阶〔pokable〕Mother went into the attic where she poked about among old boxes and trunks.母亲走上顶楼,在旧箱子里东翻西找。21世纪英汉〔pollard〕A tree whose top branches have been cut back to the trunk so that it may produce a dense growth of new shoots.截头树:顶部枝桠被截到树干处的树,这样做是为了能让它长出茂密的新枝美国传统〔pop〕The taxi driver said that he stopped immediately and popped the trunk.出租汽车司机说他立刻停了车并把后备箱打开。剑桥高阶〔possession〕I packed my remaining possessions into the trunk.我把剩下的财物装进箱子里。朗文当代〔prehensile〕The elephant has a prehensile trunk.大象有能卷起东西的鼻子。韦氏高阶〔proboscidian〕A mammal of the order Proboscidea, such as the elephant or its extinct relatives, having a long trunk, large tusks, and a massive body.长鼻目:一种长鼻目哺乳动物,如象或已灭绝的与其有亲源关系的种,有长象鼻、大牙和庞大的身躯美国传统〔proboscis〕A long, flexible snout or trunk, as of an elephant.长鼻,吻:如大象的柔软而长的吻或鼻美国传统〔proboscis〕An elephant's trunk is a proboscis.象鼻很长。剑桥高阶〔protrusile〕An elephant's trunk is protrusile.象鼻是能伸展的。英汉大词典〔pry〕The car trunk had been pried open and all her equipment was gone.汽车的行李箱被撬开了,她所有的装备都不见了。剑桥高阶〔quantity〕I was astonished by the sheer quantity of stuff in the trunk.看到大箱子里的东西那么多,我感到十分惊讶。麦克米伦高阶〔record〕The intensity of the explosion is recorded on the charred tree trunks.爆炸的强烈程度可从这些烧焦的树干看出。英汉大词典〔ring〕To remove a circular strip of bark around the circumference of (a tree trunk or branch); girdle.环剥:绕着(树干或树枝)的圆周移走一圈树皮;剥去(树木的)一圈皮美国传统〔rive〕The bark of the trunk was riven off.树干上的皮给扯下了。英汉大词典〔rive〕The bark was riven off from the trunk.树皮从树干上被扯了下来。21世纪英汉〔rope〕I closed and roped the trunk.我把箱子盖上,用绳子捆结实。牛津高阶〔sachet〕A small packet of perfumed powder used to scent clothes, as in trunks or closets.香囊:(如放在箱子或壁橱里的)用于熏香衣物的一小包香粉美国传统〔sago〕A powdery starch obtained from the trunks of certain sago palms and used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.西谷米:从某些西谷椰子树干提取的一种粉状淀粉类食物,在亚洲用作食品增稠剂和纺织品加固剂美国传统〔save〕Your taking the trunk to the attic has saved me an extra trip.你把那个大箱子拎到阁楼上去,省得我再多走一趟美国传统〔scald〕A superficial discoloration on fruit, vegetables, leaves, or tree trunks caused by sudden exposure to intense sunlight or the action of gases.表皮变色:由于突然曝露于强光下或毒气中造成的植物果实、蔬菜、叶子或树干的表皮变色美国传统〔sea chest〕A box or trunk suitable for use by a sailor to store personal property.水手衣物箱:适合由水手用于储存私人财产的盒子或箱子美国传统〔shoulder〕The joint of a vertebrate animal that connects the forelimb to the trunk.肩胛:脊椎动物连接前腿与躯干的关节美国传统〔shoulder〕The part of a bird's wing between the wrist and the trunk.鸟的翅膀前半段:鸟类翅膀中位于腕部与躯干之间的部位美国传统〔sotol〕An alcoholic beverage produced from the trunks of these plants.龙舌兰酒:由这些植物的树干制得的带酒精的饮料美国传统〔spare〕Give me the trunk key and I'll get the spare.把行李箱的钥匙给我, 我去拿备用轮胎。外研社新世纪〔spare〕Give me the trunk key and I'll get the spare.把行李箱的钥匙给我,我去拿一下备胎。柯林斯高阶〔split〕Often splits Sports An acrobatic feat in which the legs are stretched out straight in opposite directions at right angles to the trunk. 常作 splits 【体育运动】 劈叉:一种杂技动作,腿向相反的方向伸开,各自与身体直角美国传统〔split〕The storm split a branch off from the main trunk.暴风雨把一根树枝从树干上刮了下来。牛津高阶〔spout〕The elephant spouted water from its trunk.象把水从鼻子里喷出来。英汉大词典〔squirt〕The elephant squirted me with his trunk.大象用鼻子朝我喷水。英汉大词典〔steamer trunk〕A small trunk originally designed to fit under the bunk of a steamship cabin.轮船衣箱:最初设计适合放在船舱床位下的小箱子美国传统〔stem〕The main ascending axis of a plant; a stalk or trunk.茎,干:植物向上的主茎轴;茎或干美国传统〔stock〕The trunk or main stem of a tree or another plant.树干:树或其它植物的主干或主要部分美国传统〔strain〕She strained at the big trunk in order to pull it out.她使劲拖那只大箱子,要把它拉出来。英汉大词典〔struggle〕Moving the big trunk into the car was a struggle.把这只大箱子装进汽车是件费劲的事。英汉大词典〔stump〕The part of a tree trunk left protruding from the ground after the tree has fallen or has been felled.树桩:树倒地之后或被砍倒之后留下来的突出于地面之上的部分美国传统〔surface〕He wiped the lock and all outer surfaces of the trunk.他擦了擦锁和箱子的表面。外研社新世纪〔switch〕They carefully designed that the two trunks exactly alike would be switched in the waiting room.他们精心设计了在候车室调换两只相同行李箱的方法。21世纪英汉〔tail〕The posterior part of an animal, especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body.尾:一个动物的后部,尤指当这部分呈细长状并伸至躯干或身体的主要部分以外时美国传统〔tasse〕One of a series of jointed overlapping metal splints hanging from a corselet, used as armor for the lower trunk and thighs.脚甲:一片从紧身胸衣上垂下来的相连并复叠的金属片,用来作下身和大腿的扩摆美国传统〔thickness〕Look at the thickness of that tree trunk.看一下那个树干的厚度。剑桥高阶〔torso〕The human body excluding the head and limbs; trunk.(人体的)躯干:不包括头部和四肢的人的身体;躯体美国传统〔to〕I can't get the lid of my trunk quite to.我的皮箱盖不严实。 英汉大词典〔tree〕A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown.树:一种多年生木质植物,生有一个主干且常有一个很明显的树冠美国传统〔trunks〕I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.我穿这条泳裤是因为它在水中有一种流线效果。外研社新世纪〔trunk〕A trunk line.干线美国传统〔trunk〕Give me trunks, please.请给我挂长途电话。英汉大词典〔trunk〕He keeps a jack and spare tire in the trunk.他在后备厢里放了一台千斤顶和一个备用轮胎。韦氏高阶〔trunk〕He left his bicycle leaning against a tree trunk .他把他的自行车斜靠在树干上。朗文当代〔trunk〕He slammed the trunk shut.他砰地关上了行李箱。牛津搭配〔trunk〕I always keep a blanket and a toolkit in the trunk for emergencies.我总是在汽车后备箱里放一条毯子和一个工具箱以备急用。剑桥高阶〔trunk〕I need a new pair of trunks.我需要一条新的游泳裤。牛津搭配〔trunk〕I wear these trunks because they have a streamline effect in the water.我穿这条游泳裤因为它在水中有流线效果。柯林斯高阶〔trunk〕Put your baggage in the trunk.把你的行李放在汽车后部行李箱内。英汉大词典〔trunk〕Put your suitcase in the trunk.把你的手提箱放在行李箱里。朗文当代〔trunk〕She popped the trunk and we tossed the stuff inside.她打开行李箱,我们就把东西扔了进去。牛津搭配〔trunk〕Stolen goods were found in the trunk of her car.在她的车后箱里找到了偷盗的物品。剑桥高阶〔trunk〕The elephant sucked up water into its trunk.象把水吸入长鼻。英汉大词典〔trunk〕The police have found the trunk of a dead woman.警察发现了一具女尸的躯体。英汉大词典〔trunk〕The statue shows the head, trunk, and arms of an old man.这座雕塑展示了一位老人的头部、躯干和手臂。剑桥高阶〔trunk〕The tree has a straight trunk.那棵树有挺直的树干。文馨英汉〔trunk〕Toadstools were growing on fallen tree trunks.毒蘑菇长在倒下的树干上。外研社新世纪〔twine〕Some ferns twine their way up tree trunks.有些蕨类植物攀附着树干向上长。英汉大词典〔twine〕The vine twines around the trunk.藤缠绕着树干。21世纪英汉〔up〕Could you help me carry this old trunk up to the attic? 请你帮我把这个旧皮箱搬到顶楼上去好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔van〕In the guard's van lay my tin trunk.我的铁皮箱放在了卫兵的行李车厢中。柯林斯高阶〔viga〕A rafter or roofbeam, especially a trimmed and peeled tree trunk whose end projects from an outside adobe wall.橼,木角:尤指用修剪过并剥去树皮的树干制作的橼或梁,树干的一端从土砖墙外面伸出美国传统〔waist〕The part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis.腰:身体躯干胸腔底部和骨盆间的部分美国传统〔whack〕He took his ax and struck the trunk of the tree. Whack. Whack. Whack.他举起斧子砍树干, 咔, 咔, 咔。外研社新世纪〔whack〕He took his ax and struck the trunk of the tree. Whack. Whack. Whack.他举起斧子砍树干,咔,咔,咔。柯林斯高阶〔whack〕He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.他用手杖猛击树干。剑桥高阶〔windshake〕A crack or separation between growth rings in timber, attributed to the straining of tree trunks in high winds.风裂:强风引起树干绷紧而造成的成木生长轮的缝隙或裂开美国传统〔wind〕Frances took the tiny music box from her trunk and wound it up.弗朗西丝从她的大箱子里取出小八音盒,给它上了发条。柯林斯高阶An elephant's trunk is a proboscis.象鼻很长。剑桥国际Bark protects the trunks and branches of trees from extremes of temperature.树皮保护树干和树枝免受极端温度的伤害。剑桥国际Elephants can use their trunks for grasping or lifting things.大象可用它们的鼻子卷起或提起物体。剑桥国际He engraved the tree trunk with his name. 他把自己的名字刻在树干上。译典通He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk. 他把一根树干凿成独木舟。译典通He packed his clothes into a trunk. 他把衣服装进箱内。译典通He walked into the restaurant wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks.他走进了餐馆, 只穿着一条游泳裤。剑桥国际He whacked the tree trunk with his stick.他用手杖猛击树干。剑桥国际Her trunk reposed on the carpet. 她的旅行箱放在地毯上。译典通His dog strangled itself when it ran off and got its lead tangled around a tree trunk.他的狗跑出去后将牵狗绳缠在了树干上给绞死了。剑桥国际Let me put your baggage in the trunk. 我来把你的行李放在汽车后部的行李箱内。译典通One of the offshoots of the trunk fell from high under the weight of the snow. 树干上的一个分枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来。译典通Plans to upgrade the trunk road into a motorway have met considerable opposition.将干道升级为高速公路的计划已遭到了许多人的反对。剑桥国际She stowed her clothes in a trunk. 她把衣服装在箱子里。译典通She stowed her winter clothes away in the trunk. 她把冬衣藏入箱内。译典通She was arrested when her husband's body was discovered in the trunk of her car.当她丈夫的尸体在她的汽车行李箱里被发现时, 她被捕了。剑桥国际Some plants curl (=wind) round tree trunks.有些植物是缠绕在树干上生长的。剑桥国际Sometimes a colony of ants will completely hollow out a tree trunk leaving just the bark.一群蚂蚁有时会彻底挖空树干,只剩下树皮。剑桥国际Strong cloth lined the trunk. 这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。译典通The trunk of this tree is four meters thick. 这棵树的树干有四米粗。译典通The athlete has a powerful trunk. 那个运动员身躯强壮有力。译典通The car trunk had been pried open and all her equipment was gone.那辆小车的行李箱被撬开了,她所有的设备都没了。剑桥国际The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff. 储藏室里放著衣箱及其它家用物品。译典通The tree trunks were covered with lichen.树干上长满了地衣。剑桥国际The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干分为越来越小的树枝和细枝的方式就是一种大致的不规则碎片形模式。剑桥国际The worst obstacles that we had to negotiate were tree trunks that had fallen across the road.我们必须对付但又最难对付的障碍是横卧在路上的树干。剑桥国际These exercises are designed to develop the muscles in your trunk.这些练习用来锻炼躯干的肌肉。剑桥国际They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.他们匆匆地用马车、树干等一切找得到的东西搭起路障,加固村子的防御。剑桥国际This totem pole is carved from/out of a single tree trunk.这个图腾柱是由一棵树干雕刻而成。剑桥国际We could see a squirrel's bushy tail sticking out from behind the tree's trunk.我们能看见松鼠那毛茸茸的尾巴从树干后伸出来。剑桥国际We packed all our equipment into a couple of tin trunks and started out for Calcutta by train.我们将所有的装备都装入了几个铁皮箱子里, 然后就乘火车向加尔各答出发了。剑桥国际

