
单词 希望得到
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕Companies normally expect to borrow at cheaper rates than ordinary people have to pay. 公司一般希望得到比普通利率低的贷款。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕I expect a civil answer when I ask you a question. 我向你提问,希望得到一个礼貌的回答。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕He had no job and no prospect of getting one. 他没有工作,而且也没有希望得到一份工作。朗文写作活用〔affirmative〕She asked the question expecting an affirmative.她问这个问题是希望得到肯定的答复。剑桥高阶〔answer〕These are important questions, and we want answers to them.这些问题很重要,我们希望得到答案。朗文当代〔any〕He has no money and no prospect of any.他没有钱,也没有希望得到任何钱。英汉大词典〔apology〕We expect a full written apology.我们希望得到一份完整的书面道歉。牛津搭配〔approval〕Alan is someone who always needs the approval of other people.艾伦这个人做什么事都希望得到别人的赞许。剑桥高阶〔backbench〕The prime minister expects strong support from the Labour backbenches.首相希望得到工党后座议员的强有力支持。剑桥高阶〔civility〕I expect to be treated with a little more civility.我希望得到多一点的善待。麦克米伦高阶〔convince〕You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。牛津高阶〔crave〕The thirsty man craved water.这个口渴的人迫切希望得到水喝。21世纪英汉〔duty〕He was motivated by duty alone, and not by any hope of reward.他只是受责任心的驱使,并不希望得到任何报酬。英汉大词典〔fancy〕He's hoping to get the job but I don't fancy his chances.他希望得到那份工作,不过我认为他的机会不大。牛津高阶〔favourite〕She's the favourite for the job.她最有希望得到这份工作。牛津高阶〔finger〕To hope for a successful or advantageous outcome.希望成功:希望得到成功或有利的结果美国传统〔firm〕We want a firm commitment that resources will be provided.我们希望得到为我们提供资源的明确承诺。麦克米伦高阶〔fish〕She may be fishing for a compliment and welcome your reassurance.她也许是在拐弯抹角地想获得称赞,希望得到你的肯定。柯林斯高阶〔from〕She wanted an apology from the president.她希望得到总裁的道歉。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕What do you hope to gain by this action? 你这样做希望得到什么?牛津搭配〔gentle〕She dropped a gentle hint about what she wanted for Christmas.她委婉地暗示了希望得到什么圣诞礼物。外研社新世纪〔hope〕Is there any hope of getting financial support for the project? 这个项目有没有希望得到资金上的支持?剑桥高阶〔hundred〕We received hundreds of applications for the job.我们收到了许多希望得到这份工作的申请。麦克米伦高阶〔incredible〕It's incredible how much Francesca wants her father's approval.你想象不到弗朗西丝卡多么希望得到父亲的同意。柯林斯高阶〔incredible〕It's incredible how much Francesca wants her father's approval.你想象不到弗朗西斯卡有多么希望得到她父亲的认可。外研社新世纪〔just as〕Just as we hope to be forgiven, so we should forgive others.正如我们希望得到宽恕一样,我们也应该宽恕他人。韦氏高阶〔land〕The coach hoped to land two first-class players.教练希望得到两名第一流的球员。英汉大词典〔line〕He must be first in line for the editor's job.他肯定是最有希望得到那份编辑工作的人选。朗文当代〔look to〕He looked to his brother for help.他希望得到他兄弟的帮助。21世纪英汉〔look〕He was looking for work as a builder.他希望得到一份建筑工人的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕He made it understood/known that he expected us to help.他让我们明白/知道他希望得到我们的帮助。韦氏高阶〔mark〕Something that one wishes to achieve; a goal.目标:一个人希望得到的东西;目标美国传统〔on spec〕He wrote to the company on spec, hoping for a job.他给公司写信是想碰碰运气,希望得到一份工作。韦氏高阶〔outdoors〕He wants a job that will let him work outdoors.他希望得到一份户外工作。朗文当代〔preferment〕He has hopes for preferment.他有希望得到晋升。韦氏高阶〔proceed〕We would like your input before we proceed to the final stage of planning.在继续进行最后一个阶段的计划之前,我们希望得到您的投入。麦克米伦高阶〔prospect〕We'll be interviewing four more prospects for the jobs this afternoon.今天下午我们要再面试4个有希望得到这些职位的应聘者。剑桥高阶〔recognition〕The school hopes for recognition by the Department of Education.该校希望得到教育部的认可。英汉大词典〔reprobate〕Theology Rejected by God and without hope of salvation.【神学】 邪恶的:为上帝摈弃的、没希望得到拯救的美国传统〔result〕This was not the result we had hoped to achieve.这并不是我们希望得到的结果。牛津搭配〔richness〕Some people want fame or riches — I just wanted a baby.有人希望得到名望,有人希望获得财富——我只想要个孩子。柯林斯高阶〔sex object〕She wanted to be regarded as more than just a sex object.她希望得到认真对待,而不是仅仅作为性交对象。剑桥高阶〔strike〕The strikers want higher wages, which state governments say they can't afford.罢工者希望得到更高的工资,而州政府称其无力支付。柯林斯高阶〔ticket〕She hoped that getting this job would finally be her ticket to success.她希望得到这份工作终将会使她踏上成功之途。牛津高阶〔wander〕We wandered through the stores, hoping to get ideas for his birthday present.我们在那几家商店兜了一圈,希望得到些启发,看给他送什么生日礼物为好。英汉大词典〔wild card〕Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the championships.菲利普斯希望得到外卡参加锦标赛。剑桥高阶〔wish〕She closed her eyes, wished for a pony, and blew out the candles on her birthday cake.她闭上双眼许了个愿,希望得到一匹小马,然后吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。韦氏高阶Alan is someone who always needs the approval of other people/other people's approval.艾伦这个人凡事总是希望得到别人的首肯。剑桥国际Brian's been courting his boss in the hope of getting a promotion.布赖恩向上司大献殷勤,希望得到提升。剑桥国际Charities prefer regular donations (= money given) from the public.慈善会希望得到公众的定期捐赠。剑桥国际Even after all these years, I still hanker for a motorbike.尽管过了这么些年,我仍然希望得到一辆摩托车。剑桥国际He had actively sought a pardon (= official forgiveness) from the president.他积极想办法希望得到总统的赦免。剑桥国际He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages.他希望得到一份能使他的外语有用武之地的工作。剑桥国际Her speech missed the mark and failed to generate the public support she had been hoping for.她的演讲没成功,没有得到她希望得到的大众支持。剑桥国际I have great hopes/no hope of getting financial support for the project.我有很大希望/没有希望得到这项计划的经济资助。剑桥国际Many ambitious executives faced a long wait before they could hope for a shot at one of the top jobs in the company.许多雄心勃勃的经理在有希望得到公司最高职位的尝试之前,面临着漫长的等待。剑桥国际The country is hoping for diplomatic recognition from the international community.该国希望得到国际社会的外交承认。剑桥国际The troubled company is hoping for a financial lifeboat from the banks.陷入困境的公司希望得到银行的财政援助。牛津商务The union is holding out for a higher pay offer.工会在拖延达成协定,从而希望得到提薪的承诺。牛津商务We both wanted the promotion but I was pipped at the post (= beaten) by the other candidate.我们都希望得到提拔,但最终我被另外一个候选人击败了。剑桥国际We have everything we can wish for. 我们希望得到的东西都有了。译典通We want tangible results.我们希望得到实实在在的结果。牛津商务We'll be interviewing four more prospects for the secretarial job this afternoon.今天下午我们要对有希望得到这份秘书工作的四个候选人进行面试。剑桥国际

