
单词 很薄
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARRY〕The new mobile phones are slim enough to carry in your pocket. 那新款的移动电话很薄,可以放在口袋里随身携带。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕A very thin sheet of paper is then inserted between the metal plates. 然后在两只金属板之间插入一张很薄的纸片。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕The walls are so thin we can hear the man next door clumping about all day. 墙很薄,我们都能听见隔壁那个男人整天在走来走去,脚步很重。朗文写作活用〔attack〕The team has a strong attack, but its defence is weak.这支球队攻击力强大,但防守很薄弱。剑桥高阶〔baklava〕A dessert made of paper-thin layers of pastry, chopped nuts, and honey.果仁蜜酥饼:由很薄的一层糕点、切碎的坚果和蜂蜜做成的甜点心美国传统〔black ice〕A thin, nearly invisible coating of ice, as on the surface of a road or a sidewalk, that is usually caused by freezing mist and is extremely hazardous.黑冰:一层很薄的,几乎看不见的冰层,如在道路或人行道上,通常由霜雾造成,极危险美国传统〔borderline〕The borderline between love and hate is often thin.爱与恨的分隔总是很薄弱的美国传统〔brush〕Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。柯林斯高阶〔chipped beef〕Dried beef smoked and sliced very thin.牛肉脯:一种烘干并熏制过的切得很薄的牛肉美国传统〔entertaining〕The book is short but entertaining.这本书很薄,但很有趣。麦克米伦高阶〔flap〕A flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side.薄片:仅在一面扁平而且通常是很薄的片状物美国传统〔gild〕To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold.镀金;贴上金箔:用或好象用一层很薄的黄金覆盖美国传统〔ice〕Motorists have been warned about black ice on the roads.已经提醒机动车司机当心路面有很薄的冰层。牛津搭配〔paillard〕A slice of veal, chicken, or beef that is pounded until very thin and quickly grilled, broiled, or sautéed with high heat.薄牛肉:一小条牛肉、鸡肉、或牛排被切碎直到很薄,然后迅速烤、焙或用高热嫩煎美国传统〔paper-thin〕The walls were paper-thin and I could hear everything! 墙很薄,我什么都听得一清二楚!剑桥高阶〔partition〕The partitions between the toilets were very thin.厕所间的隔板很薄剑桥高阶〔plate〕A very thin applied or deposited coat of metal.薄板:很薄的应用的或沉淀的一层金属美国传统〔roll out〕She rolled the dough out very thin.她把面擀得很薄21世纪英汉〔roll〕Roll the dough very thinly.把面团擀得很薄麦克米伦高阶〔short〕It was a short book and she read it in one night.那本书很薄,她一个晚上就看完了。麦克米伦高阶〔tain〕A type of paper-thin tin plate.薄锡板:一种很薄的锡纸板美国传统〔thinly〕Her gown was thin, and she shivered, partly from cold.她的礼服很薄,浑身在发抖,一半是冻的。柯林斯高阶〔thin〕Keep your voice down – the walls are paper thin.小点儿声,这些墙很薄朗文当代〔thin〕The fog is quite thin in places.有些地方雾很薄朗文当代〔toile〕A sheer fabric, such as linen or cotton.薄亚麻织物:一种很薄的织物,如亚麻或棉美国传统〔volume〕She took a slim volume down from the shelf.她从书架上取下一本很薄的书。剑桥高阶〔wafer-thin〕The fish is shaved wafer-thin.鱼切得很薄英汉大词典〔wall〕This apartment building has thin walls, and you can hear everything your neighbors say.这个公寓楼的墙很薄,邻居说什么你都能听见。韦氏高阶〔wear〕The carpet has worn very thin in places.地毯有几处被磨得很薄麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕This old dime has worn very thin.这枚10分旧币已经给用得很薄了。 英汉大词典Slice (= Cut into thin flat pieces) the onions thinly and fry in butter.将洋葱切得很薄,并用黄油煎一下。剑桥国际The walls in this apartment are so thin you can hear just about every word the neighbours say.这公寓的墙壁很薄,隔壁邻居说的话句句都可以听得到。剑桥国际

