
单词 早发
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARK〕I first noticed the purple blotches on my neck on Thursday. 我最早发觉自己脖上有紫斑是在星期四。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered. 那家博物馆恰好坐落在最早发现黄金的地点。朗文写作活用〔atrial〕Premature beats that occur in the atria are called premature atrial contractions.出现在前房的期外搏动被称为早发性心房收缩。剑桥高阶〔catch〕Doctors assured her that her symptoms had been caught early enough to treat.医生让她放心,说她的症状已被及早发现,还来得及治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔catch〕The illness can be treated provided it's caught(= discovered)early enough.此病若及早发现是可医治的。牛津高阶〔catch〕Tumours like these can be treated quite easily if they're caught early enough.这类肿瘤只要及早发现,很容易就能治好。朗文当代〔counter-attack〕The army began its counter-attack this morning.军队今早发起了反攻。柯林斯高阶〔curable〕Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages.如果及早发现,大多数皮肤癌都是完全可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔detection〕Early detection of the cancer improves the chances of successful treatment.癌症及早发现会提高治愈的机率。剑桥高阶〔detection〕Early detection of the disease is vital.这种病早发现是至关重要的。朗文当代〔detection〕Our aim is the early detection and treatment of all cancers.我们的目标是对所有癌症早发现早治疗。牛津搭配〔detect〕Most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early.如果早发现早治疗,大多数皮肤癌是可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔early warning system〕A network of sensing devices, such as satellites or radar, for detecting an enemy attack in time to take defensive or counteroffensive measures.预警系统:警戒设备,如卫星、雷达等组成的网络系统,便于及早发现敌方的进攻以采取各种防御或对抗性措施美国传统〔former〕Occurring earlier in time.较早发生的:在时间意义上更早发生的美国传统〔identification〕The examination facilitates the early identification of any health problems.体检有助于尽早发现健康隐患。牛津搭配〔miss〕When did you first miss the necklace? 你最早发觉项链不见了是什么时候?牛津高阶〔notice〕The notice about his resignation went up this morning.今早发布了有关他辞职的通告。牛津搭配〔precocious〕Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude.早熟的:表明或以不寻常的过早发展或成熟为特点的,尤指智力美国传统Experts believe the air war might be over within days, paving the way for an early attack by ground troops (= soldiers who fight on land).专家们认为空战可能在几天内就会结束,为地面部队及早发起进攻铺平了道路。剑桥国际

