
单词 武术
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔East〕Every so often, a new martial art arrives from the East.偶尔会从东方传来一种新的武术外研社新世纪〔East〕Every so often, a new martial art arrives from the East.时而会从东方传来一种新的武术柯林斯高阶〔East〕Martial arts originated in the East.武术起源于东方国家。朗文当代〔PERSUADE〕I've always wanted to do martial arts - maybe I saw too many Jackie Chan movies at an impressionable age. 我一直想学武术—也许是我在易受影响的年纪看了太多成龙的影片。朗文写作活用〔acrobatics〕He had spent the last ten years in a Peking Opera school, studying martial arts and acrobatics.过去10年里,他一直在一所京剧学校里学习武术和杂技。剑桥高阶〔black belt〕The rank of expert in a martial art such as judo or karate.黑腰带级:在武术,如柔道或空手道中的最高等级美国传统〔discipline〕Martial arts teach respect, discipline, and cooperation.武术能教人尊敬他人、遵守纪律并且相互合作。朗文当代〔kendo〕The Japanese martial art of fencing with bamboo sticks.剑道:日本的用竹棍击剑的一种武术美国传统〔kickboxing〕The martial art and sport of attack and defense, practiced in a boxing ring and combining many elements of karate and boxing.跆拳道:一种攻击和防卫的武术和体育运动,在拳击圈内进行,把空手道和拳击的许多特点融为了一体美国传统〔martial art〕Any of several Oriental arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.东方武术:用于竞技或自卫的东方武术,如合气道、空手道、柔道或跆拳道,通常用于作体育项目。常用复数形式美国传统〔martial art〕He was trained in the martial arts.他学过武术韦氏高阶〔martial art〕Kung fu and karate are martial arts.功夫和空手道都属于武术剑桥高阶〔popularizer〕Bruce Lee was a popularizer of martial arts.李小龙是武术的推广者。外研社新世纪〔private〕Martial arts: Private lessons: £8 per hour.武术:私人教授:每小时8英镑柯林斯高阶〔single〕He finds himself pitted in single combat with Ferdia, his fellow-student in the martial arts.他发现自己要和练武术的同学费尔迪亚一对一较量。外研社新世纪〔takedown〕Sports A move or maneuver in wrestling or the martial arts in which a standing opponent is forced to the floor.【体育运动】 摔倒:摔跤或武术中使原本站立的对手被迫倒地的动作或招式美国传统〔throwing〕The professor rather threw me by asking if I went in for martial arts.教授问我是否爱好武术,这个问题让我吃了一惊。柯林斯高阶〔unrecognized〕Local authorities are likely to refuse to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.当地的主管机构可能会拒绝向非官方的武术组织出租设备。柯林斯高阶〔unrecognized〕Local authorities are unlikely to hire facilities to unrecognised martial arts organisations.地方政府不太可能向非官方的武术组织出租设备。外研社新世纪〔wushu〕The Chinese martial arts.武术:中国的东方武术美国传统He had spent the last ten years in a Peking Opera school, studying martial arts and acrobatics.他在一所京剧学校里度过了过去的十年,学习武术和杂技。剑桥国际In this martial art there are several simple holds which are taught to beginners.在这套武术中,有一些教新手学习的简单擒拿法。剑桥国际Kung fu, kendo and karate are martial arts.功夫、剑道、空手道属于武术范畴。剑桥国际The basic principles of martial arts are discipline, respect, confidence and self-defence.武术的基本准则是纪律,恭敬,信心和自卫。剑桥国际

