
单词 杆子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SUPPORT〕These poles hold up the outer part of the tent. 这些杆子支撑帐篷的外部。朗文写作活用〔angle〕The pole stood at an angle.那根杆子斜立着。韦氏高阶〔bivouac〕The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.孩子们在花园的尽头,用几根杆子和一张旧毛毯,搭了个露宿处。剑桥高阶〔box kite〕A tailless kite formed from or as if from two or more open-ended boxes connected at the corners by shafts spanning an interval of open space.箱形风筝:一种无尾风筝,由两个或两个以上在角上用横跨一定距离的杆子连结的开口箱子组成美国传统〔doodlebug〕A divining rod.占卜杖:一枝神圣的杆子美国传统〔dovecote〕A compartmental structure, often raised on a pole, for housing domesticated pigeons.鸽房:挂在杆子上让家鸽栖息的屋状结构美国传统〔ferrule〕A metal ring or cap placed around a pole or shaft for reinforcement or to prevent splitting.金属箍,金属包头:一种用来加固或防止杆子或木柄劈裂的包在顶端的金属圈或金属帽美国传统〔get ... down〕We'd better get that pole down,it's dangerous.我们最好把那根杆子砍掉,它有危险。21世纪英汉〔hook-and-ladder truck〕A fire engine equipped with extension ladders and hooked poles.云梯消防车:一种消防车,配有可伸展的梯子和带钩的杆子美国传统〔hooked〕At the same time the canoe-men raised baskets of fruit on hooked poles to the hands on the gangway.同时, 小艇划手用带钩的杆子将一篮篮水果挑起来, 递给舷梯上的船员。外研社新世纪〔hoop〕Prop the cover up on wire hoops or canes with a flowerpot on the top.用铁丝环或杆子把盖子架起来, 上面放一个花盆。外研社新世纪〔knot〕He caught the rope and knotted it around a post.他抓住绳子,把它系在一根杆子上。剑桥高阶〔lash〕The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.把杆子扎成一个穹顶小棚就成了遮蔽所。柯林斯高阶〔lash〕The shelter is built by lashing poles together to form a small dome.棚子是用一些杆子捆扎而成的, 样子是个小穹顶。外研社新世纪〔lash〕These poles will be easier to carry if we lash them together with a rope.如果我们用绳子把这些杆子捆在一起,携带起来将会容易一些。剑桥高阶〔laudable〕These may be laudable aims, but by enforcing them at gunpoint another vitally important principle is lost.也许用心是好的,但若诉诸枪杆子则无法坚持另一个至关重要的原则。柯林斯高阶〔longhouse〕A long communal dwelling, especially of the Iroquois, typically built of poles and bark and having a central corridor with family compartments on either side.长屋:一种公共住宅,尤指易洛魁人的住宅。典型特点是用杆子和树干建成,中间有一条走廊,两侧有各家的房间美国传统〔mattress〕A closely woven mat of brush and poles used to protect an embankment, a dike, or a dam from erosion.(用以护堤、坝等的)柴排,沉排,沉床:荆棘和杆子的密织席,用于保护堤、坝,使不受侵蚀美国传统〔opine〕Power grows from the barrel of a gun, opined Mao.毛泽东说,枪杆子里面出政权。剑桥高阶〔pen-pusher〕As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere.结果, 企业界人浮于事, 到处都是耍笔杆子的人。外研社新世纪〔pen-pusher〕As a result, industry was overmanned and pen-pushers were everywhere.结果是,企业人浮于事,到处都是耍笔杆子的人。柯林斯高阶〔pen〕Pens with more time and fluency at their disposal than mine must essay that task.比我闲空又比我会写的几根笔杆子一定要试试这件差使。英汉大词典〔pen〕She took up the pen again, but the stories still lay in the drawer.她重新拿起笔杆子写作, 但那些作品依然躺在抽屉里。外研社新世纪〔pipe cleaner〕A pliant, tufted, narrow rod used for cleaning the stem of a tobacco pipe.烟斗通条:一种柔性、有毛刷的窄窄的通条,用来清理烟斗杆子美国传统〔pole〕He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter.他用带钩的杆子把金属护窗拉了下来。柯林斯高阶〔pole〕He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter.他用带钩的杆子把金属百叶窗拉了下来。外研社新世纪〔pole〕They have a couple of bird feeders hanging from a pole in the backyard.他们有几个小鸟喂食器在后院的杆子上挂着。韦氏高阶〔pole〕To strike, poke, or stir with a pole.用杆子击打、戳、或搅拌美国传统〔post〕The device is fixed to a post.这个装置被固定在杆子上。外研社新世纪〔probe〕He kept probing the crusty snow with a pole.他老是用一根杆子探测硬雪。21世纪英汉〔prop〕We propped the shed's roof with poles.我们用杆子支起了棚顶。韦氏高阶〔push〕He pushed and pulled to loosen the post from the ground.他又是推又是拉,想让地上竖起的那根杆子松动。韦氏高阶〔scribbler〕My wife's a banker, but I'm just a scribbler who writes for the newspaper.我的妻子是银行家,而我只是为报纸耍耍笔杆子而已。韦氏高阶〔shard〕The pole lay in shards on the pavement.杆子碎成一段段地倒在人行道上。英汉大词典〔shin〕To climb (a rope or pole, for example) by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs.攀爬:通过用手握住,然后交替用手和脚拉的方式爬(比如一根绳子或杆子美国传统〔signpost〕A post supporting a sign that has information or directions.路标,指示标,标志杆:一根支撑一块写有信息或指示的杆子美国传统〔snarl〕The rope had become snarled around the post.绳子缠绕在杆子上。韦氏高阶〔space〕For security, use three evenly spaced bolts per post.为了安全起见,每根杆子上要均匀地使用三个螺栓。朗文当代〔space〕Space the posts about a metre apart.这些杆子之间要间隔一米左右。牛津高阶〔sprit〕A pole that extends diagonally across a fore-and-aft sail from the lower part of the mast to the peak of the sail.斜撑帆杆:从桅杆较低的部分到帆顶跨前后帆的斜撑船帆的杆子美国传统〔stick〕He stuck the end of the post in the soft ground.他把杆子的末端戳进软软的地面。麦克米伦高阶〔stilt〕Either of a pair of long, slender poles each equipped with a raised footrest to enable the user to walk elevated above the ground.高跷:一对长而细的杆子中的一个,每个都装有脚踏供使用者可以高于地面走路美国传统〔strut〕A bar or rod used to brace a structure against forces applied from the side.支柱:从旁侧支撑建筑物的木条或杆子美国传统〔sweep〕A long pole attached to a pivot and used to raise or lower a bucket in a well.汲井水用的长杆:连在轴心上用于升降井里水桶的长杆子美国传统〔tent〕A portable shelter, as of canvas, stretched over a supporting framework of poles with ropes and pegs.帐篷:一种易于携带的用帆布等材料制成的遮盖物,用绳子和钉子固定在一个杆子制成的支架上美国传统〔train〕The vines were trained along wires slung between tall poles.藤蔓经修剪后沿着悬在两根高杆子间的铁丝攀缘生长。外研社新世纪〔traveler〕A metal ring that moves freely back and forth on a rope, rod, or spar.滑环:在一根绳、杆子或圆材上可以自由来回移动的金属环美国传统〔way〕We will not give way to those who believe that power grows out of the barrel of a gun.我们不会向那些认为枪杆子中出权力的人让步。麦克米伦高阶〔wire〕The poles had all been wired together.杆子全部都捆在一起了。朗文当代〔wire〕The wire was stretched between two poles.金属丝绷在两根杆子之间。牛津搭配〔wobble〕He steadied the wobbling pole with one hand.他用一只手稳住摇晃的杆子外研社新世纪〔woodwork〕When he won the lottery, all sorts of distant relatives came out of the woodwork.他博彩中奖后,八杆子打不着的亲戚都突然来登门造访。牛津高阶A sailor caught the rope and knotted it around (= fastened it to) a post.一个水手抓住绳子把它系在一根杆子上。剑桥国际A tent basically consists of a frame of metal or wooden poles covered by a sheet of cloth or plastic.一个帐篷基本上由一副金属构架或者一些木杆子上面覆盖一张布或塑料搭成。剑桥国际Cross-country skiers use poles to push themselves along over the snow.越野滑雪者用杆子推动他们在雪上前进。剑桥国际He freed the pole with a wrench.他猛地一扭,松开了这根杆子剑桥国际He tried to extract his pole from the mud. 他试图用力将杆子从泥中拔出来。译典通He twirled the ribbon round the stick.他把丝带缠绕在杆子上。剑桥国际Power grows from the barrel of a gun, opined Mao Tse-tung.毛泽东说,枪杆子里面出政权。剑桥国际She can't have put the tent up very well because the whole thing collapsed when I gave the poles a slight wobble.她一定没把帐篷支牢,因为我轻轻地摇了一下杆子,它就整个倒掉了。剑桥国际The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.孩子们在花园的尽头用几根杆子和一张旧毛毯搭了个露宿处。剑桥国际These bars are bolted to the structure to add rigidity.这些杆子固定在结构上,以增加其坚固度。剑桥国际

