
单词 satirist
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Juvenal〕Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯:古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈美国传统〔pendant〕The narrative of the historian forms a fitting pendant to that of the satirist.史学家的记叙为讽刺作家的记叙作了贴切的补充说明。英汉大词典〔satirist〕He built a reputation in the 1970s as a social satirist.他在 20 世纪 70 年代作为一名社会讽刺作家声名鹊起。柯林斯高阶〔scurrility〕As a political satirist, scurrility was his trade, you might say.作为政治讽刺作家,恶言毁谤也许可算是他的行业。英汉大词典The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist. 这位诗人也将作为幽默作家和讽刺家被人们怀念。译典通Voltaire was a famous French satirist.伏尔泰是一位著名的法国讽刺作家。剑桥国际

