“retail price”例句

单词 retail price
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕New high-quality printing technology added $1,000 to the retail price of the computer. 新的高质量打印技术使电脑的零售价增加了1,000美元。朗文写作活用〔cut〕We've cut 20 percent off the regular retail price.我们在常规零售价的基础上降价了20%。韦氏高阶〔food〕Retail prices of staple foods remain unchanged.主要食物的零售价保持不变。牛津搭配〔lumber〕He was going to have to purchase all his lumber at full retail price.他将不得不把所有木材按零售价分文不少地买下来。柯林斯高阶〔lumber〕He was going to have to purchase all his lumber at full retail price.他将不得不以零售价分文不少地购买自己所需的全部木材。外研社新世纪〔offer〕Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price.超过40种新书降价25%特惠销售。柯林斯高阶〔offer〕Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price.超过40种新书降价25%出售。外研社新世纪〔peg down〕The government agreed to peg down the retail price of certain basic food stuffs.政府已同意限制某些基本食物的零售价格。21世纪英汉〔price war〕A period of intense competition among businesses in which each competitor tries to cut retail prices below those of the others.价格战:生意竞争激烈的阶段,在此阶段里每个竞争者都试图把自己的零售价格减到低于他人的价格美国传统〔price-cutting〕Reduction of retail prices to a level low enough to eliminate competition.削价:将零售价格降至一定程度以减少竞争美国传统〔price〕The suggested retail price of the DVD is $19.99.该数字影碟的建议零售价为 19.99 美元。牛津搭配〔producer price index〕A comprehensive index of wholesale price changes, often viewed as an indicator of future retail price changes.生产(者)物价指数:批发价格变动的综合指数,通常被视为未来零售价格变动的一个指针美国传统〔retail price index〕The retail price index for September is expected to show inflation edging up to about 10.8 per cent.预计9月份的零售价格指数将显示通货膨胀率已逼近10.8%。柯林斯高阶〔retail〕At a retail price.以零售价格美国传统〔run high〕Retail prices are running high.零售价正在上涨。21世纪英汉〔sales tax〕A tax levied on the retail price of merchandise and collected by the retailer.销售税:在货物零售价格上征收的,由零售商收集的税款美国传统Retail prices for milk and cheese are projected to rise 3 percent by the end of the year.牛奶和乳酪的零售价预计到今年底要增长百分之三。剑桥国际The Retail Price Index is a weighted average of the prices of a number of selected goods.零售物价指数是许多选定商品价格的加权平均值。牛津商务The retail price of gasoline is up 8% since the start of the year.自今年初以来,汽油零售价格上涨了 8%。牛津商务The retail price of the dress is 60 dollars. 这衣服的零售价是六十元。译典通The UK Retail Price Index for November has risen by 0.1%.英国 11 月的零售物价指数上升了 0.1%。牛津商务This price represents a saving of $ 13 off the manufacturer's recommended retail price.该价格比制造商的建议零售价还要低13美元。剑桥国际

