
单词 内壁
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-walled〕He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指摸了摸盒子的内壁柯林斯高阶〔DIRTY〕The inside of the oven was filthy. 烤箱的内壁很脏。朗文写作活用〔Dutch oven〕A wall oven in which food is baked by means of preheated brick walls.荷兰砖灶:通过预热炉砖内壁来烤制食品的砖炉美国传统〔collenchyme〕A gelatinous mesenchyme that constitutes a layer in the body wall of many coelenterates and ctenophores.胶充质:一种胶状间质,在许多腔肠动物及栉水母门动物身体内壁构成一层隔膜美国传统〔decidua〕A mucous membrane lining the uterus, modified during pregnancy and shed at parturition or during menstruation.蜕膜:一种粘膜,附在子宫内壁上,怀孕期间减少,分娩时或月经期间脱落美国传统〔dull〕The inside of the helicopter is heavily padded to dull the engine clatter.直升机的内壁衬垫很厚,以使发动机的突突声不那么震耳。英汉大词典〔eat into〕Ulcers occur when the stomach's natural acids eat into the lining of the stomach.胃酸侵蚀胃内壁引发溃疡。柯林斯高阶〔endospore〕The inner layer of the wall of a spore.孢子内壁:孢子壁的内层美国传统〔endothecium〕The inner tissue of an anther or a moss capsule.药室内壁,蒴内层:指花药的内部组织或苔藓孢蒴的内组织美国传统〔escarpment〕A steep slope in front of a fortification.壕沟内壁:防御工事前的陡峭的斜坡美国传统〔escarp〕The inner wall of a ditch or trench dug around a fortification.壕沟内壁:在防御工事附近挖的战壕的内墙美国传统〔fenestra〕Anatomy A small opening, especially either of two windowlike apertures in the medial wall of the middle ear.【解剖学】 耳窗:尤指中耳内壁上的两个窗状的小开口美国传统〔ganister〕A mixture of fire clay and ground quartz, used to line metallurgical furnaces.硅石:一种耐火土和石英的混合物,用于作冶金炉的内壁美国传统〔hagioscope〕A small opening in an interior wall of a church, enabling those in the transept to view the main altar.内壁小窗:开在教堂内墙上的,可让教堂耳堂上的礼拜者看见主祭坛的小窗美国传统〔inside〕The shell is smooth on the inside.贝壳内壁光滑。牛津高阶〔irritate〕Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.有些药物可能刺激胃内壁牛津高阶〔lacquer〕A finish that is baked onto the inside of food and beverage cans.末道漆:用于涂在食物罐头或饮料罐头内壁的末道漆美国传统〔parietal〕Botany Borne on the inside of the ovary wall. Used of the ovules or placentas in flowering plants.【植物学】 同壁的,侧膜的:位于果核内壁的。用作开花植物的胚球或胚座美国传统〔patina〕He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.他任由咖啡渍在杯子内壁形成一层薄层。外研社新世纪〔patina〕He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.他任由大杯内壁积聚上一层薄薄的咖啡垢。柯林斯高阶〔pit〕Botany A cavity in the wall of a plant cell where there is no secondary wall, as in fibers, tracheids, and vessels.【植物学】 纹孔:一个没有从属内壁的植物细胞壁里的腔,如在纤维、管胞和导管中美国传统〔point (sth/sb) out〕The tour guide pointed out the inscription that runs round the inside of the dome.导游指给我们看穹顶内壁四周的铭文。剑桥高阶〔polyposis〕A hereditary disease in which numerous polyps erupt in a part of the body, especially on the lining of the colon and rectum, and often become malignant.息肉病:一种遗传性疾病,症状是在身体的某一部位出现许多息肉,尤指在结肠和直肠的内壁上的,而且经常转变成恶性的美国传统〔scale〕A hard mineral coating that forms on the inside surface of boilers, kettles, and other containers in which water is repeatedly heated.锅垢:在锅、壶和其它盛水器皿中经反复加热后在容器内壁形成的硬矿物质层美国传统〔scrub out〕She scrubbed out the flower pots and filled them with fresh soil.她把花盆的内壁刷洗干净并装上了新土。韦氏高阶〔smear〕Smear a little olive oil around the inside of the bowl.沿着碗的内壁涂上一点儿橄榄油。外研社新世纪〔smear〕Smear a little olive oil over the inside of the salad bowl.在色拉碗的内壁上抹一点橄榄油。柯林斯高阶〔somatic〕Of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera.体壁的:(与)体腔内壁(有关)的,尤指与头部、四肢或内脏不同的美国传统〔tin〕They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van.他们倒出油漆罐里剩下的所有油漆,把它涂在货车的内壁柯林斯高阶〔tin〕They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van.他们把油漆桶里剩余的油漆倒空, 涂在货车的内壁上。外研社新世纪〔trigone〕Since most of these tumours involve the trigone, they are rarely operable.这些肿瘤大部分发生在膀胱内壁三角区,因此极少能做手术。剑桥高阶〔tripe〕The light-colored, rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle or other ruminants, used as food.肚:牛或其他反刍动物的胃的浅色、角弹性的内壁,用作食物美国传统〔vacuum bottle〕A bottle or flask having a vacuum between its inner and outer walls, designed to maintain the desired temperature of the contents.保温瓶,暖水瓶:在内壁和外壁之间有一真空层的瓶或热水瓶,这种设计是了保持瓶内期望的温度美国传统〔wall〕He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.他用手指划过盒子的内壁外研社新世纪〔wall〕Water was dripping from the walls of the tunnel.水正从隧道的内壁上滴下来。外研社新世纪〔wash out〕It was my job to wash out the fish tank.我的工作是清洗鱼缸内壁柯林斯高阶〔wipe〕Wipe the inside of the pan with a piece of kitchen roll.用厨房纸巾擦锅的内壁麦克米伦高阶

