
单词 中线
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abductor〕Anatomy A muscle that draws a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, away from the midline of the body or of an extremity.【解剖学】 外展肌:一种肌肉,可使身体部位如手指、臂或脚趾从身体中线或身体的一肢展开美国传统〔abduct〕Physiology To draw away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part or limb.【生理学】 使外展:使身体的中线部位、相邻部位或四肢展开美国传统〔align〕Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.用尺子比齐纸的中线,然后沿尺子裁开。剑桥高阶〔define〕Thread count is defined as the number of threads in one square inch of fabric.织物经纬密度的定义为每平方英寸织物中线的根数。牛津搭配〔directrix〕The median line in the trajectory of fire of an artillery piece.中线:一门大炮开火的轨迹中线美国传统〔fine〕Apply a fine line of highlighter along the middle of your top lip.用唇线笔沿着上嘴唇的中线细细地画上一道。剑桥高阶〔grain〕The direction or texture of fibers in a woven fabric.织理:纺织品中线的走向或组织美国传统〔grid〕A network or coil of fine wires located between the plate and the filament in an electron tube.栅极:在电子管中线极和阳极之间的由导电性很好的电线组成的网络或线圈美国传统〔guard〕Football One of the two offensive linemen on either side of the center.【橄榄球】 侧卫:中线两侧的两进攻队员之一美国传统〔halfway〕He scored from the halfway line.他在中线位置射门得分。麦克米伦高阶〔kick〕Sports To begin or resume play with a kickoff.【体育运动】 开球:开始球赛或中线开球美国传统〔loft〕From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net.他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。外研社新世纪〔loft〕From the kick-off he lofted the ball 60 yards into the top corner of the net.他在中线一记大脚将球从60码外送进球网的顶角。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕Once past the halfway mark you'll run more easily.一旦超过中线点,你跑起来会更容易。文馨英汉〔maxilla〕Anatomy Either of a pair of bones of the human skull fusing in the midline and forming the upper jaw.【解剖学】 (人类的)上颔骨:人类头骨中线两侧形成上颔的两块骨头美国传统〔median point〕The intersection of the medians of a triangle.重心:三角形中线的交点美国传统〔median〕A line that joins a vertex of a triangle to the midpoint of the opposite side.中线:从三角形顶点到对边中点的直线美国传统〔median〕A median point, plane, line, or part.中点,中间平面,中线或中间部分美国传统〔median〕The line that joins the midpoints of the nonparallel sides of a trapezoid.中线:梯形非平行两边的中点连线美国传统〔mesial〕Dentistry Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch.【牙科学】 朝向齿弓中线的:位置沿齿弓弧线向下巴前部正中的美国传统〔midline〕A medial line, especially the medial line or plane of the body.中线:中央的线,尤指身体的中线或中央的平面美国传统〔ventromedial〕Both ventral and medial; extending toward the ventral surface and the median line.腹正中的:既是腹部又是内侧的;向腹面和中线扩展的美国传统

