
单词 为典型
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Thanatos〕Death as a personification or as a philosophical notion.自然毁灭:作为典型或哲学意义上的死亡美国传统〔bacchanal〕Of, relating to, or typical of the worship of Bacchus.酒神崇拜的:崇拜巴克斯的或与之相关的或以崇拜巴克斯为典型美国传统〔business cycle〕A sequence of economic activity typically characterized by recession, fiscal recovery, growth, and fiscal decline.经济周期:一个经济活动周期,以衰退、财政复苏、增长、财政下跌为典型特征美国传统〔cuneiform〕Writing typified by the use of characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements.楔形文字:以使用由小型楔状元素排列而成的字母为典型的文字美国传统〔native〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the original inhabitants of a particular place.土著的,原住民的:属于,关于,或成为典型的某一地区的当地的居民的美国传统〔pristine〕Of, relating to, or typical of the earliest time or condition; primitive or original.太古的,原始的:最早时期或最初状态的、与之相关的或以之为典型的;太古的或原始的美国传统〔quintessentially〕Everybody thinks of him as the quintessential New Yorker.大家都视他为典型的纽约人。柯林斯高阶〔typify〕Meningitis is typified by inflammation of the brain.以某物为典型部分(或特征)麦克米伦高阶Mannerism is also used to describe a style in architecture which is typified by Michaelangelo's later works.风格主义也被用来形容以米开朗琪罗晚期作品为典型的建筑风格。剑桥国际

