
单词 从犯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abet〕His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him.他的妻子作为他的从犯被判入狱7年。柯林斯高阶〔accessory〕He is wanted as an accessory to murder.他作为谋杀罪的从犯而被通缉。韦氏高阶〔accessory〕He was charged with being an accessory to murder.他被控为谋杀罪的从犯牛津高阶〔accessory〕She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds.她被指控为这起挪用公款案的从犯柯林斯高阶〔accessory〕She was charged with being an accessory to the embezzlement of funds.她被控为侵占资金案的从犯外研社新世纪〔accessory〕She was convicted of being an accessory after the fact to Buffy's murder.她被定罪为巴菲谋杀案的事后从犯外研社新世纪〔accessory〕The woman was charged as an accessory in their daughter's rape.在他们女儿被强奸一案中, 这个女人被控为从犯外研社新世纪〔accomplice〕One who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory.共犯,共同犯罪者:在犯罪行为中,帮助或怂恿罪犯的人,不管是充当主犯还是从犯美国传统〔peripheral〕Her involvement in the case was peripheral.她在这宗案件中是从犯朗文当代〔reclaim〕New China has reclaimed many men from a life of crime.新中国把许多人从犯罪的道路上挽救了回来。21世纪英汉〔see〕She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开。牛津高阶He was charged with being an accessory to the crime. 他被控告为这项罪行的从犯译典通The policemen were on the robber's tail from the scene of the crime.警察从犯罪现场开始一直尾随着抢劫犯。剑桥国际These reports of torture have come first-hand from the prisoners.这些有关用刑的报告是从犯人那里第一手得来的。剑桥国际

