
单词 人理
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕My request that everyone remain seated was ignored. 我要求大家都坐好,但是没人理睬。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕Democracy was originally understood to mean the people governing themselves. 民主最初被人理解为人民自己管理自己。朗文写作活用〔READ〕Well-written notes are as good as any textbook and easier to absorb. 记录得好的笔记跟教科书一样有用,而且更容易让人理解。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕They do not resent the city fat cats, but believe top businessmen deserve success. 他们并不憎恨城里的那些阔佬,而是相信最优秀的商人理应获得成功。朗文写作活用〔acolyte〕Richard Brome, an acolyte of Ben Jonson's, wrote 'The Jovial Crew' in 1641.本·琼森的仆人理查德·布罗姆在1641年写了《一伙快活人》。柯林斯高阶〔angry〕They feel angry that their complaints were ignored.没人理睬他们的投诉,他们感到非常愤怒。剑桥高阶〔bolt-hole〕The hotel is an ideal bolt-hole for Londoners.这家旅馆是伦敦人理想的避风港。柯林斯高阶〔claim〕The poor have a claim to (或on) our sympathy.穷苦人理应得到我们的同情。英汉大词典〔cold〕Tom was out in the cold in the conversation.在谈话中没人理汤姆。英汉大词典〔counter〕When they blamed him for the collapse of the bridge, he countered that his warnings about the bridge had been ignored.当他们因桥梁坍塌而谴责他时,他回应说他过去对此提出的警告无人理会。韦氏高阶〔deafening〕All their appeals for help met with a deafening silence.他们所有的帮助请求都无人理睬。麦克米伦高阶〔disaster〕His prediction was not heeded, and disaster ensued.没人理会他的预测,结果灾难发生了。牛津搭配〔ear〕I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.我希望我们的呼吁不会无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔ear〕I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.我希望我们的呼吁不会没人理睬。柯林斯高阶〔fat〕The finance men had grown fat on managing other people's money.金融界人士为别人理财养肥了自己。朗文当代〔finance〕She's taking a course on personal finance.她在修一门个人理财课程。韦氏高阶〔follow〕His argument was difficult to follow.他的论点很难让人理解。牛津搭配〔generalization〕He is making sweeping generalizations to get his point across.他正在进行全盘概括, 好让人理解他的观点。外研社新世纪〔get〕Your meaning didn't really get across.你的意思并未真正为别人理解。牛津高阶〔help〕It helped a lot to know that someone understood how I felt.知道有人理解我的感受,我感觉好多了。朗文当代〔hot air〕The theory was dismissed as a lot of hot air.这一理论被认为是空话而没人理会。朗文当代〔human〕The author puts a human face on the disease by interviewing people who have it.作者通过采访疾病的患者而使这种疾病更容易让人理解。韦氏高阶〔languish〕New products languish on the drawing board.新产品停留在设计阶段无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔learn〕This booklet will help students to learn about personal finance.这本小册子将帮助学生了解个人理财。外研社新世纪〔little〕I know very little about personal finance.我对个人理财知之甚少。外研社新世纪〔make〕I know enough Japanese to make myself understood.我的日语水平足以让人理解我的意思。麦克米伦高阶〔moan〕His constant moan is that no one understands him.他老是抱怨没人理解他。英汉大词典〔moulder〕It is clear that such ideas will be left to moulder.明摆着, 这些想法将无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔nobody〕Bill thinks that nobody understands him.比尔认为没人理解他。麦克米伦高阶〔outcast〕He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone.他一直受到排挤, 无人理睬, 孑然一身。外研社新世纪〔outcast〕He had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone.他一直都被视为异类,无人理睬,形单影只。柯林斯高阶〔pass over〕They've been rejected, disappointed, ignored, passed over.他们遭到拒绝,满心失望,备受冷落,无人理会。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕I mentioned that you were unhappy with your salary, but it was passed over.我提到过你对薪资待遇不满意,但没人理会。麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕This innocent remark did not, however, pass without comment.无人理会地过去麦克米伦高阶〔pique〕When he realized nobody was listening to him, he left in a fit of pique.他发觉他说话无人理睬,就愤然离去。牛津高阶〔push aside〕These crucial issues tend to get pushed aside and forgotten.这些关键问题往往被扔在一边, 无人理会。外研社新世纪〔put ... across〕Nobody knows how to put this poem across.没有人懂得把这首诗解释清楚,让人理解。21世纪英汉〔sense〕Portman urged the government to come to its senses and stop nuclear testing.使某人理麦克米伦高阶〔sense〕What's it going to take to bring him to his senses? 使某人理麦克米伦高阶〔sink〕Eventually her remarke sank in.她的一番话最终被人理解了。21世纪英汉〔sink〕Eventually his remarks sank in.他的一番话最终被人理解了。21世纪英汉〔string together〕See if you can string the theories together into something that makes sense.看看你能否把这些理论组合成让人理解的东西。韦氏高阶〔strive〕He strove to make himself understood.他尽力让别人理解他的意思。21世纪英汉〔through〕Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment.企图通过暴力夺权的人理应受到惩罚。柯林斯高阶〔understand〕The reasons for this decision are not easily understood.作出这个决定的原因很难让人理解。牛津搭配〔unheard〕Her ideas went unheard yet again.她的想法再次无人理会。麦克米伦高阶〔unheard〕His impassioned pleas went unheard.他充满激情的请求无人理会。外研社新世纪〔unheard〕Their protests went unheard.他们的抗议无人理会。牛津搭配〔unheard〕Their protests went unheard.他们的抗议无人理会。牛津高阶〔unheard〕We complained but as usual our voices went unheard.我们投诉了,但像往常一样没人理会。剑桥高阶〔unheeded〕Her warnings went unheeded .她的警告无人理会。朗文当代〔unheeded〕The advice of experts went unheeded.专家的建议无人理会。外研社新世纪〔unresponsive〕His warning fell on unresponsive ears (=was not listened to) .他的警告无人理会。朗文当代〔whirlwind〕He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中, 他被抛在了一边, 无人理睬。外研社新世纪〔whirlwind〕He had been swept aside in the whirlwind of reform and anarchy.在改革和无政府状态交织的混乱风暴中,他被抛在了一边,没人理睬。柯林斯高阶〔wilderness〕At times I felt I was a voice in the wilderness.有时我觉得自己是在荒野里呼唤, 无人理会。外研社新世纪Bertelli resigned as Chief Executive last month, citing personal reasons.柏特尔上个月以个人理由辞去行政总裁职务。牛津商务For many years his theories were little understood.许多年来他的理论很少为人理解。剑桥国际He propositioned every girl in the bar, but none were interested. 他对酒吧里的每一女孩提出猥亵的要求,但是没有人理睬他。译典通Her complaints went unheard. 无人理会她的抱怨。译典通Her request for help went unheard. 她请求帮助,却无人理睬。译典通His constant moan is that no one understands him. 他老是抱怨没有人理解他。译典通His letters were ignored. 他的信无人理会。译典通Ideas, emotions or thoughts have to be presented in ways which make them communicable, whether in words, music, graphics, or art forms.思想、情感和观念必须以能使人理解的方式呈现出来,不管是用言语、音乐、图形还是艺术形式。剑桥国际It is feared that calls for national unity will go unheard in the present climate of fighting 人们担心在目前战火纷飞的情形下国家统一的号召会无人理睬。剑桥国际Mispronunciation can be a serious obstacle to making yourself understood in a foreign language.发音错误会严重妨碍你的外语让人理解。剑桥国际Please punctuate (= put punctuation in ) your writing otherwise it is very difficult to understand.请在你的文章中加标点,否则很难让人理解。剑桥国际Sam was out in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。译典通She sat in a corner and cried, moaning that no one understood her (= that no one had any sympathy for her or knew what she was feeling).她坐在一个角落里哭, 抱怨没人理解她。剑桥国际The annotation of literary texts makes them more accessible.文学作品的评注使这些作品更易为人理解。剑桥国际The bank is repositioning itself to focus on consumers and personal finance.银行正对自己重新进行定位,把重点放在消费者和个人理财方面。牛津商务The website covers all areas of personal finance including investments, mortgages and taxes.这个网站涵盖了投资、抵押贷款和税收在内的个人理财的所有领域。牛津商务

