
单词 价位
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REACH〕Gold prices have reached their lowest level in 15 years. 黄金的价格跌到15年来最低价位朗文写作活用〔barrel〕Prices could remain as low as $20 per barrel.每桶原油的价格可能会保持在20美元的低价位麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕The next year they brought out a low-priced car to compete with Ford.第二年他们推出了一款低价位车与福特车竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔end〕The car was in the high/low end of the price range.这款车的价位在价格区间的高点/低点。韦氏高阶〔high〕We liked the house, but the price was too high.我们喜欢这所房子,但价位太高了。韦氏高阶〔incongruous〕The style of serving was incongruous with a holiday of this style and expense.这样的服务配不上这种风格和价位的度假。外研社新世纪〔low〕The (value of the) pound has hit [fallen to, dropped to] a new low against the dollar.英镑对美元的价位降到新低。文馨英汉〔moderately〕We tried to find a more moderately priced hotel.我们想尽量找一家价位更适中的酒店。韦氏高阶〔move〕The highest-priced homes are still moving slowly.高价位的房子仍然卖得很慢。朗文当代〔peg〕To fix (a price) at a certain level or within a certain range.稳定行情或价位:把(价格)限定在某一水平上或某一范围内美国传统〔plasticky〕The controls are a bit plasticky for a car of this price.这个价位的汽车, 控制器居然有点像塑料, 太劣质了。外研社新世纪〔pocket〕We have ladies' fashions to suit all shapes, sizes and pockets.本店有各种样式、尺码和价位的时尚女装。外研社新世纪〔price〕It has a much longer battery life than other comparatively priced laptops.与价位差不多的其他笔记本电脑相比,这款的电池寿命更长。牛津搭配〔price〕The cameras range in price from $150 to over $600.照相机的价位从150美元到超过600美元不等。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕The car is priced at $60 000.这辆车的价位是 6 万美元。牛津搭配〔redouble〕The leading banks are expected to redouble their efforts to keep the value of the dollar down.人们希望各大银行加倍努力以保持美元的低价位牛津高阶〔settle〕The pound rose slightly against the dollar today, then settled at $1.53.英镑对美元的汇率今天略有上升,之后便停留在1.53美元的价位上。剑桥高阶〔use〕When Johnson talks about cuts, he uses words like ‘target price’ and 'efficiency payments'.约翰逊谈起降价时, 会使用“目标价位”和“效率支付”之类的字眼。外研社新世纪Take advantage of this week's lower prices (=Buy while prices are lower).利用本周低价位的优势趁机买进。剑桥国际The camera is well specced at the price.就价位来说,这款照相机配置很不错了。牛津商务The company makes and retails moderately priced sportswear.该公司制造并零售中等价位的运动服装。剑桥国际The computer is proving to be a hard/tough sell (= difficult to sell) because of its high price.由于这种计算机的价位高,事实证明很难卖出去。剑桥国际The director said share holders had always been able to disinvest, but not at a known price.主管说股东一直是能停止投资的,只是不知在哪个价位剑桥国际The houses are sold out within this price range. 在这个价位范围之内的房子已售完。译典通The shares will be sold at a preset price.这些股票将按预先定好的价位出售。剑桥国际The snack has a price point similar to that of its chief competitor.这种快餐与其主要竞争对手处于同等价位牛津商务

