
单词 家宅
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕Under the terms of the will, Mallory could only inherit the family home if he agreed to continue living there. 根据遗嘱规定,马洛里只有答应继续住在家里,才能继承家宅朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕Vienna is a city of grand public buildings and elegant private ones. 维也纳这个城市里到处是雄伟的公共建筑和典雅的私家宅院。朗文写作活用〔court〕The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.王宫,宫廷:国王或贵族居住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿美国传统〔end〕The narrow lane ended abruptly in a farmyard.狭窄的小巷在一个农家宅院前骤然而止。麦克米伦高阶〔ghost〕The ghost of a murdered dairymaid is said to walk the farmyard at night.有人说那个被谋杀的牛奶厂女工的鬼魂夜晚在那个农家宅院里游荡。麦克米伦高阶〔homestead law〕Any of several laws passed in most states exempting a householder's homestead from attachment or forced sale to meet general debts.宅地保护法:大多数州所通过的若干法律,使房主的家宅免除扣押或强制出售以清偿债务美国传统〔homestead〕A house, especially a farmhouse, with adjoining buildings and land.家宅:一座房子,尤其是农场住房以及相连的建筑和土地美国传统〔housebreaking〕The act of unlawfully breaking into and entering another's house.侵入民宅:非法侵入或进入他人家宅的行为美国传统〔residence〕A desirable family residence for sale.有合意家宅出售。英汉大词典〔roam〕The chickens are able to roam around freely in the farmyard.鸡群可以在农家宅院里自由自在地走动。韦氏高阶〔seat〕The Duke's family seat is at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland.公爵的家宅在诺森伯兰郡的阿尼克城堡。麦克米伦高阶〔sketch〕The family house appears in several of her sketches.她的几幅素描中均出现了家宅牛津搭配〔stand〕The ancient family home is still standing.古老的家宅依然矗立着。麦克米伦高阶〔travel〕He also collects things for the house on his travels abroad.他在国外旅游时也为家宅搜集物品作为摆设。柯林斯高阶〔typify〕The decor typifies the elegance of royal residences.这种内部装饰是高雅皇家宅第的典型特征。韦氏高阶He was accused of violating her home. 他被指控侵犯了她的家宅译典通

