
单词 学理
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕A lot of these modern theories about teaching sound really good until you actually try and put them into practice. 许多这些现代教学理论在真正付诸实践之前听起来都非常不错。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕The trustees of the University are considering getting rid of him. 大学理事会的成员在考虑罢免他。朗文写作活用〔Lysenkoism〕A biological doctrine developed by Trofim Lysenko that maintains the possibility of inheriting environmentally acquired characteristics.李森科主义:由特罗菲尔·李森科发展起来的生物学理论,认为在后天环境中获得的特征有可能被继承美国传统〔MS in LS.〕Master of Science in Library Science.图书管理学理科硕士美国传统〔PROVE〕A scientific theory is only ‘true’ until someone shows it to be false or inaccurate. 一个科学理论仅仅在某人证明它错误或不精确以前才算是“正确的”。朗文写作活用〔Pythagoreanism〕The syncretistic philosophy expounded by Pythagoras, distinguished chiefly by its description of reality in terms of arithmetical relationships.毕达哥拉斯主义:由毕达哥拉斯提出的不同哲学理论的综合学说,特点是用数的关系描述现象美国传统〔Upanishad〕Any of a group of philosophical treatises contributing to the theology of ancient Hinduism, elaborating on the earlier Vedas.奥义书:形成古代印度教之神学理论的一组哲学论文中的任一篇,皆是对更早的吠陀的阐发美国传统〔aesthetician〕One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.美学家:精通美学理论和艺术表达的人美国传统〔atomic theory〕The physical theory of the structure, properties, and behavior of the atom.原子论:关于原子的结构、特征及运动的物理学理美国传统〔baggage〕Smooth writing depends much upon freedom from purist grammar and from other linguistic baggage.流畅的写作在很大程度上得摆脱纯正派语法和其它过时语言学理论的束缚。英汉大词典〔devaluation〕Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy.经济学理论指出贬值的英镑将会促进经济的发展。柯林斯高阶〔devalue〕Economic theory suggests that the devalued pound will boost the economy.经济学理论指出英镑贬值英镑将促进经济增长。外研社新世纪〔digestible〕The book's aim was to make economic theory more digestible.该书的目的是要让经济学理论变得更简单易懂。外研社新世纪〔digestible〕The book's aim was to make economic theory more digestible.该书的目的是要让经济学理论更加简单易懂。柯林斯高阶〔empiricism〕The practice of medicine that disregards scientific theory and relies solely on practical experience.经验疗法:只凭实践经验而无视科学理论的用药美国传统〔eudemonism〕A system of ethics that evaluates actions in terms of their capacity to produce happiness.幸福论:一种根据人们创造幸福的能力来评估他们的行为的伦理学理美国传统〔groundwork〕These courses provide the groundwork of statistical theory.这些课程介绍的是统计学理论的基础。柯林斯高阶〔lost〕He is lost in discussions of theological theory.他在那些神学理论讨论中被弄得稀里糊涂。英汉大词典〔mind〕He has a mind for science.他有学理科的头脑。英汉大词典〔monism〕The view in metaphysics that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to or described by a single concept or system.一元论:一种形而上学理论,认为现实世界是一个整体,所有存在的事物可以被归结或描述为一个单一的概念或系统美国传统〔noumenon〕In the philosophy of Kant, an object, such as the soul, that cannot be known through perception, although its existence can be demonstrated.本体:在康德哲学理论中的本体,如灵魂,尽管它的存在可被证明,却无法为知觉所知美国传统〔ontology〕The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being.本体论:对自然存在的研究,属于形而上学理论的分支美国传统〔operationalism〕The view that all theoretical terms in science must be defined only by their procedures or operations.操作论,操作主义:认为所有科学理论术语都是一套操作美国传统〔orient〕Our students are oriented towards science subjects.我们教的学生都适应学理科。牛津高阶〔philosophy〕Does this in any way reflect your own philosophy? 这是否以某种方式表明了你自己的哲学理念?牛津搭配〔physiological〕Pavlov's physiological theories 巴甫洛夫的生理学理英汉大词典〔psychological〕Freud's psychological theories 弗洛伊德的心理学理朗文当代〔strip out〕Strip out the theology and we are left with a moral issue that affects us all.把神学理论放在一边, 剩下的是一个对我们大家都有影响的道德问题。外研社新世纪〔strong point〕Science was never my strong point at school.我上学时一直不擅长学理科。外研社新世纪〔study〕A new study shows that fewer students are studying science.一项新的研究显示,学理科的学生减少了。牛津搭配〔theologize〕To speculate about theology.作神学理论上的阐述:作神学的推理美国传统〔theology〕Catholic/Islamic theology 天主教的/伊斯兰教的神学理麦克米伦高阶〔theology〕Many theologies express the same ideas.许多神学理论所表达的是同样的思想。英汉大词典〔theology〕The bishop was opposed to the group's theology.主教反对这个教团的神学理论。韦氏高阶〔theology〕Thomist theology 托马斯主义神学理英汉大词典〔theory〕The students are well-trained in both the theory and practice of statistics.学生们在统计学理论和实践方面都接受了良好的训练。外研社新世纪〔thought〕Aristotle's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years.亚里士多德的科学理论统治了西方思想达 1,500 年。柯林斯高阶〔virgin birth〕The doctrine that Jesus was miraculously begotten by God and born of the Virgin Mary without the agency of a human father.贞女诞生说:认为耶稣是上帝的独生子,神奇地由圣母玛丽亚未经人力而生下的神学理美国传统Classical scientific theory was completely overturned by Einstein.传统的科学理论被爱因斯坦完全推翻了。剑桥国际Fundamentalists do not accept scientific theories about the origins of the world.原教旨主义者不接受关于世界起源的科学理论。剑桥国际I am slow at learning theoretical constructs. 我学理论概念相当迟钝。译典通Like any good empiricist, she has based her scientific theories entirely upon the observable facts rather than mere supposition.像每一位好的实验者一样,她把她的科学理论完全建立在可观察的事实上,而不是仅仅建立在假设上。剑桥国际Our theologies differ in several respects.我们的神学理论在几个方面是不同的。剑桥国际The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory. 那位教授提出了新的美学理论。译典通Theories about history are not susceptible to being proved in the same way that scientific theories are.历史学说不能用证明科学理论的方法来对待。剑桥国际

