
单词 没亮
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARLY〕Jack was always an early bird; he did a lot of his work before dawn. 杰克一向是个早起的人,天没亮就干了不少活。朗文写作活用〔daybreak〕Pedro got up every morning before daybreak.佩德罗每天早上天还没亮就起床了。柯林斯高阶〔daylight〕She was up before daylight.天还没亮她就起床了。牛津搭配〔naturally〕When I saw that there were no lights on in the house, I naturally assumed you were asleep.我看到屋里没亮灯,自然以为你已经睡了。韦氏高阶〔outside〕When we got up, it was still dark outside.我们起床时,外面天还没亮朗文当代〔plunge〕It was still dark when the helicopter plunged 500 feet into the sea.直升机从500英尺的高度一头扎进海里的时候天还没亮麦克米伦高阶〔roust〕The soldiers were rousted from their beds before sunrise.天还没亮,士兵们就被赶着起了床。韦氏高阶〔rout up〕She routed up her husband before dawn.天还没亮她就把丈夫从床上叫了起来。21世纪英汉〔start〕Oliver started out at five, when it was still dark.五点钟天还没亮时奥利弗就出发了。朗文当代〔well〕Police patrols were on the streets from well before dawn.天还远远没亮,警察巡逻队就已出现在街头。英汉大词典I detest having to get up when it's dark outside. 我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床。剑桥国际The concert was something of an anticlimax because the star soloist never turned up.这次音乐会令人大失所望,因为那位著名的独奏演员始终没亮相。剑桥国际The murder took place at four in the morning, when it was still dark.谋杀发生在清晨四点,在天还没亮的时候。剑桥国际We left in the early hours (= early in the day) of the 29th of June, before dawn.我们6月29日一大早就离开了,那时天还没亮剑桥国际

