
单词 丝织
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Canton crepe〕A soft, silk or rayon fabric with a finely crinkled texture, similar to but heavier than crêpe de Chine.广绫,重双绉:一种柔软的真丝或人造丝织物,有很细的皱面,类似于中国绉纱,但比中国绉纱更重些美国传统〔baldachin〕A rich fabric of silk and gold brocade.织锦,锦缎:华丽的丝织品和金丝织美国传统〔chiffon〕A fabric of sheer silk or rayon.薄绸:一种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织美国传统〔cretonne〕A heavy unglazed cotton, linen, or rayon fabric, colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers.大花窗帘棉布:一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套美国传统〔faille〕A slightly ribbed, woven fabric of silk, cotton, or rayon.罗缎:一种半透明紧密织物,由丝、棉或人造丝织美国传统〔famous〕The town became famous for its lace.这个镇因蕾丝织物而闻名。牛津搭配〔gazar〕A loosely woven silk with a crisp finish.透明丝织物:一种纺织疏松的丝织品,有脆的涂饰美国传统〔marabou〕A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk.马拉布生丝织物:由这种生丝制成的织物或衣物美国传统〔moiré〕Fabric, such as silk or rayon, finished so as to have a wavy or rippled surface pattern.云纹,波纹:一种织物,如丝或人造丝织物,被织成有一个波状或波浪形表面图案美国传统〔mousseline de soie〕A fine, crisp fabric made of silk or rayon.薄丝纱:好的、挺的丝织物或人造丝织美国传统〔negligee〕A woman's loose dressing gown, often of soft, delicate fabric.妇女长睡衣:妇女穿的宽松的长袍,通常由柔软的精细的丝织品制成美国传统〔ottoman〕A heavy silk or rayon fabric with a corded texture, usually used for coats and trimmings.粗横棱纹织物:厚重有棱的丝或人造丝织物,通常用和制作外套和装饰品美国传统〔paduasoy〕A rich, heavy silk fabric with a corded effect.凸花丝织品:一种艳丽厚突的凸花丝织美国传统〔puce〕Mrs Carstairs, a large, solid, round-faced woman in puce and black lace.卡斯泰尔斯太太,身着黑紫相间的蕾丝织物的高大壮实的圆脸女人柯林斯高阶〔run〕Silk stockings run more easily than nylons.丝织长统袜比尼龙长统袜容易抽丝。英汉大词典〔samite〕A heavy silk fabric, often interwoven with gold or silver, worn in the Middle Ages.中古锦缎,六股丝锦缎:一种重丝织品,常交织金银线,中世纪时穿着美国传统〔shantung〕A rayon or cotton fabric that is imitative of this silk fabric.仿茧绸:一种人造丝或棉线织物,它是天然丝织品的仿制物美国传统〔sharkskin〕A rayon and acetate fabric having a smooth, somewhat shiny surface.鲨皮布:一种具有光滑、稍微磨光表面的人造丝和醋酸丝织美国传统〔silk〕Composed of or similar to the fiber or the fabric silk.丝的:由丝或丝织物做成的或类似丝或丝织物的美国传统〔silk〕Thread or fabric made from this fiber.丝织品,丝绸:由这种丝制成的线或织物美国传统〔textile〕They import fine silk textiles from China.他们从中国进口优质的丝织品。韦氏高阶〔tram〕A heavy silk thread used for the weft, or cross threads, in fine velvet or silk.纬纱:一种粗丝线,在上等天鹅绒或丝织品中用作纬线或交叉线美国传统〔tussah〕The silk produced by this worm or a fabric woven from it.柞蚕丝:柞蚕吐出的丝或丝织成的布料美国传统〔wash〕The soap will wash silks.这肥皂可洗丝织品。英汉大词典Cotton and silk iron (=can be ironed) well.棉织品和丝织品容易熨烫。剑桥国际Silk clothes are so impractical because you can't put them in the washing machine.丝织衣服很不实际,因为你不能把它们放在洗衣机中洗。剑桥国际Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝织品摸起来柔软光滑。译典通

