
单词 不熟练
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atone〕His hard work atones for his lack of skill.他的艰苦努力弥补了技术不熟练英汉大词典〔awkward〕He is still awkward with his chopsticks.他使用筷子还不熟练英汉大词典〔boggle〕To botch; bungle.笨拙地干;不熟练地工作美国传统〔casual〕The workforce is mainly unskilled and casual.这些劳动力大部分是不熟练的临时工。麦克米伦高阶〔daub〕To apply paint or coloring with crude, unskillful strokes.乱画,乱涂:用拙劣的、不熟练的手法涂漆或着色美国传统〔deskill〕To downgrade (a job or an occupation) from a skilled to a semiskilled or unskilled position.非熟练化:把(一项工作或职业)的技术要求从熟练降低到半熟练或不熟练水平美国传统〔employ at〕Large numbers of unskilled workers are employed at the lowest rates of pay.大量不熟练工人以最低的工资受雇。21世纪英汉〔footless〕Informal Not competent or skillful; inept.【非正式用语】 无能的:没能力的或不熟练的;笨拙的美国传统〔force〕To use (language) with obvious lack of ease and naturalness.不熟练和不自然地使用(语言)美国传统〔haggle〕To cut (something) in a crude, unskillful manner; hack.乱砍:以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);乱劈美国传统〔inexpert〕He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed.他太缺乏经验, 太不熟练, 难以成功。外研社新世纪〔inexpert〕He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed.他太缺乏经验,太不熟练,难以成功。柯林斯高阶〔inexpert〕Not expert; unskilled.不熟练的:外行的;不灵巧的美国传统〔lubber〕Nautical An inexperienced sailor; a landlubber.【航海】 不熟练的海员:一个没有经验的海员;外行水手美国传统〔out of〕I hadn't skated in five years, and I was really out of practice.我有五年没有滑冰了,真的不熟练了。韦氏高阶〔peon〕An unskilled laborer or farm worker of Latin America or the southwest United States.日工:拉丁美洲或美国西南部的不熟练的劳动力或农场工人美国传统〔practical〕I'm not at all practical.我一点也不熟练外研社新世纪〔rusty〕I'll try to sing for you, but I'm very rusty.我将试着唱给你听,但我因荒疏而很不熟练麦克米伦高阶〔rusty〕My typing was better than it is now. I've gotten rusty (in it).我的打字技术过去比现在好,因荒疏现在不熟练了。英汉大词典〔tinker〕To manipulate unskillfully or experimentally.试修:很不熟练或试验性地摆弄美国传统〔unapt〕He is unapt with the touchscreen.他使用触摸屏不熟练英汉大词典〔unconditioned〕Psychology Not dependent on or resulting from conditioning; unlearned or natural.【心理学】 无条件的:不依靠或源于条件作用的;不熟练的,自然的美国传统〔unlearned〕Not skilled or versed in a specified discipline.不精熟的:在某一领域不熟练的或不精通的美国传统〔unmechanical〕Lacking ability or skill in the use of machinery and tools.不熟练的:缺乏使用机械和工具的能力或技巧的美国传统〔unskillful〕Unskilled; inexpert.不熟练的;不内行的美国传统I wasn't impressed by the amateurishness of their performance.他们不熟练的演出没有给我留下印象。剑桥国际She had made an inexpert attempt to ice the cake.她不熟练地试图为蛋糕加糖饰。剑桥国际She is still awkward with chopsticks. 她用筷子还不熟练译典通The report shows that wage rates for unskilled workers have risen relative to those for skilled workers.报告显示不熟练工人的工资相对于熟练工人来说上涨了。剑桥国际

