
单词 保费
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK〕Some insurance companies offer lower rates for drivers who do not use their cars for business. 对于不作商务用途的汽车,有些保险公司给车主提供较低的保费朗文写作活用〔allowance〕There is always an allowance in insurance premiums for whether someone smokes or not.保费总是要考虑到被保险者是否吸烟。朗文当代〔hike〕The insurers have started hiking up premiums by huge amounts.保险公司已经开始大幅度提高保费柯林斯高阶〔insurance〕The periodic premium paid for this coverage.保费用:为此种保险定期支付的保费美国传统〔lapse〕She didn't pay the premium and her life insurance policy lapsed.她未缴保费,人寿险保单失效了。韦氏高阶〔laugh〕Men make jokes about women drivers, but women have the last laugh – their insurance rates are cheaper.男人嘲笑女司机,但是最后获胜的却是女人 — 她们的保费更低。朗文当代〔point〕A guarantee fee of 25 basis points is payable.需要付一笔25个基点的担保费外研社新世纪〔policyholder〕Each of the company's 12 million policyholders will see premium increases of about six per cent.这家公司的1200万投保人中,每人的保费都会上涨约6%。剑桥高阶〔recoup〕Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.保险公司正试图通过提高保费来弥补损失。柯林斯高阶〔surcharge〕The base premium may be surcharged 10 percent for the first accident and 25 percent for the second.出一次事故, 基本保费上浮10%, 出两次, 上浮25%。外研社新世纪〔whim〕The premium can increase at the whim of the insurers.保险公司可以随意提高保费外研社新世纪〔whim〕The premium can increase at the whim of the insurers.保险公司可以随时提高保费柯林斯高阶A life insurance policy lapses when you stop paying the premiums.当你停止缴纳保费,寿险保单即失效。牛津商务Health insurance premiums are rising rapidly.健康保险保费迅速增加。牛津商务Some people just cannot afford to pay insurance.一些人实在付不起保费牛津商务They use complex mathematical formulas to calculate the insurance premium.他们使用复杂的数学公式来计算保费牛津商务

