
单词 停下来休息
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESERVE〕At 9 o'clock, she settled down for a well-earned rest. 在9点时她停下来休息,也是该歇一歇了。朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕I stopped to rest for a few minutes. 我停下来休息几分钟。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕It was so steep that we had to stop and rest about every twenty metres. 这么陡峭,我们只好每隔约二十米停下来休息朗文写作活用〔REST〕If you're tired, we'll stop and rest for a while. 如果你累了,我们就停下来休息一会。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕I was exhausted, and had to stop and rest. 我累极了,只得停下来休息朗文写作活用〔clearing〕They stopped to rest and picnic in a clearing in the woods.他们在森林里的一处空地上停下来休息并野餐。英汉大词典〔drag〕We stopped for ten minutes' break and a drag.我们停下来休息十分钟并抽支烟。英汉大词典〔every〕Freda had to stop to rest every hundred metres or so (=each time she had gone 100 metres).弗蕾达每走一百米左右就得停下来休息朗文当代〔exercise〕Stop frequently to rest during exercise until you are fitter.锻炼时要经常停下来休息,直至身体适应为止。牛津搭配〔exhausted〕The exhausted hikers stopped to rest halfway up the mountain.疲惫不堪的徒步旅行者在半山腰停下来休息英汉大词典〔flash〕Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash.皮特关掉手电筒,停下来休息柯林斯高阶〔landing〕We stopped to rest at the first floor landing.我们在一楼楼梯平台处停下来休息韦氏高阶〔push on〕He could have stopped to rest but he pushed on.他本可以停下来休息, 但他还是坚持走了下来。外研社新世纪〔rest〕After they had carried the piano up the stairs, they stopped for a rest.他们把钢琴搬到楼上后,停下来休息了一会儿。剑桥高阶〔rest〕We stopped to have a rest.我们停下来休息外研社新世纪〔stay〕We stayed to have a rest.我们停下来休息了一会儿。21世纪英汉〔stop〕I need to stop for a rest.我得停下来休息一会儿。朗文当代〔stop〕We've been working all morning. It's time to stop and take a break.我们工作了一上午,是时候停下来休息一会儿了。韦氏高阶After they had carried the piano up the stairs, they stopped for a rest from their exertions.他们将钢琴抬上楼之后,停下来休息了一下。剑桥国际Footsore and fatigued, the soldiers stopped to rest.双脚酸痛,疲惫不堪,士兵们停下来休息剑桥国际Stop for a rest now -- then you won't have to go to bed early.现在停下来休息一会,那样你就不必早上床了。剑桥国际They lay by during the heat of the day. 他们在白天最热的时候停下来休息译典通They made a stand and took a rest. 他们停下来休息一下。译典通

