
单词 磅重
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-pounder〕The guns were twelve-pounders.这些大炮发射12磅重的炮弹。柯林斯高阶〔CARRY〕Cora was loaded down with two 70-pound suitcases. 科拉拎着两个70磅重的大箱子。朗文写作活用〔WEIGH〕I've never seen anything like it -- some of those cabbages must have weighed 8 pounds at least. 我从没见过那样的东西——那些卷心菜中有些至少8磅重朗文写作活用〔allowance〕Passengers' baggage allowance is 75 pounds per person.每个乘客准许带 75 磅重的行李。朗文当代〔bale〕The weight of a bale of cotton is taken throughout as 500lb.一包棉花在哪里称都是500磅重外研社新世纪〔benchpress〕He weighs 235 pounds and can benchpress 300 pounds.体重235磅的他可仰卧推举300磅重量。剑桥高阶〔delivery〕The baby weighed almost seven pounds at the time of delivery.这个婴儿出生时差不多有七磅重韦氏高阶〔deliver〕She delivered an eight-pound baby girl this morning.她今天早上生下了一个八磅重的女婴。外研社新世纪〔hook〕I hooked a 20-pound salmon last week.我上周钓了一条 20 磅重的鲑鱼。朗文当代〔land〕One angler landed fish of 10 lb and 9 lb on the same day.一名垂钓者在同一天分别钓到了10磅和9磅重的鱼。柯林斯高阶〔lure〕He caught a 6lb rainbow trout using a white lure.他用一个白色的人工鱼饵钓到了一条6磅重的虹鳟鱼。外研社新世纪〔poundage〕A rate or charge based on weight in pounds.按每磅重量的利率或收费美国传统〔pounder〕There were one hundred guns, mostly twenty-five pounders.大炮有100门之多,大多是发射25磅重炮弹的。英汉大词典〔projectile〕The cannon fires a ten-pound projectile.大炮发射出一枚10磅重的炮弹。韦氏高阶〔slug〕Physics The unit of mass that is accelerated at the rate of one foot per second per second when acted on by a force of one pound weight.【物理学】 (质量单位)斯勒格:在受到一磅重的力作用时产生每秒钟一英尺的加速度的质量单位美国传统〔strap〕She climbed the mountain with a 40-pound pack strapped to her back.她背着40磅重的背包登山。韦氏高阶〔typical〕Cheney is everyone's image of a typical cop: a big white guy, six foot, 220 pounds.切尼是每个人心目中典型的警察形象:大块头白人,6 英尺高,220磅重柯林斯高阶〔weight〕In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs.这种鱼在自然生存环境中可以长到 5 磅重牛津高阶〔weight〕It is about 76 pounds in weight.这个东西大约有 76 磅重牛津搭配〔weight〕It was about 12 pounds in weight.它大约12磅重麦克米伦高阶〔weigh〕The baby weighed 7 pounds when she was born.这个女婴出生时有7磅重麦克米伦高阶For this recipe, you need a two-pound rabbit which has been jointed.这一食谱需要一只切成大块的两磅重的兔子。剑桥国际It would need more than a few exercises to turn a seven-stone weakling into a heavyweight boxer.将一个98磅重的瘦弱者变成一个重量级拳击运动员不是做一些练习就可以的。剑桥国际The potato weighs 4 pounds. 这马铃薯有四磅重译典通Their son weighed eight pounds at birth.他们的儿子生下来有八磅重剑桥国际

