
单词 瞩目
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Jerry loves the attention he gets when he's performing 杰里喜欢表演时那种受人瞩目的感觉。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Bradley has distinguished himself as the top scorer on the team. 布拉德利作为队里的最佳射手而令人瞩目朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕How do her children feel about having a mother who's constantly in the limelight? 她的子女对自己的母亲经常受到公众瞩目有何感想?朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕Marks has kept himself in the public eye for years by filing bizarre lawsuits. 多年来马克斯靠提出怪异的法律诉讼而使自己成为公众瞩目的焦点。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕The President's family is constantly in the public eye. 总统一家不断受到公众瞩目朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕The band is in the spotlight again because of its recent hit single. 该乐队因最近出了张畅销单曲唱片而再度受人瞩目朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Mexico achieved a remarkable 8% annual growth rate, but the new prosperity did not last. 墨西哥实现了令人瞩目的8%年增长率,但是新的繁荣并不持久。朗文写作活用〔before〕The game followed a colourful opening ceremony before a crowd of seventy-four thousand.绚丽多彩的开幕式过后,这场比赛在74,000名观众的瞩目之下开始了。柯林斯高阶〔blaze〕Naturally, their divorce took place amid a blaze of publicity.自然,他们的离婚是在公众瞩目之下进行的。麦克米伦高阶〔boost〕His work on the high-profile lawsuit has boosted him into the political arena.他办的那桩备受瞩目的诉讼案把他推上了政治舞台。韦氏高阶〔centre〕She's the centre of attention everywhere she goes.她不论走到哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。剑桥高阶〔compromise〕He might be an attractive compromise candidate if both sides' first choices are rejected.如果双方的第一选择都被拒绝,他可能就是受瞩目的折中人选了。牛津搭配〔consideration〕They built themselves a large, ugly villa and became people of consideration.他们给自己造了一所大而难看的别墅,因而成为引人瞩目的人。英汉大词典〔conspicuous〕He had represented Italy with conspicuous success.他代表意大利取得了令人瞩目的成功。朗文当代〔cut flower〕Any of various showy flowers used in fresh arrangements.切花:任一种用于艳丽装饰中的引人瞩目的花朵美国传统〔dominate〕Although the cathedral and the castle are both noticeable, the cathedral dominates.虽然大教堂和城堡都令人瞩目,但大教堂尤胜一筹。英汉大词典〔equal〕The film demands attention, and has no equal in cinema history.那部电影众人瞩目,在电影史上无与伦比。柯林斯高阶〔event〕The flat monotonous plains stretch away. A single tree becomes an event.单调平坦的旷野一望无际。孤零零的一棵树就成了引人瞩目之物。英汉大词典〔evidence〕The new alliance was very much in evidence last week.新的联盟上星期很引人瞩目英汉大词典〔fire〕Tom's quite talented but he'll never set the world on fire.汤姆虽然很有才华, 但不会获得举世瞩目的成功。外研社新世纪〔first〕Her solo flight across the Atlantic was a remarkable first.她独自飞越大西洋,是一项引人瞩目的创举。韦氏高阶〔flattered〕Miles was flattered by all the attention he was receiving.迈尔斯因为受人瞩目而感到满足。外研社新世纪〔foreground〕He has receded from the foreground of public attention.他已不再是公众所瞩目的人物。英汉大词典〔gaze〕You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.没有比迈克尔和莉齐更受人瞩目的夫妇了。柯林斯高阶〔get noticed〕You'll get noticed in that new sports car. = That new sports car will get you noticed.那辆新跑车会让你受人瞩目韦氏高阶〔head〕The car's sleek design is bound to turn heads.这款车优美的外观设计必然会引人瞩目韦氏高阶〔highly visible〕They played a highly visible role in the negotiations.他们在谈判中充当了令人瞩目的角色。韦氏高阶〔intellect〕He is a man more noted for his intellect than his charm.相比其魅力,他的才智更为人瞩目剑桥高阶〔itself〕Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how the body rebuilds itself while we sleep.科学家们已经发现了令人瞩目的新证据,说明了人体在睡眠状态下是如何自我修复的。柯林斯高阶〔limelight〕DiCaprio has been in the limelight since he began his career at the age of 12.迪卡普里奥自12岁开始他的职业生涯以来就为公众所瞩目麦克米伦高阶〔limelight〕They have only recently been enjoying worldwide interest that has now put them firmly in the limelight.他们最近才收获全世界的关注, 彻底成为众人瞩目的焦点。外研社新世纪〔limelight〕Tony has now been thrust into the limelight, with a high-profile job.托尼现在有了一份引人瞩目的工作, 一下子成了公众的焦点。外研社新世纪〔logo〕The new logo was unveiled in a blaze of publicity.新标识在公众的瞩目下首次亮相。牛津搭配〔notable〕The proposed new structure is notable not only for its height, but for its shape.拟建的新建筑令人瞩目,不仅是因其高度,也因其外形。柯林斯高阶〔nothing〕Her victory was nothing less than remarkable.他的胜利确实引人瞩目麦克米伦高阶〔preen〕She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention.她得意洋洋地站在他们中间,为受人瞩目而高兴。柯林斯高阶〔profile〕The company currently enjoys a high profile with its new line of mobile phones.该公司目前以其新的手机系列而备受瞩目麦克米伦高阶〔prêt-à-porter〕This season's prêt-à-porter for men was the most outlandish it has been in in decades, with sequins and feathers turning heads at the London shows.这一季的流行男装成衣是近几十年来最奇异的,在伦敦展示时,闪光饰片和羽毛等让这些衣服颇受瞩目剑桥高阶〔public property〕Then marriage to George thrust her into the limelight—and made her public property.嫁给乔治使她一下就成为公众瞩目的焦点, 随之成了一位公众人物。外研社新世纪〔public〕She doesn't want her children growing up in the public eye.她不想让子女在众人瞩目中成长。牛津高阶〔relief〕His noble nature stood out in relief from (或 against) the evil of his surroundings.周围一片邪恶,相形之下他的高贵本性更为引人瞩目英汉大词典〔remarkable〕The area is remarkable for its scenery.这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目牛津高阶〔remarkable〕The play has been a remarkable success.这出剧取得了令人瞩目的成功。麦克米伦高阶〔resplendent〕Her husband sported a resplendent moustache.她丈夫令人瞩目地蓄两撇漂亮的小胡子。英汉大词典〔showy〕A peony is a showy flower.牡丹是一种引人瞩目的花。英汉大词典〔signalize〕The year 1969 was signalized by man's first landing on the moon.1969年因人类首次登月而令人瞩目英汉大词典〔spectacle〕The photo exhibit was quite a spectacle.这次图片展颇受瞩目韦氏高阶〔spotlight〕She's enjoying life out of the spotlight.她享受着不受公众瞩目的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔spotlight〕They're in the media spotlight both nationally and internationally.不论在本国还是在国际上他们都是媒体瞩目的人物。麦克米伦高阶〔stage〕We are on stage, and the world is watching.我们已在台上亮相,全世界都在瞩目观望。英汉大词典〔stand out〕Two other incidents stood out on that visit to Los Angeles.那次洛杉矶之行中的另外两个事件令人瞩目外研社新世纪〔star〕He was the star turn at the celebrations.他是庆典上众人瞩目的焦点。牛津搭配〔star〕Shamu, the killer whale, is the show's star attraction (=best and most popular person or thing) .杀人鲸晓穆是表演中最受人瞩目的明星。朗文当代〔star〕The monkey was the star attraction(= the best or most popular act)at the show.那只猴子是节目中最瞩目的明星。牛津高阶〔success〕The movement has scored some notable successes.这一运动取得了令人瞩目的成功。牛津搭配〔twenty〕It was written in the Twenties, but it still really stands out.它写于20世纪20年代,但直到今天仍然备受瞩目柯林斯高阶〔visibility〕The plight of the refugees gained global visibility.那些难民的苦境获得全球的瞩目文馨英汉〔visible〕Being often in the public view; conspicuous.可见到的:常引起公众注视的;令人瞩目美国传统〔walk away with〕The violin player walked away with the show.小提琴手在这场演出中引人瞩目21世纪英汉Her first novel was published last year in a blaze of (= with a lot of) publicity.她的第一部小说是去年在公众瞩目之下出版的。剑桥国际His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials. 某些官员腐化堕落,相形之下他的廉正更引人瞩目译典通His mother's fame has made him used to the glare of publicity.他的母亲的名声使他习惯了受人瞩目剑桥国际She is always a great draw at social parties. 她在社交聚会上总是引人瞩目译典通She's the centre of attention (=Everyone wants to talk to her) everywhere she goes.无论她走到哪里,总是众人瞩目的中心。剑桥国际The 20th century has been remarkable for its inventions. 20 世纪由于其发明而引人瞩目剑桥国际

