
单词 重组
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISADVANTAGE〕The government has reorganized the taxation system to the disadvantage of low-paid workers. 政府重组了税务制度,其结果对低收入的工人不利。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕The decision to reorganize the company was a brilliant success. 把公司进行重组是一项卓越的成就。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕A consultant has been brought in to assist management in restructuring the company. 请了一名顾问协助管理层对公司进行重组朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕When the new manager was appointed, he lost no time in reorganizing the office. 新经理受命上任后立即就着手重组办公室。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕In the course of restructuring, over half the workforce were given their notice. 在重组过程中,超过一半的工人收到了解雇通知。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The newly reorganized company is now in the black. 这家近期重组的公司现在赢利了。朗文写作活用〔amendment〕The States Reorganization Act of 1956 and the subsequent amendments in 1960 and 1966 1956 年的《邦重组法案》与随后于 1960 年和 1966 年所作的修正案牛津搭配〔atavism〕The reappearance of a characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence, usually caused by the chance recombination of genes.返祖现象,隔代遗传:机体特征在几代缺失后重新出现,通常由基因重组引起美国传统〔bear〕The restructuring has yet to bear fruit.重组还未有成效。外研社新世纪〔benefit〕We benefited directly from the reorganization.我们从重组中直接受益。牛津搭配〔carry〕The bosses' plans to reorganize the company won't succeed unless they can carry the workforce with them.管理层重组公司的计划不会成功,除非他们能赢得全体员工的支持。剑桥高阶〔cash flow〕Restructuring and pension costs will constrain cash flow.重组和养老金费用会限制现金流。外研社新世纪〔casualty〕The first casualty of the reorganization will be the bus service, which will be stopped altogether.公共汽车行业将首当其冲成为重组的受害者,将完全停止运行。剑桥高阶〔choice〕The option lies between accepting the candidate the administration proposes and reconstituting the search committee.可以在接受由领导提名的候选人以及重组选拔委员会之间作出选择。美国传统〔chop〕When the reorganization occurs, the smaller departments will be the first for the chop.进行重组时,较小的部门将会首先被砍掉。剑桥高阶〔communication〕He received an official communication about the reorganization.他收到了有关重组的官方消息。牛津搭配〔consequent〕The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.重组引发了社会福利工作的重大变化。外研社新世纪〔consequent〕The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.重组引起社会福利工作发生了重大变化。柯林斯高阶〔course〕Over the course of the next few years, the steel industry was reorganized.在接下来的几年里,钢铁工业进行了重组朗文当代〔debt〕The company has reached a deal allowing it to restructure its debts.这家公司达成协议获准重组其债务。牛津搭配〔defrag〕To defragment.磁盘重组美国传统〔distributive〕Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry.就这个行业的配销方面来说,重组是必要的。柯林斯高阶〔entail〕Restructuring will inevitably entail compromises.重组免不了要有一些妥协。牛津搭配〔focus〕The restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key markets.重组旨在更加注重发展各主要市场。牛津搭配〔group〕The group has split up and re-formed several times with different musicians.这个乐队已经分裂重组了好几次,每次的成员都不同。牛津搭配〔hash〕The reorganization plan was hashed out September 16.重组计划在 9 月 16 号进行了充分讨论。朗文当代〔justification〕I could find no real justification for the proposed reorganization.我没发现提出重组有什么正当理由。牛津搭配〔machine〕The department ran like a well-oiled machine after the reorganization.这个部门重组后像上足了油的机器一样高效运转。牛津搭配〔mismanagement〕His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.他在经营管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地。外研社新世纪〔mismanagement〕His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.他管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地。柯林斯高阶〔multi-skilling〕He said restructuring at the station would lead to increased multi-skilling among staff.他说重组该站需要加大对职员的多种技能培训。外研社新世纪〔multi-skilling〕He said restructuring at the station would lead to increased multi-skilling among staff.他说该站的重组将使员工成为多面手。柯林斯高阶〔parasexual〕Of, relating to, or involving a form of reproduction in which recombination of genes from different individuals occurs without meiosis and fertilization.准性的,拟有性的:属于、有关或包含一种来自各个体的基因重组时没有减数分裂和受精作用的生殖形式的美国传统〔plan〕The airline intends to file a reorganization plan within three months.该航空公司拟在 3 个月内提交重组计划。牛津搭配〔player〕She was a leading/key player in the reorganization of the health service.在医疗机构的重组中,她是一位主要参与者。剑桥高阶〔ramshackle〕We need to reorganize this ramshackle system.我们需要对这个混乱不堪的系统进行重组剑桥高阶〔re-form〕The 40-year-old singer reformed his band.这个40岁的歌手重组了他的乐队。柯林斯高阶〔reassemble〕Mr Lucas reassembled his team in September.卢卡斯先生于九月重组了团队。外研社新世纪〔recapitalization〕He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund.他计划对保险基金进行重组柯林斯高阶〔recapitalization〕Mr Warnock resigned as the company abandoned a plan to recapitalize.沃诺克先生辞职了,因为公司放弃了一项资金重组计划。柯林斯高阶〔recasting〕The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries.改组的目标是把IBM重组为一个灵活的、相互竞争的子公司联盟。柯林斯高阶〔recombinant〕An organism or a cell in which genetic recombination has taken place.重组体:发生了基因重组的有机体或细胞美国传统〔recombinant〕Genetic material produced by gene-splicing.重组基因材料:基因分割而产生的基因材料美国传统〔recombinant〕Researchers have launched a vaccine trial, using new formulas created with recombinant DNA technology.研究者们启动了一项疫苗测试,采用的根据重组DNA技术研制的新配方。剑桥高阶〔recombinase〕An enzyme that catalyzes genetic recombination.催化重级酶:能催化基因重组的一种酶美国传统〔reconstitute〕They have plans to reconstitute the bankrupt company.他们计划重组那家破产公司。韦氏高阶〔recon〕The smallest genetic unit capable of recombination.重组子:能够重组的最小的基因单位美国传统〔redundancy〕The restructuring is expected to result in the redundancy of several hundred workers.重组可能会导致数百名工人被裁。韦氏高阶〔reengineer〕They reengineered the department, and cut nearly 400 jobs.他们对部门进行重组,削减了将近 400 个工作岗位。朗文当代〔regroup〕The Russians retreated, needing to regroup their forces.俄国人需要重组军队,于是撤退了。朗文当代〔reorganization〕David was worried about major reorganisations taking place at work.戴维对工作上正在进行的重大重组很是忧虑。柯林斯高阶〔reorganization〕The act or process of organizing again or differently.改组:重组或改组的行为或过程美国传统〔reorganize〕The company is reorganizing as a corporation.公司正在进行股份有限公司重组韦氏高阶〔reorganize〕The company was reorganized after it went bankrupt.公司破产后进行了重组韦氏高阶〔reorganize〕The new managing director plans to completely reorganize this department.新任总经理计划彻底对这一部门进行重组剑桥高阶〔reorganize〕The staff is still reorganizing the files according to the new system.全体员工仍在根据新系统重组文档。韦氏高阶〔reservation〕The employees are backing the reorganization plans, with reservations.员工支持重组计划,但有保留意见。牛津搭配〔reshuffle〕The prime minister is expected to reshuffle his ministerial team next month.首相预计会在下月对其部长班子进行重组剑桥高阶〔restructure〕They restructured the company and fired most of its employees.他们重组了公司, 解雇了大部分员工。外研社新世纪〔revamp〕The act or an instance of revamping; a complete reorganization or revision.改组,改建:修改的行为或实例;彻底重组或修订美国传统〔shake sth up〕Several new players have been brought in to shake up the team.引进了几位新队员以重组队伍。剑桥高阶〔shake up〕The new CEO shook up the company by asking some senior managers to leave.为了重组公司,新的首席执行官让一些高级经理离职。韦氏高阶〔shake-out〕This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking.本年度意大利银行业将进行大规模重组柯林斯高阶〔shakeup〕A thorough, often drastic reorganization, as of the personnel in a business or government.重组:一种通盘的、常常是变动很大的重新组织,如一公司或政府中的人事美国传统〔shakeup〕The headline read 'Local company plans shake-up'.标题是《当地公司计划重组》。牛津搭配〔shake〕The new chairman will shake up the company.新任董事长将重组那家公司。英汉大词典〔slash-and-burn〕The company rejected a slash-and-burn type restructuring program.这个公司拒绝采用大量裁员的重组计划。剑桥高阶〔slim〕They're restructuring and slimming down the workforce.他们正对职工加以重组和裁减。牛津高阶〔split〕Ten years after their acrimonious split, the band has reformed.闹翻 10 年之后,这个乐队重组了。牛津搭配〔structure〕The company needs to reorganize its management structure.这家公司需要重组其管理体系。麦克米伦高阶〔tour〕Simon and Garfunkel's 2003 reunion tour 西蒙和加丰克尔的 2003 年重组巡演牛津搭配〔trot out〕EMI trotted it out on March 25 for an anniversary makeover.百代唱片公司3月25日又搬出了周年重组这件事。外研社新世纪〔upgrade〕Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.医疗设施正在进行重组和升级。外研社新世纪〔vitality〕The process of restructuring has injected some much-needed vitality into the company.重组为公司注入了一些急需的生命力。朗文当代〔work in〕This doesn't work in with our plans to reorganize the department.这与我们重组部门的计划格格不入。外研社新世纪〔work〕Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice.她关于部门重组的构想实际上永远都不会实现。剑桥高阶He filed a reorganization plan with the bankruptcy court.他向破产法庭提交了一份重组计划。牛津商务He was hired to re-engineer the struggling company.他被聘来重组这家岌岌可危的公司。牛津商务Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice.她重组这个部门的想法在实际上将永远行不通。剑桥国际In the reorganization, Southern Television lost their franchise.南方电视公司在重组过程中失去了特许经营权。牛津商务Once the system of local government is reorganized, the checks and balances provided by district councils to protect the local countryside will be lost.一旦地方政府系统重组,就会失去区议会所提供的保护当地农村的制约与平衡了。剑桥国际Our new managing director has reorganized the company a bit, but nothing has fundamentally changed / altered (=its basic character has not changed).我们新的总经理对公司进行了一些重组,但没有什么根本改变。剑桥国际Profits were depressed by reorganization costs.重组成本使利润减少了。牛津商务Reorganization has reduced operating inefficiencies.重组减少了运作效率低下的问题。牛津商务She cleverly created a job for herself when the company was reorganized.当公司重组时,她机敏地为自己制造了一个岗位。剑桥国际She's busily reorganizing the company to increase profits.她忙着重组公司以增加盈利。剑桥国际The $4 billion reconstruction will hand control of the company to its bankers.耗资 40 亿元的重组将把公司的控制权移交给银行。牛津商务The CEO was keen to talk up the benefits of the restructuring programme.首席执行官热衷于夸大重组计划的好处。牛津商务The company could be in bankruptcy reorganization for two years.这家公司进行破产重组可能有两年了。牛津商务The country's shambolic civil service is about to be reorganized, with the loss of several thousand jobs.这个国家的组织混乱的文职机关将要进行重组,有几千人将会失去工作。剑桥国际The firm had to pay restructuring charges of more than 350m euros.这家公司只好支付 3.5 亿多欧元的重组费用。牛津商务The first casualty of the reorganization will be the regular bus service, which will either be reduced or stopped altogether.重组之后,正常的公共汽车服务首遭其害,不是班次减少了,就是完全停开了。剑桥国际The government restructured the coal industry before selling it to private owners.政府在将煤炭工业卖给私人之前对它进行了重组剑桥国际The management's plans to reorganize the company won't succeed unless they can carry the workforce with them.管理阶层重组公司的计划不会成功,除非他们获得全体职工的支持。剑桥国际The restructure of the company could achieve annual cost savings of $45 million.公司重组每年能节省 4500 万元的成本。牛津商务The restructuring plan now appears to be dead.这项重组计划现在似乎已不可挽回。牛津商务The restructuring program has the full support of employees.重组计划得到雇员的全力支持。牛津商务There were a few bugs in the reorganization plan.重组计划出现了问题。剑桥国际These changes flowed from the reorganization of the company.这些变化是由公司重组引起的。牛津商务They took a $26 million restructuring charge, mainly related to redundancy pay for staff.他们花了 2 600 万元的重组费用,主要是给员工的遣散费。牛津商务

