
单词 金属表面
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DAMAGE〕The problem is how to protect the metal surface from corrosion. 问题在于如何使金属表面不受腐蚀。朗文写作活用〔chill〕Metallurgy To harden (a metallic surface) by rapid cooling.【冶金学】 冷铸,冷淬:通过急冷处理使(金属表面)变硬美国传统〔cyanide〕To treat (a metal surface) with cyanide to produce a hard surface.氰化:用氰化物处理(金属表面)使其表面坚硬美国传统〔dross〕A waste product or an impurity, especially an oxide, formed on the surface of molten metal.废料或混杂物,尤指在融化金属表面形成的氧化物美国传统〔field-ion microscope〕A microscope that produces an image of the atoms on a metal surface by means of ions formed in a high-voltage electric field.场用显微镜:通过高压电场中形成的离子在金属表面展现原子图象的显微镜美国传统〔niello〕Any of several black metallic alloys of sulfur with copper, silver, or lead, used to fill an incised design on the surface of another metal.黑银镶嵌:由硫和铜、银或铅构成的深墨色合金,用来注入另一金属表面所雕刻的花纹图案中美国传统〔niello〕The art or process of ornamenting metal surfaces with one of these alloys.黑银镶嵌术:用这些合金装饰金属表面的艺术或过程美国传统〔peen〕Great improvement has been brought about in the service life of springs by hot peening.用锤头连续敲打金属表面的方法大大地延长了弹簧的使用寿命。21世纪英汉〔photoemission〕Emission of photoelectrons, especially from metallic surfaces.光电发射:光电子的放射,尤指从金属表面美国传统〔pickle〕A chemical solution, such as an acid, that is used as a bath to remove scale and oxides from the surface of metals before plating or finishing.淡酸水,稀酸液:在金属电镀或精加工之前用来除去金属表面铁锈和氧化物的化学溶液,如酸溶液美国传统〔planer〕One that planes, especially a machine tool that is used to smooth or finish the surfaces of wood or metal.刨机,刨床:刨平东西的工具,尤其指用来磨平或抛光木材或金属表面的机床工具美国传统〔prime〕All metal surfaces will have to be primed.所有金属表面必须打上底漆。朗文当代〔reflection〕There is reflection of heat from the metal surface.金属表面反射传导热。牛津搭配〔sandblast〕A blast of air or steam carrying sand at high velocity to etch glass or to clean stone or metal surfaces.喷沙:一种用来蚀刻玻璃或清洗石头或金属表面含有沙土的高速空气蒸汽流美国传统〔tarnish〕Discoloration of a metal surface caused by corrosion or oxidation.生锈:金属表面由于腐蚀或氧化造成的褪色现象美国传统〔work function〕The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a metal.功函数:把粒子以金属表面移动出来所需的最小能量美国传统

