
单词 统称
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder. 痴呆是各种精神病症的统称朗文写作活用〔Mexican hairless〕Any of a breed of small dog of unknown origin, found in Mexico and having a smooth hairless body except for tufts on the head and tail.墨西哥无毛狗:血统不明的一种小种狗的统称,见于墨西哥,全身除尾尖及头部外光秃美国传统〔Veda〕Any of the oldest Hindu sacred texts, composed in Sanskrit and gathered into four collections.吠陀:用梵语写的、被集合成四册的印度最古的宗教文献的统称美国传统〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are collectively known as the "Benelux' countries. 比利时、卢森堡和荷兰统称为“比卢荷经济联盟”国家。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The president said that Mexico would continue to cooperate with the US in the fight against drugs. 总统称墨西哥将会继续与美国合作,打击毒品。朗文写作活用〔abominable〕The President described the killings as an abominable crime.总统称这些血案为令人发指的罪行。柯林斯高阶〔aquaculture〕Farming finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants, known collectively as aquaculture, is one of the world's fastest-growing food sectors.饲养有鳍鱼类、有壳水生动物以及种植水生植物统称水产养殖,是世界上目前发展最迅速的食品产业。剑桥高阶〔call〕President Nixon called his opponents traitors.尼克松总统称对手是卖国贼。外研社新世纪〔call〕The President called him ‘a genuine hero'.总统称他为“真正的英雄”。麦克米伦高阶〔catch-all〕Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress.消化不良是对各种胃部不适的统称外研社新世纪〔co-operative〕The President said the visit would develop co-operative relations between the two countries.总统称这次访问会发展两国的合作关系。外研社新世纪〔collectively〕People refer to these different medical conditions collectively as heart disease.人们把这些不同的病情统称为心脏病。麦克米伦高阶〔collectively〕Rain, snow and hail are collectively known as precipitation.雨、雪和冰雹统称降水。朗文当代〔collectively〕Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.社会科学是一个统称,涵盖一系列的独立学科。柯林斯高阶〔collectively〕These sorts of cells are known collectively as white corpuscles.这类细胞统称为白细胞。外研社新世纪〔council〕President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans.纳吉布拉总统称他将召开阿富汗全民大会。外研社新世纪〔council〕President Najibullah said he would call a grand council of all Afghans.纳吉布拉总统称他将召开阿富汗全民大会。柯林斯高阶〔crane〕Any of various devices with a swinging arm, as in a fireplace for suspending a pot.吊架:有摆动臂杆的多种装置的统称。如将锅架在火炉上的吊架美国传统〔cucumber〕Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.香瓜属植物:任一种相关或类似植物的统称,如刺瓜和黄瓜美国传统〔deploy〕The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.总统称他无意部署地面部队。外研社新世纪〔deploy〕The president said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.总统称并不打算部署地面部队。柯林斯高阶〔epoch〕The president said that his country was moving into a new epoch, which would be one of lasting peace.总统称他的国家正在步入一个长治久安的新时代。剑桥高阶〔erase〕The president said NATO expansion would finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War.总统称北约的扩展将最终消除冷战在欧洲人为造成的界限。剑桥高阶〔fiddle〕The President said that Parliament was fiddling while Rome burns.总统称国会在火烧眉毛之际仍无所事事。外研社新世纪〔flesh〕Humankind in general; humanity.人类:人类的统称;人性美国传统〔generically〕I will refer to child abuse generically (which includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect).我将此统称为虐待儿童(包括身体和情感上的虐待、性虐待及疏于照管)。外研社新世纪〔mischief〕The President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.总统称这次大会是制造政治危害的平台。外研社新世纪〔mischief〕They withdrew their support after the President described the conference as a platform to cause political mischief.在总统称这次大会是在制造政治事端之后,他们便撤回了对这次会议的支持。柯林斯高阶〔parlance〕Oral contraceptives are referred to as "the pill" in common parlance.口服避孕药通常被统称为 the pill。剑桥高阶〔preservation〕The president has said that the government is committed to the preservation (= protection) of the country's national interests.总统称政府正致力于维护国家的民族利益。剑桥高阶〔ransom〕The president has said the United States will never pay ransom for the hostages.总统称美国永远不会为这些人质支付赎金。柯林斯高阶〔regret〕The president said that his country deeply regretted the incident.总统称整个国家都对这一事件深表遗憾。牛津搭配〔smash〕The President said he would smash terrorism.总统称会消灭恐怖主义。外研社新世纪〔trafficking〕The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处。柯林斯高阶〔umbrella〕Within the umbrella term 'dementia' there are many different diseases.“痴呆”这一统称包括许多不同的疾病。外研社新世纪〔umbrella〕Within the umbrella term 'dementia' there are many different kinds of disease.“痴呆”这一统称里包括多种不同的疾病。柯林斯高阶〔vegetable oil〕Any of various oils obtained from plants and used in food products and industrially.植物油:从植物中获取的多种油的统称,用于食品生产和食品工业美国传统〔vegetable silk〕Any of several silky fibers from the seedpods of certain plants, such as the kapok.植物丝:从某些植物的心皮获取的几种丝状纤维的统称,如木棉美国传统〔venereal disease〕Any of several contagious diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, contracted through sexual intercourse; a sexually transmitted disease.传染病,性病:几种传染病的统称,如梅毒和淋病,通过性交而传染;一种通过性交传染的疾病美国传统〔ventricle〕Any of the interconnecting cavities of the brain.脑室:脑部的互相连接的腔室的统称美国传统〔vermiculite〕Any of a group of micaceous hydrated silicate minerals related to the chlorites and used in heat-expanded form as insulation and as a planting medium.蛭石:与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅酸盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介美国传统〔waterfowl〕Swimming game birds, such as ducks and geese, considered as a group.水禽,如鸭和鹅等的统称美国传统Hock is a general term applied to white wines which are produced beside the River Rhine.霍克酒是产于莱茵河畔的白葡萄酒的统称剑桥国际

