
单词 盲人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) blind as a bat〕Without glasses I'm blind as a bat.我不戴眼镜简直跟盲人一样。韦氏高阶〔Labrador〕Labradors are used as guide dogs for blind people.拉布拉多狗被用作盲人的导盲犬。剑桥高阶〔MONEY〕There's a special fund you can apply to, that pays for blind students to go to university. 有一项特别基金你可以申请,这项基金资助盲人学生上大学。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Tape copies are available free of charge to blind and partially sighted people. 盲人和弱视者可免费获得磁带副本。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕There's a blind man who sells popcorn on the corner. 角落里有个盲人在卖爆米花。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕Blind people often have a much better sense of smell than other people. 盲人的嗅觉通常要比其他人灵敏很多。朗文写作活用〔Seeing Eye〕A trademark used for a dog trained to lead a sightless person.导盲犬:训练成可为盲人引路的狗的一种标记美国传统〔Tiresias〕A blind soothsayer of Thebes.提瑞西阿斯:提比斯的一位盲人先知美国传统〔audiotape〕She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people.她利用声音训练的机会为盲人制作读物录音磁带。外研社新世纪〔audio〕She uses her vocal training to record audio tapes of books for blind people.她利用接受的声乐训练给盲人录制磁带图书。柯林斯高阶〔blindness〕He was a teacher of the blind.他曾教过盲人柯林斯高阶〔blindsight〕The ability of a blind person to sense the presence of a light source.盲视:盲人感觉到光源的能力美国传统〔blind〕How would you explain colour to a blind person?你怎样给盲人解释颜色呢?外研社新世纪〔blind〕I'll try to help, but it's the blind leading the blind because I've never done this before either.我会尽量帮忙,但这只是盲人盲人,因为这件事我以前也没做过。韦氏高阶〔blind〕Of, relating to, or for sightless persons.盲人的:盲人的,有关盲人的或为了盲人美国传统〔blind〕One of her parents is blind.她的父母有一个是盲人牛津高阶〔blind〕She trains dogs for the blind.她为盲人训练导盲犬。剑桥高阶〔blind〕She's blind.她是盲人外研社新世纪〔blind〕The agency provides assistance to the blind.这个机构为盲人提供帮助。韦氏高阶〔blind〕The only local blind school was on the other side of Sheffield.当地唯一的盲人学校在谢菲尔德的另一边。外研社新世纪〔blind〕What do you think of the help that's given to the blind?你觉得对盲人的帮助怎么样?外研社新世纪〔confusing〕Confusingly, blind people also respond to the light.令人困惑的是,盲人对亮光也有反应。柯林斯高阶〔dishono(u)rable〕It is dishono(u)rable to steal a blind man's money.偷盲人的钱是可耻的。英汉大词典〔employment〕The company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.这家公司是首批向盲人提供有意义的工作岗位的企业之一。牛津搭配〔faculty〕It is a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.说盲人的听力会大幅增强是一种谬谈。外研社新世纪〔faculty〕It is also a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.盲人的听力会大幅增强也是一种谬谈。柯林斯高阶〔gift〕Your donation can mean the gift of sight to a blind person.你的捐赠可能意味着给一位盲人带来光明的恩赐。外研社新世纪〔guide dog〕A dog that has been specially trained to guide a visually impaired or sightless person.导盲狗:经过特殊训练以引导视力有缺陷者或盲人的狗美国传统〔illiterate〕A large percentage of the population is illiterate.文盲人口占有相当高的比例。柯林斯高阶〔impossible〕It is difficult to find work these days, but for blind people it is virtually impossible .现在找工作很难,对于盲人来说几乎不可能。朗文当代〔insensible〕A blind man is insensible to colours.盲人对色彩一无感觉。英汉大词典〔lay to〕The mugger laid to a blind man.抢劫犯突然向一个盲人袭击。21世纪英汉〔lead〕She led the blind man across the street.她牵那个盲人过街。文馨英汉〔matter〕It didn't matter to her that he was blind.他是个盲人,但她不介意。牛津搭配〔mock〕The naughty boys mocked the blind man.顽皮的孩子们嘲弄那个盲人英汉大词典〔mock〕They mocked the blind man.他们嘲笑那个盲人21世纪英汉〔pair〕Each blind student was paired with a sighted student.每个盲人学员都与一个视力正常的同学配对。牛津高阶〔point system〕Any of various systems of printing or writing for sightless people, as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised symbols or dots that correspond to letters.盲文点字体系:一种为盲人设计的印刷或书写体系,如布莱叶点字法,它用一种隆起的符号或圆点所组成的字母与字母对应美国传统〔point〕One of the protruding marks used in certain methods of writing and printing for the sightless.(盲人用以点字的)点:突起的标记之一,用于某些为盲人设计的书写和印刷方法中美国传统〔read〕The blind read with their fingers.盲人用手指读书。文馨英汉〔sighted〕This is more of a problem for blind people than for those who are sighted.与看得见的人相比, 这对盲人来说更为困难。外研社新世纪〔signer〕I'm keen on providing signers for deaf people and readers for the blind.我热心于为聋哑人提供手语员,为盲人提供朗读员。柯林斯高阶〔transcribe〕How many official documents have been transcribed into Braille for blind people? 有多少官方文件已经转成盲文供盲人阅读?牛津高阶〔visually impaired〕Visually impaired people considered as a group.盲人:视力受损者的总称美国传统〔visually〕Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or visually impaired.导盲犬为盲人或视力受损的人开启了新的生活空间。剑桥高阶Blind people sometimes carry white sticks which they use to help them find their way around.盲人有时用白木棍来帮他们探路。剑桥国际Guide dogs can help open up the lives of blind people.导盲犬可以帮助减少盲人生活中的不便。剑桥国际Guide dogs open up the lives of the blind or visually impaired.引路狗给盲人或视力有缺陷的人们打开了生活之窗。剑桥国际Labradors are used as guide-dogs for blind people.纽芬兰猎狗被用作盲人的向导狗。剑桥国际She trains guide dogs for the blind.她为盲人训练向导狗。剑桥国际The blind man begged for a living. 那个盲人以乞讨为生。译典通The blind man fumbled about in his pocket for a key. 那个盲人在口袋里摸找钥匙。译典通The blind people live in a dark world. 盲人生活在黑暗的世界里。译典通The collection is in aid of the blind. 这笔募集的捐款是用来救济盲人的。译典通The creation of a charity for the blind was her life's work.她把毕生精力都献给了创办帮助盲人的慈善事业。剑桥国际They have been tireless in raising money for guide dogs for the blind.他们一直坚持不懈地筹款给盲人配备导盲犬。剑桥国际

