
单词 病症状
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SICK/VOMIT〕Keith's had a particularly nasty form of the illness - he's even been throwing up with it. 基思得的那种病症状特别严重—他甚至还呕吐。朗文写作活用〔Waardenburg syndrome〕A hereditary syndrome characterized by varying degrees of deafness and facial bone defects and by variation in pigmentation of the skin, hair, or eyes.蓝眼症候群,瓦登伯格症候群:遗传性疾病症状,特征为程度不一的耳聋、脸部骨骼缺陷,以及肤色、发色以及眼球的着色不同美国传统〔antipsychotic〕Counteracting or diminishing the symptoms of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, paranoia, and manic-depressive psychosis.抗精神病的:抵制或消除精神病症状的,如精神分裂症,偏执症和抑郁性精神错乱美国传统〔asymptomatic〕Neither causing nor exhibiting symptoms of disease.无症状的:既没有疾病原因也没有疾病症状美国传统〔illness〕If your child shows any signs of illness, take her to the doctor.如果您的孩子出现任何患病症状,带她去看医生。柯林斯高阶〔notify〕Any cow which appears to be affected with tuberculosis must be notified.凡是有患结核病症状的奶牛必须报告。英汉大词典〔pattern〕In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.这种精神病通常的发病症状是时而萎靡不振,时而兴高采烈。剑桥高阶〔preclinical〕Of or relating to the period of a disease before the appearance of symptoms.临床前的:疾病症状出现前的时期的或与之相关的美国传统〔psychedelic〕Of, characterized by, or generating hallucinations, distortions of perception, altered states of awareness, and occasionally states resembling psychosis.迷幻的:幻觉的、感觉变异的、意识状态改变的、有时类似于精神病症状的,有以上特征的或产生以上症状的美国传统〔psychotomimetic〕Tending to induce hallucinations, delusions, or other symptoms of a psychosis. Used of a drug.拟精神幻觉的:能引起幻觉、幻想或其它精神病症状的,用于药物美国传统〔recognize〕Asthma sufferers soon learn to recognize the symptoms of an attack.哮喘病人不久就学会了识别这种病的发病症状麦克米伦高阶〔remission〕Medicine Abatement or subsiding of the symptoms of a disease.【医学】 好转:疾病症状的减弱或者消退美国传统〔remission〕The period during which the symptoms of a disease abate or subside.好转期:疾病症状减弱或消退的时期美国传统〔schizophreniform〕Having the form of or resembling schizophrenia.精神分裂症的:有精神分裂病症状的或类似精神分裂症的美国传统Symptoms of the disease include an enlarged spleen and/or liver.疾病症状包括增大的脾和/或肝脏。剑桥国际There are few visible signs of the illness that kept her in hospital for so long.没有什么明显的疾病症状非得让她在医院呆了这么长时间。剑桥国际

