
单词 贫血
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ILL/SICK〕Bruce went to the doctor, feeling a little off colour, and was told that he had anaemia. 布鲁斯感到身体不舒服就去看医生,结果得知自己得了贫血症。朗文写作活用〔also〕He is an asthmatic who was also anaemic.他是个曾患贫血症的哮喘患者。柯林斯高阶〔anaemia〕She suffered from anaemia and even required blood transfusions.她患有贫血, 甚至到了需要输血的地步。外研社新世纪〔anaemia〕She suffered from anaemia and even required blood transfusions.她患有贫血症,甚至需要输血。柯林斯高阶〔anaemia〕The main symptoms of anaemia are tiredness and pallor.贫血的主要症状是浑身乏力、脸色苍白。剑桥高阶〔anaemic〕Lack of iron in your diet can make you anaemic.饮食中缺少铁元素会导致贫血剑桥高阶〔anaemic〕Losing a lot of blood makes you tired and anaemic.失血过多会导致你疲劳并且贫血柯林斯高阶〔anaemic〕She looks anaemic.她看来像是有贫血症。牛津高阶〔anaemic〕They had diagnosed him as anaemic.他们诊断他患有贫血外研社新世纪〔anemic〕Of, relating to, or suffering from anemia.贫血的:贫血的,与贫血有关的,或患贫血症的美国传统〔anemic〕The doctor told me I was slightly anemic.医生说我有点轻微贫血韦氏高阶〔bloodless〕Deficient in or lacking blood.贫血的,无血色的美国传统〔epoetin alfa〕A recombinant preparation of human erythropoietin used to treat some forms of anemia.红血球生成素:治疗某些贫血成因的红血球生成素制剂美国传统〔equine infectious anemia〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马会感染的一种病毒性疾病,症状为逐步性的贫血、步伐摇晃以及发烧美国传统〔exsanguine〕Lacking blood; anemic.缺血的;贫血美国传统〔full-blooded〕Not pale or anemic; florid or ruddy.血气旺盛的:不苍白或非贫血的;红润的或气色好的美国传统〔hemolytic anemia〕Anemia resulting from the lysis of red blood cells, as in response to certain toxic or infectious agents and in certain inherited blood disorders.溶血性贫血:由于红血细胞溶解而引起的贫血,在某些遗传性血液疾病中由某些毒剂或传染剂所致美国传统〔lassitude〕Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.贫血症状包括全身疲劳和困乏。柯林斯高阶〔lassitude〕Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.贫血的症状包括周身无力、精神萎靡。外研社新世纪〔macrocyte〕An abnormally large red blood cell, especially one associated with pernicious anemia.巨红血球:异常增大的红血球,特指与恶性贫血有关的美国传统〔megaloblast〕An abnormally large nucleated red blood cell found especially in people having pernicious anemia or certain vitamin deficiencies.巨母红血球:一种大得不正常的有核红血球,尤见于患恶心贫血或缺乏某些维生素的人身上美国传统〔myelofibrosis〕Proliferation of fibroblastic cells in bone marrow, causing anemia and sometimes enlargement of the spleen and liver.骨髓纤维化,骨髓纤维变性:在骨髓中成纤维细胞的扩散,常引起贫血症,而且有时也会导致脾和肝的增大美国传统〔portend〕Perhaps the present concern with the values of liberal arts education portends an intellectual anemia.现在关心大学文科教育的重要性也许意味着患了智力贫血症。21世纪英汉〔recessive〕Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.镰状细胞贫血是通过隐性基因遗传的。外研社新世纪〔recessive〕Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.镰状细胞贫血通过隐性基因遗传给后代。柯林斯高阶〔sickle cell trait〕A hereditary condition, usually harmless and without symptoms, in which an individual carries only one gene for sickle cell anemia.镰状细胞性状(或特征):一种遗传性状况,通常无害且无病症,只携带一个镰状细胞性贫血症基因美国传统〔sicklemia〕Sickle cell anemia or sickle cell trait.镰状细胞性贫血或镰状细胞特征美国传统〔sprue〕A chronic, chiefly tropical disease characterized by diarrhea, emaciation, and anemia, caused by defective absorption of nutrients from the intestinal tract.口炎性腹泻:一种慢性的热带疾病,以腹泻、消瘦、贫血为特征,由肠道营养吸收不良引起美国传统〔swamp fever〕A viral disease in horses marked by progressive anemia, a staggering gait, and fever.马传染性贫血:马的病毒性疾病,特征为渐重的贫血、蹒跚的步伐和发烧美国传统〔thalassemia〕An inherited form of anemia occurring chiefly among people of Mediterranean descent, caused by faulty synthesis of part of the hemoglobin molecule.地中海贫血:主要发生于地中海后裔中的遗传性贫血,由血红蛋白分子部分错误合成引起美国传统〔untreated〕It is a form of anaemia which is nearly always fatal if left untreated.这是一种贫血病,如果不进行治疗的话会有生命危险。剑桥高阶〔weakly〕Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.贫血的症状包括虚弱、疲劳和缺铁。柯林斯高阶Lack of iron in your diet can make you anaemic.饮食中缺铁会使你贫血剑桥国际Some people with red-cell mutations such as thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia inherit an immunity to malaria.有些红细胞突变的人,如地中海式贫血病人和镰状红细胞贫血病人遗传对疟疾的免疫。剑桥国际

