
单词 铁道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔JOIN〕One of Britain's worst rail accidents happened at Clapham Junction. 英国最严重的一起铁路交通事故发生在克拉珀母铁道交叉口。朗文写作活用〔RMS〕Railway Mail Service.铁道邮政美国传统〔SMALL〕Next to the beach there's a miniature railway. 沙滩旁边有一条小铁道朗文写作活用〔account〕It accounts for 30 per cent of all railway accidents. 这占了全部铁道事故的30%。英汉大词典〔bogie〕A railroad car or locomotive undercarriage with two, four, or six wheels that swivels so curves can be negotiated.转向车:一种铁道车或负重车,有两个、四个或六个可转向以顺利通过弯道的轮美国传统〔broad gauge〕A locomotive, car, or railway line of this gauge.此规格的火车、车厢或铁道美国传统〔broad-gauge〕Having a broad gauge. Used of a railroad track.宽轨距的。用于指铁道美国传统〔chemin de fer〕A variation of baccarat.铁道牌:巴卡拉纸牌的变异美国传统〔chug〕The train chugs down the track.这列火车咣当咣当地沿着铁道行驶。外研社新世纪〔collect〕After collecting the cash, the kidnapper made his escape down the disused railway line.拿到现金后,绑架者沿着废弃的铁道逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔elevated railway〕A railway that operates on a raised structure in order to permit passage of vehicles or pedestrians beneath it.高架铁道:一条位于高架建筑上的铁路,以使车辆或行人在下面通过美国传统〔el〕An elevated railway.高架铁道美国传统〔flood out〕Train lines were flooded out.铁道线被洪水淹没。外研社新世纪〔gondola car〕An open railroad freight car with low sides.无盖货车:一种无顶而车皮两侧比较低的铁道平底车美国传统〔limitation〕All railroads have weight and height limitations, because of tunnels, bridges and so forth.由于隧道、桥梁等原因,所有铁道皆有载重及车厢高度限制。英汉大词典〔metro〕A subway system.地下铁道美国传统〔parallel〕The river paralleled the railroad track for some distance.这条河有一段与此处铁道平行。外研社新世纪〔prospectus〕Railtrack's prospectus for selling off railways英国铁道公司出售铁路的情况说明外研社新世纪〔railroad〕We live close to the railroad line.我们家离铁道线很近。剑桥高阶〔railway〕We live close to the railway line.我们家离铁道线很近。剑桥高阶〔roadbed〕The foundation upon which the ties, rails, and ballast of a railroad are laid.路基:其上可铺铁道的枕木、铁轨和道碴的地基美国传统〔run〕The railroad runs across the plain.铁道穿过平原。英汉大词典〔run〕The route/railway/road runs (= goes) across the border/into Italy/through the mountains.这条路线/铁道/公路穿过国界/通向意大利境内/在群山中穿行。剑桥高阶〔straddle〕Our farm straddles the railway line.我们的农场横跨铁道线。剑桥高阶〔sue〕The railway may sue for damages (=in order to get money) because of loss of revenue.铁道部门可能会因损失收入而提出起诉,要求赔偿。朗文当代〔switchback〕A road, trail, or railroad track that ascends a steep incline in a zigzag course.之字爬坡路线:呈之字形沿着陡峭的坡上升的道路、轨道或铁道美国传统〔trackage〕The charge for this right.铁道使用费:使用这种权力的费用美国传统〔trackage〕The right of one railroad company to use the track system of another.铁道使用权:一铁路公司使用另一公司的铁路系统的权力美国传统〔trackman〕A worker employed to maintain or inspect railroad tracks.巡道工,护路员:受雇保养或巡查铁道的工人美国传统〔track〕India has thousands of miles of track.印度有数千英里的铁道牛津高阶〔trolley〕A device that collects electric current from an underground conductor, an overhead wire, or a third rail and transmits it to the motor of an electric vehicle.触轮:电力车辆的一种装置,能将地下导体、架空电线或第三个铁道上的电流接收过来并递给电力车辆的发动机的装置美国传统Sadly there are precedents of (= previous examples of) accidents happening at railway crossings.很遗憾,有不少在铁道口发生事故的先例。剑桥国际The train was derailed by a large boulder which had fallen across the track.火车被一块横掉在铁道上的大石头弄出了轨。剑桥国际

