
单词 面见
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔access〕She's one of a handful of aides with direct access to the president.她是少数几个可以直接面见总统的助手之一。麦克米伦高阶〔after〕You can meet the actors afterwards (NOT after).稍后你们可以面见演员。朗文当代〔bail〕He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November.他获得了保释, 将于11月5日出庭面见地方法官。外研社新世纪〔idol〕She'd always wanted to meet her idol.她一直向往着面见她的偶像。牛津搭配〔prepare〕She knocked twice on the door and prepared herself to meet her new son-in-law.她敲了两下门后整理了一下衣服,准备面见新女婿。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕We presented ourselves to the authorities promptly.我们立即面见了当局。外研社新世纪〔recall〕She recalled seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.她记得在发生抢劫案的那天晚上在商店外面见过他。剑桥高阶〔said〕The said Joseph Brown was seen outside the house on the night of 15 January.1月15日晚有人在那座房子外面见到过这个约瑟夫‧布朗。剑桥高阶Beware of the halo effect when you are interviewing candidates for a job.你面见职位应征者时要谨防晕轮效应。牛津商务

