
单词 cervix
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔birth canal〕The passageway through which the fetus is expelled during parturition, leading from the uterus through the cervix, vagina, and vulva.产道:胎儿在分娩时所经过的通道,从子宫开始,通过子宫颈、阴道和阴门美国传统〔cancer〕She was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix.她被诊断患有子宫颈癌。麦克米伦高阶〔cervical cap〕A small, rubber, cup-shaped contraceptive device that fits over the uterine cervix to prevent the entry of sperm.宫颈套:一种置于子宫颈处的小型杯状橡胶避孕器具,可阻止精子进入美国传统〔cervical〕Of or relating to a neck or a cervix.颈部的:属于或关于颈或子宫颈的美国传统〔cervicitis〕Inflammation of the cervix of the uterus.子宫颈炎美国传统〔dilate〕During labor, a woman's cervix will dilate to about 10 centimeters.女性分娩时宫颈会扩张至约10厘米。韦氏高阶〔dilation and extraction〕A surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the early products of conception are removed from the uterus.扩张抽取术:扩张子宫颈并从子宫移除早期妊娠物的手术程序美国传统〔finger〕The cervix is two fingers dilated.子宫颈开了两指宽。外研社新世纪〔neck〕A narrow or constricted part of a structure, as of a bone or an organ, that joins its parts; a cervix.颈状部分:骨或器官连接部位的狭小且收缩的部分;颈部美国传统〔partial-birth abortion〕A late-term abortion, especially one in which a viable fetus is partially delivered through the cervix before being extracted. Not in technical use.引产:晚期堕胎,尤指摘取时活胎儿已发育到部分接触子宫颈之际。为非专有术语美国传统〔relaxin〕A female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum that helps soften the cervix and relax the pelvic ligaments in childbirth.耻骨松弛激素:由身体卵巢分泌的雌性荷尔蒙,能帮助生产时放松子宫颈并且放松骨盆韧带美国传统〔sponge〕A small absorbent contraceptive pad that contains a spermicide and is placed against the cervix of the uterus before sexual intercourse.杀精避孕套:包含杀精剂的避孕套,用于性交前放入子宫颈美国传统〔vagina〕The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.阴道:雌性哺乳动物的从外阴阴门处通向子宫颈的通道美国传统When a woman is in labour, her cervix opens up to allow the baby to be born.当妇女分娩时,子宫颈张开让婴儿生出来。剑桥国际

