“buy back”例句

单词 buy back
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔buy〕He will buy back his property.他将赎回他的财产。英汉大词典〔option〕If one partner dies, the others have the option to buy back their shares.如果一个合伙人死了,其他的人有权买回他们的股票。麦克米伦高阶〔repurchase agreement〕A contract giving the seller of an asset the right or obligation to buy back the asset at a specified price on a given date.购回协议:给予资产的卖方在规定日期以确定的价格购回该资产的权利或义务的协议美国传统Our distributors are required to buy back any diverted product that can be traced to them.我们的经销商必须回购任何可以追溯到他们经手的转移市场的产品。牛津商务The company is offering to buy back up to 10% of its issued capital.这家公司主动回购不超过 10% 的已发行股本。牛津商务The group planned to buy back 10% of the company's stock at a tender price of $0.66-0.75 per share. 这个集团计划以每股 0.66-0.75 元的标价回购这公司 10% 的股份。牛津商务The media group will buy back and cancel 33 million shares.这传媒集团将回购并注销 3 300 万股股票。牛津商务

