
单词 forfeiture
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔felony〕Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part.重罪,大罪:英国早期法律规定的几种重罪,这些罪行可处以没收土地、财产甚至失去身体某一部分或死刑美国传统〔fine〕A forfeiture or penalty to be paid to the offended party in a civil action.赔偿:民事诉讼中付给受害一方的罚金或罚款美国传统〔forfeiture〕Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.二者都面临最高大约120万美元的罚金。外研社新世纪〔forfeiture〕He was deep in debt and facing forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的窘境。剑桥高阶〔forfeiture〕Reed was sentenced to forfeiture of all benefits.里德被判处没收所有收益。麦克米伦高阶〔forfeiture〕Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.拒绝签字意味着财产要被没收,还要流亡国外。朗文当代〔forfeit〕A forfeiture.罚金美国传统〔forfeit〕Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.丧失的,没收的:丢失的或因没收而损失的美国传统〔mulct〕To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture.处以罚金:罚款或强制没收以示惩罚美国传统〔sacrifice〕Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.牺牲:为了某个被认为更有价值或权利的人或物而放弃非常珍贵的东西美国传统He was deep in debt and faced with forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的境地。剑桥国际Judge Thomas said that he could not rule out the possibility of forfeitures in this case.汤姆斯法官说他无法排除这一案件没收财产的可能。剑桥国际The defendants face stiff forfeiture penalties after having been found guilty of breaking their contractual agreement on several counts.被告多方面违反合同规定的协议被定为有罪,因此面临严厉的没收财产的处罚。剑桥国际

