
单词 exterior
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕Clean the exterior of the car thoroughly before applying paint. 在喷漆前要把汽车的外部彻底洗净。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The exterior of Durham cathedral is one of the most magnificent in England. 达勒姆教堂外观宏伟,是英格兰的名胜之一。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The building has an attractive wood exterior. 这幢建筑物的外部是木质结构,很漂亮。朗文写作活用〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕Beneath his brash, noisy exterior was a much shrewder and lonelier character than he admitted. 他表面上傲慢、吵闹,内里却要比他承认的更精明、更孤独。朗文写作活用〔acute〕His relaxed exterior hides an extremely acute mind.他表面上大大咧咧,内心却无比敏锐。柯林斯高阶〔acute〕His relaxed exterior hides an extremely acute mind.他表面大大咧咧的, 但其实头脑极其敏锐。外研社新世纪〔alcove〕In alcoves along the Pavilion's exterior walls , chess tables are set.展馆外墙的各凹入处摆放着棋桌。外研社新世纪〔aloof〕Beneath that aloof exterior, Gayle is a warm, sympathetic person.在冷漠的外表下,盖尔是个有同情心的热心人。朗文当代〔alternate angle〕One of a pair of nonadjacent angles on opposite sides of a transversal that cuts two lines. The angles are both exterior or both interior to the two lines.错角:截断两条直线的横断线两侧一对不邻接的角中的一个。这些错角或都同在两条直线的内侧,或都同在两条直线的外侧美国传统〔arched〕Arched windows line the exterior.外面是一列拱顶窗。外研社新世纪〔beneath〕Dave sensed that something more sinister lay beneath the woman's cheerful exterior.戴夫感觉到,在那个女人开朗的外表下隐藏着一颗邪恶的心。朗文当代〔bluff〕Beneath his bluff exterior he was a sensitive man.他外表大大咧咧,但其实是个敏感的人。牛津高阶〔bluff〕He comes across as a man with a bluff exterior who, beyond that, is difficult to get to know.他给人感觉是一个直来直去的人,但内心却让人捉摸不透。柯林斯高阶〔botch up〕They've botched up the exterior a bit.他们把外部修得有点糟糕。外研社新世纪〔brash〕Beneath his brash exterior, he's still a little boy inside.他外表盛气凌人,内心里还是个孩子。牛津高阶〔brutalism〕A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration.野兽派:一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件美国传统〔coach〕A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach.四轮大马车:外部有高的驾驶座的封闭式四轮大马车;公共马车美国传统〔conceive〕The garden was conceived of as an exterior room.花园被设计成一个户外房间。外研社新世纪〔convex〕Having a surface or boundary that curves or bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere.凸起的:具有向外弯曲或凸出的表面或边界的,如球体的外表面美国传统〔crust〕The exterior portion of the earth that lies above the Mohorovičić discontinuity.地壳:位于莫霍洛维奇契不连续面之上的地球外层美国传统〔do〕They do interior and exterior design.他们提供室内室外设计。朗文当代〔ectoparasite〕A parasite, such as a flea, that lives on the exterior of another organism.体表寄生虫:生活在其他生物体体表的寄生虫,如跳蚤美国传统〔eggshell〕The thin, brittle, exterior covering of the egg of a bird or reptile.卵壳:鸟或爬虫的薄而易碎的卵外壳美国传统〔exterior〕Exterior drains must be kept clear.屋外的排水管道必须保持清洁。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕Exterior to the main house there is a small building that could be used as an office or studio.房子主体建筑外有一个小屋,可以用作办公室或工作间。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕According to Mandy, Pat's tough exterior hides a shy and sensitive soul.据曼迪说,帕特彪悍的外表下隐藏着一颗害羞且敏感的心。柯林斯高阶〔exterior〕Behind his cool exterior lurks a reckless and frustrated person.他表面冷静,实则是个鲁莽又不得志的人。牛津搭配〔exterior〕Behind that cold exterior there's a passionate man.这是个外表冰冷内心火热的男人。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕Beneath her charming exterior lies a very determined woman.她迷人的外貌下面是一个意志坚定的女人。牛津搭配〔exterior〕Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。牛津高阶〔exterior〕Beneath that calm exterior, he has a fierce will to win.在那镇静的外表下,他有坚强的意志去夺取胜利。朗文当代〔exterior〕Her calm exterior gave no clue to what was going through her mind.从她平静的外表看不出她内心在想什么。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕Her calm exterior hides very passionate feelings.她平静的外表下隐藏着炽热的感情。牛津搭配〔exterior〕Hidden behind a plain exterior is a wonderful hotel.朴素的外观之下是一个棒极了的宾馆。牛津搭配〔exterior〕His bluff exterior belied a connoisseur of antiques.他外表粗放,令人看不出他是古董鉴赏家。牛津搭配〔exterior〕In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.在一则广告中, 观众几乎看不到车的外观。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕In one ad the viewer scarcely sees the car's exterior.在一则广告中,观众几乎看不到汽车的外观。柯林斯高阶〔exterior〕In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.在一些村子里,房屋外墙被漆成粉红色。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕Pat's tough exterior hides a shy and sensitive soul.帕特强硬的外表下隐藏着一颗害羞而敏感的心。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕The exterior of the building was elegant and graceful.这座大厦外观雅致而优美。柯林斯高阶〔exterior〕The exterior of the house needs painting.房子外墙需要油漆。牛津高阶〔exterior〕The exterior of the house needs painting.房子的外墙得刷一刷了。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕The exterior walls need a new coat of paint.外墙需要刷新漆了。朗文当代〔exterior〕The exterior walls were made of concrete.外墙是混凝土建成的。外研社新世纪〔exterior〕The exterior walls were made of pre-formed concrete.外墙用的是预制混凝土。柯林斯高阶〔exterior〕The Palace of Fontainebleau has a very grand exterior.枫丹白露宫殿外观雄伟壮丽。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕The building has a rather plain exterior.这座建筑外表很普通。韦氏高阶〔exterior〕The dome is tiled on the exterior .穹顶表面铺了瓦片。朗文当代〔exterior〕The film includes some striking exteriors.这部电影有一些引人注目的外景美国传统〔exterior〕The filming of the exterior scenes was done on the moors.外景是在高沼地拍摄的。牛津高阶〔exterior〕There are plans to improve the hotel's exterior.有计划要改进这家酒店的外观。麦克米伦高阶〔exterior〕There are shutters on the exterior of the windows.窗子外面装有活动遮板。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕There is an abundance of fine sculpture, both on the exterior and inside.外部和内部都有大量精美的雕塑。牛津搭配〔exterior〕Underneath that gruff exterior is a very kind person.这是一个表面上说话粗暴但心地非常善良的人。麦克米伦高阶〔exterior〕Underneath that tough exterior, he's really very sentimental.他外表坚强,其实非常多愁善感。韦氏高阶〔exterior〕You mustn't judge people by their exteriors.人不可貌相。英汉大词典〔external〕An exterior part or surface.外部:外部或外在的表面美国传统〔external〕Relating to, existing on, or connected with the outside or an outer part; exterior.外面的,外在的:与外面或外部有关的,出现在外面或外部的,与外面或外部有联系的;外部的美国传统〔extrados〕The upper or exterior curve of an arch.拱背线:拱顶上面或外缘的曲形线美国传统〔gruffly〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗暴的外表下藏着一颗非常善良的心。柯林斯高阶〔gruff〕Beneath his gruff exterior, he's really very kind-hearted.他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。牛津高阶〔gruff〕He's quite a sweet man beneath the gruff exterior.他外表冷漠内心善良。剑桥高阶〔gruff〕His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.他粗鲁的外表下隐藏着一颗最善良的心。外研社新世纪〔knocking〕The bags have tough exterior materials to protect against knocks, rain and dust.这些包的面料非常结实耐用,可以防撞、防雨并防尘。柯林斯高阶〔melt〕Once Dr Hope had agreed to talk, her icy exterior melted a little.霍普医生一同意谈话, 她冰冷的外表就变得温和了一些。外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕The exterior walls are three to three and a half feet thick to prevent penetration by bombs.外墙厚3到3.5英尺,以防炸弹穿透。柯林斯高阶〔penetration〕The exterior walls are three to three and a half feet thick to prevent penetration by bombs.外墙厚度为3至3.5英尺, 以防炸弹穿透。外研社新世纪〔plate〕Architecture In wood-frame construction, a horizontal member, capping the exterior wall studs, upon which the roof rafters rest.【建筑学】 横木:木结构建筑物中覆盖外墙壁骨的水平构件,屋横椽被支撑在它的上面美国传统〔pliant〕She's proud and stubborn under that pliant exterior.她表面顺从, 实则骄傲顽固。外研社新世纪〔pliant〕She's proud and stubborn, you know, under that pliant exterior.你要知道,在温顺的外表下,她既自傲又固执。柯林斯高阶〔prim〕Behind the prim exterior is a tormented, loveless woman.在不苟言笑的外表下, 是一位饱受折磨、得不到爱的女人。外研社新世纪〔quoin〕An exterior angle of a wall or other piece of masonry.隅角:墙或其它砖石建筑物的外角美国传统〔reflect〕The old church is reflected in the glass exterior of the skyscraper.古老的教堂映射在摩天大楼的玻璃外墙上。韦氏高阶〔reinforced〕Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.最终,他们不得不通过增加外梁来对墙体进行加固。柯林斯高阶〔reinforce〕They had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.他们不得不用外部梁木来加固墙体。外研社新世纪〔repellent〕Coat the exterior with a water repellent.给表面涂上一层防水剂。韦氏高阶〔retake〕The exterior shots were retaken in Qingdao.外景是在青岛重拍的。21世纪英汉〔ribband〕A length of flexible wood or metal used to hold the ribs of a ship in place while the exterior planking or plating is being applied.肋骨牵条:一段柔性木材或金属,在安装外部板材或外层时用以保持船的肋骨在合适位置美国传统〔roof〕The exterior surface and its supporting structures on the top of a building.屋盖,屋顶构架:建筑物顶部的外表面及其支撑结构美国传统〔sandwich coin〕A coin having a layer of one metal, such as copper, between exterior layers of a different metal, such as silver.简易硬币,包层硬币:一种硬币,夹层为一种金属(如铜夹层),外层为不同金属(如银外层)美国传统〔sheathing〕Nautical An exterior covering on the underwater part of a ship's hull that protects it against marine growths.【航海】 覆材:在船的船壳水下部分的一层外部覆盖物,保护并抵抗海水的侵蚀美国传统〔shell〕A framework or an exterior, as of a building.框架,骨架:建筑物的框架或外部装饰美国传统〔show〕A deep sense of sadness showed beneath his cheerful exterior.在他那快乐的外表下却流露出深深的哀伤。麦克米伦高阶〔softly〕Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕He has a soft heart beneath that cold exterior.他冷漠的外表下面有一颗温柔的心。朗文当代〔soft〕He must have a soft heart beneath that stern exterior.在他那严厉的外表下肯定有一副软心肠。麦克米伦高阶〔soft〕Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她极其强硬、世故的外表下隐藏着一颗非常温柔、敏感的心。外研社新世纪〔spandrel〕The triangular space between the left or right exterior curve of an arch and the rectangular framework surrounding it.拱侧:拱形外部弯曲的左边或右边与支撑它的长方形框架之间的三角形空间美国传统〔staff〕A building material of plaster and fiber used as an exterior wall covering of temporary buildings, as at expositions.纤维灰浆:用于覆盖临时建筑物外墙的纤维灰浆,如在暴露的部分美国传统〔strip away〕If you are able to strip away the dreadful commercialism, the materialism and the flashy exterior, there is something beautiful and meaningful at the bottom of it.如果你能忽略掉可怕的商业主义、物质主义以及光鲜的外表, 其本质还是有一些美丽而有意义的东西。外研社新世纪〔stucco〕A durable finish for exterior walls, usually composed of cement, sand, and lime, and applied while wet.外墙拉毛粉饰:涂于外层墙的持久性粉刷层,通常由水泥,沙子和石灰组成,打湿时使用美国传统〔sufficiently〕One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.一米布足以包裹住直径为 18 英寸的帽盒。柯林斯高阶〔table〕A raised horizontal surface or continuous band on an exterior wall; a stringcourse.飞檐:一堵外墙上凸起的水平表面或连续的条板;束带层美国传统〔trim〕Exterior ornamentation, such as moldings or framework, on a building or vehicle.镶边装饰:外部装饰,例如建筑物或汽车外部用嵌线或框架装饰美国传统〔underneath〕Underneath her calm exterior was a nervous woman with a hot temper.她表面上显得心平气和,其实是一个急脾气的神经质女人。韦氏高阶〔underneath〕Underneath her calm exterior, she was a deeply troubled woman.她表面上很平静,其实心里极其烦恼。麦克米伦高阶〔underneath〕Underneath her cool exterior she was really very frightened.她外表冷静,其实内心十分害怕。牛津高阶〔underneath〕Underneath that shy exterior, she's actually a very warm person.在羞涩的外表下,她其实是个非常热心的女孩。剑桥高阶〔underpin〕When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时,首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增加木支撑。剑桥高阶〔under〕She has a soft heart under a stern exterior.在她严厉的外貌底下有着一副温柔的好心肠。英汉大词典〔under〕Under that rough exterior, he is a kind and gentle man.在那粗犷的外表下,他有着一颗善良温柔的内心。韦氏高阶〔unprepossessing〕We were disappointed at the unprepossessing exterior of the hotel.我们对旅馆乏味的外表感到失望。剑桥高阶〔woody〕A station wagon with exterior wood paneling.外有木质镶板的旅行车美国传统Exterior to the main house there is a small building that could be used as an office or studio.主建筑外面,有一个小小的建筑可用作办公室或工作室。剑桥国际Eight chapels surround the main church, and the spires and brightly coloured exteriors create a fairy-tale effect.八个小教堂环绕着主教堂,教堂的尖顶和色彩亮丽的外观创造出一种如同神话世界一般的效果。剑桥国际In some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.一些村庄的外墙刷成了粉红色。剑桥国际It is difficult to judge a person by his exterior. 依据外表难以评判一个人。译典通She has a tough exterior/She is tough on the exterior (= She appears to be strong), but is really quite gentle.她外表粗壮,但实际上相当温柔。剑桥国际The exterior (= outside) of the house needs painting.房子外面需要粉刷。剑桥国际The exteriors of many houses in the village were adorned with elaborate woodcarvings.这个村庄中很多房子的外部都装饰有精巧的木雕。剑桥国际The Palace of Fontainebleau has a very grand exterior (= outside).枫丹白露宫的外观极为宏伟。剑桥国际The seed has a hard exterior covering. 这种子外壳很硬。译典通There are shutters on the exterior of the windows.窗户外部有百叶窗。剑桥国际Underneath that shy exterior, she's actually a very warm person.在羞涩的外表下, 她实际上是一个很热心的人。剑桥国际When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.修复这座建筑物时, 首先要做的是沿着地基给外墙增添木支撑。剑桥国际You'd never guess it, but beneath (= hidden by) his cool exterior there beats a heart of pure passion.你永远也猜不到在他冷淡的外表下跳动着一颗多么纯情的心。剑桥国际

