
单词 beli
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔avuncular〕His avuncular image belies his steely determination.他慈祥的外貌和他坚强的意志形成鲜明对照。剑桥高阶〔believe〕Beli eve it or not, he asked me to marry him! 信不信由你,他向我求婚了!牛津高阶〔belie〕At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it.初看之下,寄宿学校的生活似乎不同于我所听说的有关它的糟糕情形美国传统〔belie〕Government claims that there is no poverty are belied by the number of homeless people on the streets.大街上那些无家可归者证明政府所声称的没有贫困的说法是谎言。牛津高阶〔belie〕Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling.她平静的表情掩盖了内心的恐惧。剑桥高阶〔belie〕Her energy and youthful good looks belie her 65 years.她的活力与年轻美貌使人看不出她有 65 岁了。牛津高阶〔belie〕Her looks belie her 50 years.她看上去不像50岁。柯林斯高阶〔belie〕Her looks belie her 50 years.她看起来不像50岁的人。外研社新世纪〔belie〕Her pleasant manner belied her true character.她友善的举止掩饰了她真实的个性。朗文当代〔belie〕Her youthful appearance belies her age.她年轻的外貌掩盖了她的真实年龄。麦克米伦高阶〔belie〕His actions belie his words.他言行不一。英汉大词典〔belie〕His appearance belied his quick mind.从他的外貌人们看不出他的机智。英汉大词典〔belie〕His cheerful smile belied his words.他那开心的笑容证明他的话是假的。朗文当代〔belie〕His cruelty belied his kind words.他的残忍表明他的好话是虚伪的。21世纪英汉〔belie〕His smile belied his anger.他的笑容掩饰他的愤怒情绪。21世纪英汉〔belie〕She belied him shamefully.她无耻地诽谤他。21世纪英汉〔belie〕The facts belie your story.事实证明你的说法谬误。英汉大词典〔belie〕The facts belied his story.事实证明他的叙述是虚假的。21世纪英汉〔belie〕The facts of the situation belie his testimony.他的证词与实际情况不符。外研社新世纪〔belie〕The facts of the situation belie his testimony.实际情况证明他作了伪证。柯林斯高阶〔belie〕The recent bombings belie claims that progress is being made in the peace talks.最近的爆炸事件表明,和谈正取得进展的说法是虚假的。麦克米伦高阶〔belie〕Their actions belie their claim to be innocent.他们的行为使他们自称无辜的谎言不攻自破。韦氏高阶〔belie〕Their laughter belied their outward grief.他们的笑声显示出他们表面上虚假的悲伤美国传统〔belie〕War belied hopes for peace.战争使人们对和平的希望落了空。英汉大词典〔belie〕War belied hopes for peace.战争使人们对和平的希望落空了。21世纪英汉〔dogmatism〕His dogmatism belied a deep insecurity.他的武断掩饰了其内心极度的缺乏安全感。英汉大词典〔exterior〕His bluff exterior belied a connoisseur of antiques.他外表粗放,令人看不出他是古董鉴赏家。牛津搭配〔nature〕The gentle lower slopes belie the true nature of the mountain.低缓的山坡掩盖了这座山的真实特点。牛津搭配〔shakiness〕Her calm voice belies the shakiness of her hands.她平静的声音掩盖了她双手的颤抖。外研社新世纪Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling.她平静的表情掩盖了内心的恐惧。剑桥国际Her cruelty belied her kind words. 她残忍的行为表明她亲切的言词是虚伪的。译典通His avuncular image belies his steely determination.他温和的形象与坚定的意志形成鲜明的对照。剑桥国际His smile belies his anger. 他的笑容掩盖著他的怒气。译典通Television pictures of starving children belie official reports that normal life is continuing.儿童挨饿的电视镜头证明官方声称生活继续维持正常的报道是假的。剑桥国际The modesty of their home belies their great wealth. 他们简朴的家使人们看不出他们拥有巨额财富。译典通War belied hopes for peace. 战争使人们对和平的希望落了空。译典通

