
单词 accessories
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECOME〕Mobile phones have now become fashion accessories for schoolkids and teenagers. 手机现已成为学生和青少年的时装配饰了。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕You can easily jazz up a plain outfit with some bright, colourful accessories. 一套平平常常的衣服,配上几件明亮而鲜艳的饰物,就能轻而易举地增色不少。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, electric windows, and a sunroof.顶级轿车的配置包括真皮坐椅、电动窗以及活动车顶。剑桥高阶〔accessory〕Camping has become a hassle-free experience thanks to an array of useful gadgets and accessories.有了各种各样好用的小工具和配件, 野营一点也不麻烦了。外研社新世纪〔accessory〕Furniture and accessories are kept to a minimum to emphasize the feeling of space.家具和装饰物都是尽量简省, 以强调空间感。外研社新世纪〔accessory〕Her bag and accessories were fuchsia pink.她的包和饰品都是粉紫色的。外研社新世纪〔accessory〕I frequently change accessories in my room.我常常更换我房间里的摆设。英汉大词典〔accessory〕She often wears accessories such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earings.她常常戴钻石手镯、项链、耳环等一类首饰。英汉大词典〔accessory〕She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (= shoes, hat, bag, etc.).她身着绿色羊毛套装,全身的配饰都与之配套。剑桥高阶〔accessory〕The book offers advice on choosing fabrics, furniture, and accessories.这本书提供了在如何选择面料、家具和装饰品方面的建议。麦克米伦高阶〔accessory〕Today, spectacles are fashion accessories rather than just a remedy for poor eyesight.如今, 眼镜已经成了流行的配饰, 而不仅仅是矫正视力的工具。外研社新世纪〔boutique〕A small retail shop that specializes in gifts, fashionable clothes, accessories, or food, for example.小商店:一种小零售店,专卖礼品、时装、配件或食品美国传统〔chiffon〕Ornamental accessories, such as ribbons or laces, for women's clothing.女服装饰品:妇女服装上丝带或花边之类的装饰性附件美国传统〔colour〕Bright bold accessories are the quickest way to add colour to a room.色彩明亮、线条鲜明的装饰物是给房间增添色彩的最立竿见影的方法。朗文当代〔coordinate〕Matching bag and accessories provide a complete ensemble of colour coordinates.颜色协调的包和饰品使全套服装的颜色搭配齐全了。朗文当代〔corner〕They've combed the four corners of the world for the best accessories.为了找到最好的配件,他们寻遍了每个地方。柯林斯高阶〔costume〕A prevalent fashion of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle.服饰:一种流行的穿着样式,包括衣服、装饰和发型美国传统〔designer〕She admits most of her designer accessories are forgeries.她承认她所拥有的大多数名牌饰品都是赝品。外研社新世纪〔devoted〕The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories.该商店专营新的一系列配件。柯林斯高阶〔disguise〕Clothes or accessories worn to conceal one's true identity.穿了用来隐藏真实身份的衣服或装饰品美国传统〔elevator〕The enclosure or platform with its operating equipment, motor, cables, and accessories.提升设备:笼子或平台以及操纵它们用的设备、马达、电缆和其它辅助设备美国传统〔essential〕Although useful, the accessories are by no means essential.尽管这些配件很有用,但并非必不可少。牛津搭配〔eveningwear〕Evening attire and accessories for women.夜礼服:女士晚间的服装以及各种装饰物美国传统〔fashion〕This is one of the best stores for fashion accessories.这是最好的时尚配饰店之一。外研社新世纪〔finery〕Elaborate adornment, especially fine clothing and accessories.华丽的服饰:奢华的装饰,尤指浮华衣着和小件衣饰美国传统〔heraldry〕A branch of knowledge dealing with the history and description in proper terms of armorial bearings and their accessories.纹章学:一门关于纹章及其附件的历史和描述的学问美国传统〔jazz sth up〕Jazz the dress up with some bright accessories.用些鲜亮的饰物给连衣裙增色。剑桥高阶〔look〕You can complete that sophisticated look with make-up and accessories.你可以用化妆和配饰营造那种深谙世故的风格。牛津搭配〔miscellaneous〕The shop carries suits, coats, shirts, and miscellaneous accessories.这家商店摆放着套装、大衣、衬衣和一些各色的小饰品。美国传统〔outfit〕A set of clothing, often with accessories.全套服装:一套服装,常带装饰品美国传统〔patent leather〕Black leather finished to a hard, glossy surface and used especially for shoes and clothing accessories.漆皮:黑皮,磨成硬而光滑的表面物质,尤用于鞋或衣服的附属物美国传统〔pimp〕He had pimped his truck with new lights and chrome accessories.他装了新的灯和一些镀铬附件,把他的卡车弄得好看了。剑桥高阶〔range〕We stock the full range of model railway accessories.我们备有铁路模型玩具的全套零配件。剑桥高阶〔trapping〕Articles of dress or adornment, especially accessories.装饰物:衣服或装饰,尤指附属品美国传统〔wardrobe〕The department in charge of wearing apparel, jewelry, and accessories in a royal or noble household.保管部:王室或贵族官邸中保藏衣服、珠宝或附属部的部门美国传统Accessories for the top-of-the-range car include leather upholstery, a compact disc player, electric windows and a sunroof.第一流汽车的附件包括真皮坐椅、激光唱机、电动窗及活动顶。剑桥国际Fashion accessories help to pad profit margins.时尚饰品有助于提高利润率。牛津商务Jazz the dress up with some bright accessories.用几件鲜亮的饰物使连衣裙生色。剑桥国际Our stores feature a merchandise mix of clothing, shoes and accessories for women.我们的商店主卖的商品组合包括服装、鞋类和妇女饰品。牛津商务She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories (=shoes, hat, bag, etc.).她穿着一套绿色羊毛套装并佩戴着相称的饰品。剑桥国际Still greater sales are racked up by putting the designer's name on accessories such as perfume and glasses.把设计者的名字印在如香水及眼镜等货品上将使销量逐步增大。剑桥国际The company is a leading manufacturer of computer accessories.这公司是主要的计算机配件生产商。牛津商务The computer comes with a number of optional accessories.这台计算机配有很多任选的附件。剑桥国际We stock the whole range of model railway accessories.我们库存有全部铁路附件产品样品。剑桥国际

