
单词 automotive
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Sno-Cat〕A trademark used for an automotive vehicle with tractor treads for traveling over snow.雨猫:一种有可穿越雪地的履带式雪地自动车辆使用的商标美国传统〔aftermarket〕The company serves the national automotive aftermarket with a broad range of accessory and recreational-vehicle products.该公司为全国汽车零配件市场提供各种零配件和休闲旅游车产品。柯林斯高阶〔air bag〕An automotive passive restraint consisting of a bag that is designed to inflate upon collision and prevent passengers from pitching forward.保险气袋:一种自动消极保护装置,由一个在碰撞时能够膨胀的气袋组成,以防止乘客向前跌美国传统〔automaker〕A manufacturer of automotive vehicles; a carmaker.汽车制造商;汽车制造者美国传统〔automobile〕Of or relating to automobiles; automotive.机动车的:属于或关于机动车的;机动的美国传统〔automotive〕The store stocks automotive parts.这家商店备有汽车零部件。韦氏高阶〔body shop〕A shop or garage where the bodies of automotive vehicles are repaired.车身修理厂:修理汽车车身的商店或车库美国传统〔call box〕A roadside telephone used for reporting motorists' emergencies, such as collisions and automotive breakdowns.紧急电话亭:用于汇报汽车事故的路边电话,如撞车和汽车故障美国传统〔carmaker〕A manufacturer of automotive vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and vans.汽车制造者:汽车,如小轿车、卡车以及运货车的制造者美国传统〔carport〕An open-sided shelter for an automotive vehicle, formed by a roof projecting from the side of a building.车库,车棚:用于汽车的有开边的遮蔽物,由从建筑物的一侧突起的屋顶构成美国传统〔chassis〕The rectangular steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle.底盘:连于车轴上且用弹簧支撑的长方形钢架,用以固定机动车辆的车身及发动机美国传统〔classic〕The car was a classic of automotive design.这辆车是第一流自动化设计的产品美国传统〔component〕They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers.他们为汽车制造商供应汽车零件。柯林斯高阶〔death seat〕The passenger seat next to the driver of an automotive vehicle.死亡座位:汽车里安置在司机旁边的乘客的座位美国传统〔downsize〕The automotive industry downsized its cars for improved fuel economy.为改进汽车燃料经济,汽车工业改小了它的汽车尺寸。21世纪英汉〔equal〕No other automotive engine has been able to equal its toughness and economy.没有别的汽车发动机能比得上它的坚牢耐用和经济实惠。英汉大词典〔four-wheel drive〕An automotive drive system in which mechanical power is transmitted from the drive shaft to all four wheels.四轮驱动:一种自动驱动装置,机械能从这个装置的传动轴发送到四个轮上美国传统〔friction drive〕An automotive transmission system in which motion is transmitted from one part to another by the surface friction of rolling contact.摩擦传动:一种通过滚动接触或表面摩擦由一个部分传向另一个部分自动传动系统美国传统〔front-wheel drive〕An automotive drive system in which only the front pair of wheels receives power from the engine.前轮驱动:一种只有前轮从发动机获得动力自动驱动方式美国传统〔gas-guzzler〕An automotive vehicle that gets relatively low gas mileage.耗油量大的汽车:一种机动车辆,有相对较低的汽油哩程美国传统〔knee action〕An automotive front-wheel suspension that permits independent vertical motion of each wheel.(汽车)前轮独立悬挂:汽车前轮悬挂允许各个前轮作独立的垂直运动美国传统〔leaf spring〕A composite spring, used especially in automotive suspensions, consisting of several layers of flexible metallic strips joined to act as a single unit.板弹簧:一种由多层柔韧的连接成一个整体的金属条组成的复合弹簧,主要用于汽车悬架美国传统〔lug nut〕A heavy, rounded nut that fits over a bolt, used especially to attach an automotive vehicle's wheel to its axle.四方螺帽:套在螺栓上的沉而圆的螺帽,尤其用在把机动车的轮及轴相接时美国传统〔motorist〕One who drives or travels in an automotive vehicle.驾驶汽车或乘汽车旅行的人美国传统〔puncture〕A hole or depression made by a sharp object, especially a hole in an automotive tire.用尖物弄出来的尤指机动车车带上的小孔或凹陷美国传统〔radiator〕A cooling device, as in automotive engines, through which water or other fluids circulate as a coolant.冷却器:一种冷装置,如用在汽车发动机内,水或其它流体作为冷却剂在其为内部循环美国传统〔retread〕To fit (a worn automotive tire) with a new tread.装新胎面:给(破旧的汽车轮胎)安装新胎面美国传统〔rolling stock〕The equipment available for use as transportation, as automotive vehicles, locomotives, or railroad cars, owned by a particular company or carrier.全部车辆,全部货车:特定的公司或货运公司所拥的汽车、机车或有轨电车等可用作运输工具的装备美国传统〔smog〕A form of air pollution produced when sunlight causes hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from automotive emissions to combine in a photochemical reaction.烟雾污染:一种空气污染,由交通工具排放的碳氢和氮氧化合物在阳光的照射下,发生光化学反应而产生美国传统〔speed shop〕An automotive shop that caters to hot rodders.高速赛车部件商店美国传统〔steering wheel〕A wheel that controls steering, as on a boat or in an automotive vehicle.方向盘:在船或汽车上控制驾驶的轮子美国传统〔stick shift〕An automotive transmission with a shift lever operated by hand.换档杆,变档杆:一种具有手动换挡杆的自动换挡装置美国传统〔superstore〕A very large supermarket that stocks extremely diversified merchandise, such as food and automotive parts, together and in quantity.大型超级市场:商品品种极其多样化,如食品和汽车等,且数量极多的大型超级市场美国传统〔synchromesh〕An automotive gear-shifting system in which the gears are synchronized at the same speeds before engaging to effect a smooth shift.同步齿轮系:一种自动的齿轮转动系统,在齿轮接合以产生顺利的转动之前齿轮以同样速度运转美国传统〔torsion bar〕A part of an automotive suspension consisting of a bar that twists to maintain stability.扭杆,扭力轴:汽车减震系统中的一部分,包括扭曲后用来维持平衡的横木美国传统〔transaxle〕An automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive.驱动桥:汽车的一个部件,将传动装置和分速器箱结合起来,用于前轮驱动的汽车美国传统〔visor〕A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.遮阳板:汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板美国传统〔wagon〕A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle.小型客车:一种轻型交通或运货汽车美国传统

