“get in on”例句

单词 get in on
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Movie theater chains are expanding rapidly, and even small local theaters are getting in on the act. 连锁电影院在迅速扩展,甚至地方上的小型电影院也加入进来。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Now that our exporting business to Eastern Europe has grown so successful, everyone wants to get in on the act. 我们对东欧的出口业务已经发展得相当成功,因此人人都想分一杯羹。朗文写作活用〔act〕First it was politicians, now a novelist has decided to get in on the act.开始是政客们,现在是一个小说家也决定染指其中。麦克米伦高阶〔act〕In the 1970s Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.20世纪70年代,急于分一杯羹的柯达公司推出了自己的拍立得相机。柯林斯高阶〔act〕Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.柯达公司急于分一杯羹, 推出了自己品牌的拍立得相机。外研社新世纪〔are/get in on the ground floor〕He was able to get in on the ground floor of the computer industry.他能够在计算机产业起步时参与其中。韦氏高阶〔be/get in on the ground floor〕Can someone tell me how you get in on the ground floor of a deal like that? 有谁能告诉我你怎么才能一开就参与那样的交易?剑桥高阶〔be/get in on the ground floor〕He was sure that he was getting in on the ground floor with the next big thing.他当时就认为自己开始参与的是新一轮的热点事件。剑桥高阶〔debut〕The firm's Wall Street debut was the first chance for investors to get in on an Internet IPO for months.该公司在华尔街的首次亮相使投资者几个月以来第一次有机会参与到因特网公司的首次公开募股中。外研社新世纪〔début〕The firm's Wall Street debut was the first chance for investors to get in on an Internet IPO for months.该公司在华尔街的首次亮相使投资者几个月以来第一次有机会参与到因特网公司的首次公开募股中。外研社新世纪〔get ... in〕Alice is always wanting to get in on the act.艾丽丝总是想参加这项活动。21世纪英汉〔get in on sth〕A Japanese company tried to get in on the deal.一家日本公司试图插手这笔交易。剑桥高阶〔get in on〕He managed to get in on the deal.他设法挤进了这项交易。外研社新世纪〔get in on〕Now baseball is trying to get in on the European market.现在,棒球正试图进入欧洲市场。柯林斯高阶〔get in〕It sounds like an interesting project and I'd like to get in on it.这个项目听起来很吸引人,我想参与进来。韦氏高阶〔get/muscle in on the act〕We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act.我们千辛万苦创立了公司,现在谁都想来分一杯羹。剑桥高阶〔get〕He's hoping to get in on any discussions about the new project.他盼望着参加有关新计划的任何讨论。牛津高阶〔get〕Quite a few companies would like to get in on the project.不少公司都想参与这个项目。朗文当代〔get〕The scheme has proved very successful, and now other local authorities are keen to get in on the act (=become involved in something exciting or interesting) .这个计划非常成功,现在当地的其他政府部门也都想加入进来。朗文当代〔ground floor〕These bonds present a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this venture.这些债券为从头参与这个风险投资提供了绝好机会。外研社新世纪〔in on sth〕She's trying to get in on a research project organized by the university.她正试图参加大学组织的一个研究项目。剑桥高阶〔racket〕Many firms are getting in on the racket.许多商号正卷入非法买卖。英汉大词典She was trying to get in on some sort of business deal involving property.她在想方设法要介入一项关于房地产的商务交易。剑桥国际She's trying to get in on (=become involved with) a research project organised by the university.她试图参加大学组织的一个研究项目。剑桥国际This is a chance for investors to get in on the ground floor of a new industry.对投资者而言,这是一个开始时就参与新产品的机会。牛津商务We did all the hard work of setting up the company, and now everyone wants to get in on the act.我们辛辛苦苦地成立了公司,现在每个人都想来占便宜。剑桥国际

