
单词 crown
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COURT/TRIAL〕A man was due to go on trial at Liverpool Crown Court later today accused of murdering his wife. 一名男子被控杀妻,今天晚些时候审判将在利物浦刑事法庭展开。朗文写作活用〔Crown Prince〕Sultan Mahmood's son, Crown Prince Ibrahim Mahmood.苏丹马哈茂德的儿子,易卜拉欣·马哈茂德王储柯林斯高阶〔Crown〕Crown property国家财产外研社新世纪〔Crown〕She says the sovereignty of the Crown must be preserved.她说必须维护王国政府的主权。外研社新世纪〔McCoy〕If you want the real McCoy, then you have to look out for the sign of the ducal crown which signifies the approved product.如果你想要真货, 那你就得留意看上面是否有认证产品应有的公爵冠冕标识。外研社新世纪〔Mohawk〕A hairstyle in which the scalp is shaved except for an upright strip of hair that runs across the crown of the head from the forehead to the nape of the neck.莫霍克头:一种发型,头皮剃光,只留一长条竖起的头发从脑门穿过头顶直到脖子的后颈美国传统〔NOW〕The official currency is the crown, presently about 30 to the dollar. 法定货币是克朗,目前大约是30克朗兑1美元。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕Lij Yasu was never crowned, possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he became king he would die. 伊亚苏五世从没登上王位,可能是因为他相信自己当上国王后就会死去的预言吧。朗文写作活用〔Stetson〕A trademark used for a hat having a high crown and wide brim.斯泰森:一种具有高顶阔边帽子的商标美国传统〔achievement〕He regarded that victory as the crowning achievement of his career.他将那次胜利视为自己职业生涯中的最高成就。牛津搭配〔affray〕Barnstaple crown court was told he caused an affray at a pub in Braunton, Devon.有人向巴恩斯特珀尔刑事法院告发他在德文郡布朗顿的一家酒馆打架滋事。柯林斯高阶〔bachelor〕The Crown Prince was Japan's most eligible bachelor (=a rich young man who has not yet married) .皇太子是日本最理想的适婚男子。朗文当代〔bail〕Dakers was bailed to appear at Durham Crown Court.戴克斯取保候审,将在达勒姆刑事法庭出庭。朗文当代〔bay〕A crown or wreath made especially of the leaves and branches of the laurel and given as a sign of honor or victory.桂冠:特别是用月桂树的叶子和枝叶做成的皇冠或花环,作为荣誉或胜利的表示美国传统〔bean〕The ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.与王冠上的宝石相比,这只戒指是不值分文的东西。英汉大词典〔behold〕Behold, the new king is crowned.瞧,新国王加冕了。英汉大词典〔beset〕The crown was beset with pearls,emeralds and rubies.王冠上镶嵌珍珠、翡翠和红宝石。21世纪英汉〔billycock〕A felt hat with a low, rounded crown, similar to a derby.低圆顶软毡帽:一种有低圆顶的毡帽,很象圆顶礼帽美国传统〔boater〕A stiff straw hat with a flat crown.一种硬挺平顶草帽美国传统〔capstone〕The crowning achievement or final stroke; the culmination or acme.顶点:登峰造极的成就或最后一次成功的努力;终极或极点美国传统〔cap〕A crown for covering or sealing a tooth.齿冠:遮盖或密封牙齿的冠状物美国传统〔cement〕Dentistry A substance used for filling cavities or anchoring crowns, inlays, or other restorations.【牙科学】 黏固粉:一种用以填补齿洞,固定齿冠,镶嵌或作其他修补的物质美国传统〔cement〕Dentists use cement to hold crowns and bridges in place.牙医用黏固剂固定住齿冠和齿桥。剑桥高阶〔circa〕He was crowned king circa 1208.他于1208年左右继承王室。21世纪英汉〔claim〕Philip feared Edward would lay claim to the Scottish crown.菲利普担心爱德华会自称拥有苏格兰王位。朗文当代〔committed〕He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.预计他会被移交利物浦高等刑事法庭。柯林斯高阶〔commit〕He is expected to be committed for trial at Liverpool Crown Court.预计他会被移交利物浦刑事法庭受审。外研社新世纪〔commit〕The magistrate committed him to stand trial at the Bristol Crown Court.地方法官传唤他到布里斯托尔刑事法庭受审。韦氏高阶〔commit〕The two men were committed for trial at Bristol Crown Court.这两个人被送到布里斯托尔刑事法庭受审。朗文当代〔coronation〕The act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign or the sovereign's consort.加冕:为君主或其配偶加冕的行为或仪式美国传统〔coronet〕A small crown worn by princes and princesses and by other nobles below the rank of sovereign.小王冠:由王子、公主或国王之下的其他贵族戴的一种小王冠美国传统〔court〕He was found guilty at Swindon Crown Court.他在斯温登刑事法庭被判有罪。牛津搭配〔crown jewel〕Innsbruck's crown jewel is the old town centre.因斯布鲁克最珍贵的是它的老城区。朗文当代〔crown jewel〕The company is also willing to sell 20% of its crown jewel, its credit-card business.这家公司也愿意出售其核心业务(即信用卡业务)20%的资产。外研社新世纪〔crown jewel〕The painting is the crown jewel of the museum's collection.这幅画是博物馆的镇馆之宝。韦氏高阶〔crown land〕Land that belongs to the crown and yields its revenues to the reigning monarch.王室领土:属于国王且支付其年收入给统治君主的领土美国传统〔crown princess〕Crown Princess Lydia 莉迪娅女王储韦氏高阶〔crown princess〕She is ice-skating's new crown princess.她将是新一代滑冰女皇。韦氏高阶〔crown princess〕The wife of a crown prince.王妃:王储的妻子美国传统〔crown prince〕Crown Prince George 乔治王储韦氏高阶〔crown prince〕He's been heralded as the crown prince of jazz.他被看成是未来的爵士乐之王。韦氏高阶〔crowned head〕All the crowned heads of Europe were present.欧洲所有的君主都出席了。朗文当代〔crowned head〕Most of the crowned heads of Europe have been entertained in this palace.在这座宫殿内款待过欧洲国家的大多数君主。剑桥高阶〔crowned〕All the crowned heads of Europe attended his wedding.欧洲所有的君主都参加了他的婚礼。文馨英汉〔crowning glory〕Her hair is her crowning glory.她的头发是其亮点。外研社新世纪〔crowning glory〕Her hair is her crowning glory.她的头发最令她引以为豪。剑桥高阶〔crowning glory〕The ballroom is the crowning glory of the palace.宫殿中最壮观的莫过于其舞厅了。剑桥高阶〔crowning moment〕It was a crowning moment in his presidency.那是他在总统任期内的巅峰时刻。韦氏高阶〔crowning〕Her crowning glory is her long hair.她无上的光荣是她的长发。文馨英汉〔crowning〕The bridge is the architect's crowning achievement.这座桥是这名建筑师的巅峰之作。韦氏高阶〔crowning〕The hotel's crowning glory was a stunning roof garden.这家酒店的点睛之笔是那座令人惊叹的屋顶花园。朗文当代〔crowning〕This is the crowning moment of my life.这是我一生中的颠峰时刻。文馨英汉〔crowning〕This novel is the crowning achievement of his career as a writer.这部小说是他写作生涯的最高成就。文馨英汉〔crowning〕Walking on the moon was his crowning glory (= his most important achievement).在月球上行走是他的无上荣耀。剑桥高阶〔crown〕A coin stamped with a crown or crowned head on one side.克朗:在某一面上印有王冠或戴着王冠的头像的硬币美国传统〔crown〕A palace crowns the hill.一座王宫建在山顶上。21世纪英汉〔crown〕A pink ribbon had been tied around the crown of the hat.帽子顶部系着一条粉色的缎带。剑桥高阶〔crown〕Almost every hill is crowned with a pretty village.几乎每座山上都有一个漂亮的村子。麦克米伦高阶〔crown〕An artificial substitute for the natural crown of a tooth.假齿冠:天然齿冠的人造替代品美国传统〔crown〕British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.英国国王都在威斯敏斯特教堂加冕。21世纪英汉〔crown〕Czech crowns 捷克克朗牛津高阶〔crown〕Dentistry To put a crown on (a tooth).【牙科学】 镶齿冠:为(牙齿)镶齿冠美国传统〔crown〕Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953.伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特教堂加冕。外研社新世纪〔crown〕From the tower, we could see the crowns of the trees below.从塔楼望去,我们能看到下面树木的树冠。韦氏高阶〔crown〕He crowned the pie with cream.他在馅饼上浇了奶油。英汉大词典〔crown〕He fell and broke his crown.他摔下来跌破了头。英汉大词典〔crown〕He got crowned with a beer bottle.他头部被啤酒瓶击中。韦氏高阶〔crown〕He has retired from the service of the Crown.他已经从政府部门退下来了。朗文当代〔crown〕He is heir to the crown.他是王位继承人。英汉大词典〔crown〕He laid his hand gently on the crown of her head.他把手轻轻放在她的头顶上。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕He lost his world crown to the Korean champion.他输给了那名韩国冠军,丢掉了世界冠军的桂冠。牛津搭配〔crown〕He won the crown in 1980.他在 1980 年获得冠军称号。英汉大词典〔crown〕Her head is crowned by/with thick red hair.她长着一头浓密的红发。韦氏高阶〔crown〕Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.这里又有一座高低不平的城堡建在悬崖绝壁之上。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕His efforts were crowned with success.他的努力终于获得成功。英汉大词典〔crown〕His speech crowned the party.他的讲话作为最后一个项目圆满结束了这次宴会。英汉大词典〔crown〕I'm having a gold crown fitted on one of my back molars.我一颗后臼齿要装金齿冠。外研社新世纪〔crown〕I've had one of my teeth crowned.我的一颗牙齿镶了假齿冠。牛津高阶〔crown〕In 1553 the crown passed from Edward VI to Mary.1553 年,爱德华六世把王位传给了玛丽。牛津搭配〔crown〕In 1688 the crown was offered to William and Mary.1688 年,王位授予了威廉和玛丽。牛津搭配〔crown〕In 1896 Nicholas was crowned as tsar.1896 年尼古拉加冕为沙皇。朗文当代〔crown〕It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.这是个重要时刻,它使得优胜杯赛组织者的努力圆满告捷。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕It is an important moment, crowning the efforts of the Cup organisers.这是个重要的时刻, 给杯赛组织者的努力画上了一个圆满的句号。外研社新世纪〔crown〕It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.天气寒冷又下着雨,最糟的是我们得走着回家。牛津高阶〔crown〕James III was crowned at Kelso Abbey.詹姆斯三世在凯尔索教堂加冕。麦克米伦高阶〔crown〕Mist crowned the mountain.雾霭笼罩山顶。英汉大词典〔crown〕Norwegian crowns 挪威克朗韦氏高阶〔crown〕She crowned her long and distinguished career by designing the city's beautiful new bridge.她为这座城市设计了漂亮的新桥,圆满结束了她漫长而卓越的职业生涯。韦氏高阶〔crown〕She crowned him with a bottle.她用一只瓶子打他的头。英汉大词典〔crown〕She crowned the dessert with whipped cream.她在甜点心上面加上搅打过的奶油。21世纪英汉〔crown〕She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.她决心衞冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。牛津高阶〔crown〕She was crowned Miss America almost twenty years ago.她在差不多20年前就被加冕为“美国小姐”。麦克米伦高阶〔crown〕She was crowned queen at the age of 18.她18岁时受加冕成为女王。韦氏高阶〔crown〕She was appointed by the Crown.她由王国政府任命。韦氏高阶〔crown〕She was the youngest Scottish hospital matron at 34, and went on to crown her career as matron of Scotland's leading hospital.她34岁时已是苏格兰医院最年轻的护士长, 后来又成为全苏格兰最好医院的护士长, 达到了自己职业生涯的顶峰。外研社新世纪〔crown〕Swedish crowns 瑞典克朗朗文当代〔crown〕The Crown was forced to drop the charges because of a lack of evidence.由于缺乏证据,王国政府被迫撤诉。麦克米伦高阶〔crown〕The crown of his head is completely bald.他的头顶全秃了。外研社新世纪〔crown〕The crown was placed upon the new monarch's head.王冠戴在了新君主的头上。牛津搭配〔crown〕The Nobel prize crowned his career as an author.获得诺贝尔奖使他的写作生涯达到了登峰造极的地步。英汉大词典〔crown〕The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。牛津高阶〔crown〕The church was crowned with golden domes.教堂顶部是金色的穹顶。剑桥高阶〔crown〕The hat has a rounded crown and a wide brim.这顶帽子是圆顶宽边的。韦氏高阶〔crown〕The house is cold and damp, and to crown it all part of my bedroom ceiling has fallen in.那房子又冷又潮, 而更糟糕的是, 我卧室的天花板有一部分已经塌下。外研社新世纪〔crown〕The magazine crowned her the new queen of rock-and-roll music.这家杂志将她誉为新一代摇滚乐女王。韦氏高阶〔crown〕The masonry at the crown of the arch is paler than on either curve.拱顶部分的砖石颜色比两边曲面的要淡。朗文当代〔crown〕The mountain is crowned with snow all year round.这座山的山顶终年被积雪覆盖。韦氏高阶〔crown〕The prince was soon to be crowned King of England.王子不久就要被立为英格兰国王了。牛津高阶〔crown〕Their efforts were finally crowned with success.他们的努力终于取得圆满成功。牛津高阶〔crown〕They crowned him athlete of the year.他们正式公认他为本年度最佳运动员。英汉大词典〔crown〕They drove to the crown of Zion hill and on into town.他们开车到达锡安山的山顶,然后继续进城。朗文当代〔crown〕They were crowned champions after a dramatic 6–5 final.他们戏剧性地以6比5赢得决赛后被授予冠军称号。麦克米伦高阶〔crown〕Two days later, Juan Carlos was crowned king.两天后,胡安·卡洛斯被加冕为国王。柯林斯高阶〔crown〕When he dies, the crown will pass to his son.他去世后,王位将传给他儿子。麦克米伦高阶〔derby〕A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim.常礼帽:圆顶,窄的弯曲帽檐的硬毡帽美国传统〔diadem〕A crown worn as a sign of royalty.王冠:做为王权象征的王冠美国传统〔emblematic〕The crown is emblematic of royalty.王冠象征皇权。韦氏高阶〔encrusted〕The crown is encrusted with jewels.皇冠上镶嵌着宝石。韦氏高阶〔encrust〕The gold crown was encrusted with precious gems.金制的王冠镶有许多贵重的宝石。21世纪英汉〔equivocal〕Popularity is an equivocal crown.一时走红并不等于永保冠冕。英汉大词典〔examination〕The accused underwent examination by the Crown prosecutor.被告人受到检察官的审讯。英汉大词典〔fez〕A man's felt cap in the shape of a flat-topped cone, usually red with a black tassel hanging from the crown, worn chiefly in the eastern Mediterranean region.土耳其帽:一种通常为红色的、顶部有垂下的黑色流苏的、平顶的圆筒形男式毡帽,主要在地中海东部地区佩戴美国传统〔fit〕When the crown has been made you go back and the dentist will fit it into place.等牙冠做好之后, 回到牙医那里, 他会把牙冠装好。外研社新世纪〔glory〕Becoming a Supreme Court judge was the crowning glory (=most successful part) of her career.当上最高法院的法官是她事业上至高的荣耀。朗文当代〔glory〕Her long black hair is her crowning glory(= most impressive feature).她长长的黑发是她的无上荣耀。牛津高阶〔glory〕Last week's win was the crowning glory of Kimble's career.最高成就麦克米伦高阶〔glory〕Your hair is your crowning glory.你的秀发是你最引以自豪的东西美国传统〔haku〕A crown made of fresh flowers.一种由新鲜花朵制成的花冠美国传统〔hat〕A covering for the head, especially one with a shaped crown and brim.帽子:特指具有特定造型的顶和沿的头上的覆盖物美国传统〔highness〕Their Highnesses the Crown Prince and Princess 王储和公主殿下英汉大词典〔indict〕He was indicted on drug charges at Snaresbrook Crown Court.在斯奈尔斯布鲁克刑事法庭他被起诉犯有与毒品有关的罪行。剑桥高阶〔invest〕A king was invested by being crowned.国王加冕后正式登基。21世纪英汉〔invest〕A queen was invested by being crowned.女王加冕登基。英汉大词典〔jewel〕His achievement is astonishing and this book is the jewel in his crown.他的成就令人震惊,而这部书则是他的杰作。柯林斯高阶〔kaffiyeh〕A cloth headdress fastened by a band around the crown and usually worn by Arab men.头巾:通常为阿拉伯男子戴的一种布制头巾,用头箍绑牢在头顶部位美国传统〔key〕Architecture The keystone in the crown of an arch.【建筑学】 拱顶石:位于拱顶的塞缝石美国传统〔king〕He was crowned king.他加冕为国王。韦氏高阶〔king〕On 2 December Henry VI was crowned king (=made the king at an official ceremony) .十二月二日,亨利六世加冕为国王。朗文当代〔king〕The new king was crowned immediately.新国王立即加冕继位。牛津搭配〔king〕To make (a piece in checkers) into a king; crown.成为国王:把(一只棋子)变成国王;成为国王美国传统〔king〕William was crowned King of England on Christmas Day, 1066.威廉于1066年圣诞节那天接受加冕成为英格兰国王。麦克米伦高阶〔laureate〕Archaic Made of laurel sprigs, as a wreath or crown.【古语】 由月桂枝条制成的,如环或冠美国传统〔laurel〕To crown with laurel.戴以桂冠美国传统〔list〕The case was listed for trial in the Crown Court.这个案子被列入了刑事法庭的审理名单。朗文当代〔molar〕A tooth with a broad crown used to grind food, located behind the premolars.臼齿:一种用作研磨食物的有宽齿冠的位于前磨牙后的牙齿美国传统〔neck〕The part of a tooth between the crown and the root.牙颈:在牙冠和牙根之间的部位美国传统〔olive branch〕The symbols, given equal prominence, are the scales of justice, a harp, a torch, an olive branch, a shamrock, and a crown.这些象征物具有同等重要性, 代表正义的不同级别, 它们分别是竖琴、火炬、橄榄枝、三叶草和皇冠。外研社新世纪〔open〕David Calvert-Smith opens the case for the Crown in front of Judge Lowry.戴维•卡尔弗特•史密斯在劳里法官面前代表王室开场陈述案情。外研社新世纪〔patch〕He has a small bald patch on the crown of his head.他头顶上有一小块斑秃。牛津搭配〔pin〕A peg for fixing the crown to the root of a tooth.牙钉:用来将牙冠固定在牙根上的钉子美国传统〔polish〕They polished him off by crowning him with a Coca-Cola bottle.他们用可乐瓶把他打昏了。英汉大词典〔precious stone〕The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.装饰着钻石和其他宝石的王冠被放在一个特制的橱窗里展出。剑桥高阶〔pretend to〕The young prince started a war by pretending to the crown.这位年轻王子声称有权获得王位,从而发动了一场战争。21世纪英汉〔queen〕She was crowned queen at the age of fifteen.她 15 岁时接受加冕成为女王。牛津搭配〔queen〕She was crowned queen in 1953.她于1953年被立为女王。麦克米伦高阶〔queen〕She was crowned queen of England.她获加冕成为了英格兰女王。韦氏高阶〔regalia〕The emblems and symbols of royalty, such as the crown and scepter.王位标志:如王冠和权杖等王权的徽章或象征物美国传统〔remembrancer〕An officer of the British judiciary responsible for collecting debts owed to the Crown.王室的债款收取官:负责为王室收债的英国法官中的一名官员美国传统〔royalty〕A right or prerogative of the crown, as that of receiving a percentage of the proceeds from mines in the royal domain.王权:国王的权利或特权,如可以获得皇家领土的矿产收入的一定比例美国传统〔ruler〕Charles V was crowned ruler of the Roman Empire at Bologna.查理五世在博洛尼亚加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。外研社新世纪〔show-stopper〕The gold crown was show-stopper of the exhibition.这只金王冠在所有的展品中特别引人注目。英汉大词典〔skimmer〕A light, usually straw hat with a stiff wide brim and a flat shallow crown.平顶宽边草帽:一种有一个坚硬的宽边和平平的浅顶的轻便并通常是草编的帽子美国传统〔sombrero〕A large straw or felt hat with a broad brim and tall crown, worn especially in Mexico and the American southwest.阔边帽:一种大草帽或毡帽,有宽帽檐、高帽顶,尤其为墨西哥及美国西南部地区人们佩戴美国传统〔spangle〕The crown was spangled with gold.皇冠上缀满闪光夺目的金片。英汉大词典〔standard〕A shrub or small tree that through grafting or training has a single stem of limited height with a crown of leaves and flowers at its apex.茎干挺直的植物:经嫁接或培育而生成的灌木或小树,有一定高度的单茎干,在茎的顶部有叶子和花朵组成的花冠美国传统〔subsidy〕Money formerly granted to the British Crown by Parliament.旧时英国国会给皇家的特支费美国传统〔swear〕The police are the only civil servants who have to swear allegiance to the Crown.警察是唯一要宣誓效忠君主的公职人员。外研社新世纪〔sweatband〕A band of fabric or leather sewn inside the crown of a hat as protection against sweat.防汗带:用皮革或其他织物制成缝在帽缘内侧的防汗带美国传统〔symbol〕A crown is a symbol of royal power.王冠是王权的象徵。牛津同义词〔testimony〕In testimony before the Crown Court, she described her movements on the day of the murder.在向刑事法庭提供的证言中,她讲述了凶杀案案发当日她的行踪。牛津搭配〔tiara〕The triple crown worn by the pope.教皇所戴的三重冕美国传统〔tree fern〕Any of various tropical treelike ferns having a woody, trunklike stem and a terminal crown of large, pinnately divided fronds.桫椤:任一种类似于厥类的热带树木,生有木质树干状的茎,有一个由大型裂状厥叶组成的顶生冠美国传统〔trilby〕A soft felt hat with a deeply creased crown.特里碧帽:一种有锯齿形帽峰的软毡帽美国传统〔uphold〕The crown court upheld the magistrate's decision.刑事法院维持了治安法官的判决。外研社新世纪〔uphold〕The crown court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision.然而,最高法院维持了地方法院的判决。柯林斯高阶〔warden〕Any of various crown officers having administrative duties.高级官员:任何一个具有管理职责的皇家官员美国传统A crown court hears major criminal cases.刑事法庭审判的是重大犯罪案件。剑桥国际According to figures collated by the council, 640 BMWs and 330 Toyota Crowns were stolen.根据委员会比较后得出的数字,640辆宝马汽车和330辆丰田王冠汽车失窃。剑桥国际Elizabeth was crowned queen in 1953.伊丽莎白1953年被加冕为女王。剑桥国际He has had a gold crown fitted on two of his back teeth.他的两颗后牙镶了金齿冠。剑桥国际He's one of the regulars (= people who are frequently present) at the Rose and Crown pub.他是玫瑰和王冠酒吧的常客之一。剑桥国际Her exciting acting career was crowned by her performance as Juliet.她扮演的朱丽叶是她的令人兴奋的演艺事业的顶峰。剑桥国际Her performance as Lady Macbeth was the crowning achievement (=the greatest achievement) of her long career.她扮演的麦克佩斯夫人是她所从事漫长事业的顶峰。剑桥国际I had lost my ticket, was soaked to the skin, and, to crown it all, discovered that my purse had been stolen.我把票弄丢了,又被淋得浑身湿透,更糟糕的是我发现钱包也被偷了。剑桥国际Most of Europe's crowned heads have been entertained in the palace.欧洲国家的大多数君主都在该王宫内受到过接待。剑桥国际Queen Elizabeth II was crowned (=made queen in a special ceremony) in 1953.伊丽莎白二世女王于1953年被立为王。剑桥国际She won the crown in 1990. 她于1990年获得冠军称号。译典通Snow crowned the mountains. 雪覆盖山顶。译典通Soldiers must swear allegiance to the Crown / the King.战士们必须对君主/国王宣誓效忠。剑桥国际The Crown Colony of Hong Kong returns to Chinese control in 1997.英辖殖民地香港1997年回归中国。剑桥国际The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.嵌有钻石和宝石的皇冠在专门的匣子里展出。剑桥国际The Tower of London is the depository for/of the crown and jewels which are used in British coronations.用在英王加冕典礼上的王冠和珠宝,其保藏处是伦敦塔。剑桥国际The astronaut said that walking on the moon was his crowning glory (=his most important achievement).宇航员说能在月球上行走是他无上的光荣。剑桥国际The children were all given a Coronation medal when Elizabeth was crowned queen.伊丽莎白加冕为女王时,孩子们都得到一块加冕典礼纪念章。剑桥国际The church was crowned with golden domes.这个教堂有着金色的圆形屋顶。剑桥国际The island of Tresco, with its beautiful tropical gardens, is the jewel in the crown of the Scilly Isles.特雷斯科岛上有着美丽的热带花园,是锡利群岛中最美的岛。剑桥国际The king was wearing a splendid golden crown. 国王戴著光彩夺目的金王冠。译典通The queen's regalia at her coronation included her crown and sceptre.女王加冕时的王位宝器有王冠和权杖。剑桥国际This is a golden crown. 这是个金制的皇冠。译典通We saw the archbishop crown the queen. 我们看见大主教为女王加冕。译典通

