
单词 marrow
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TEST〕A blood test will show if you are a possible bone marrow donor. 做个血液化验就可以验出你是不是合适的骨髓捐赠者。朗文写作活用〔bone marrow〕There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant.全世界有2,000名儿童需要骨髓移植。柯林斯高阶〔chill sb to the bone/marrow〕This is a film that will chill you to the marrow.这是部令人毛骨悚然的影片。剑桥高阶〔chill〕Some films chill you to the marrow of your bones.有些影片会令你感到毛骨悚然。外研社新世纪〔chill〕Some films chill you to the marrow of your bones.有些电影让人毛骨悚然。柯林斯高阶〔chill〕The dreadful sight chilled her to the marrow.这种可怕的景象使她感到毛骨悚然。21世纪英汉〔colony stimulating factor〕A hormone produced in the cells lining the blood vessels that stimulates the bone marrow to synthesize white blood cells.集落刺激因子:由沿血管排列的细胞所产生的激素,刺激骨髓合成白血球美国传统〔donor〕The hospital is searching for a bone marrow donor for the child.医院正在为这个小孩寻找骨髓捐献者。麦克米伦高阶〔epiphyseal〕Epiphyseal fractures are serious because bone marrow is lost through the fracture site.骺骨折是非常严重的,因为骨髓会在折断处流失。剑桥高阶〔erythroblast〕Any of the nucleated cells normally found only in bone marrow that develop into erythrocytes.成红细胞,红血球母细胞:一种有核细胞,通常仅能在骨髓中发现并能够发展成为红血球美国传统〔globule〕Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.人体的骨髓里含有颗粒状脂肪。外研社新世纪〔globule〕Our bone marrow contains fat in the form of small globules.我们的骨髓中含有小球状的脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔hematopoietic system〕The bodily system of organs and tissues, primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, involved in the production of blood.造血系统:身体的器官和组织系统,主要是产生血液的骨髓、脾、扁桃体和淋巴结美国传统〔immature〕The stem cells found in bone marrow are immature cells.骨髓中的干细胞是未成熟的细胞。外研社新世纪〔long bone〕Any of several elongated bones of vertebrate limbs that have a roughly cylindrical shaft containing marrow.长骨:脊椎动物肢体延长的几块骨之一,大致呈圆柱形,内有骨髓美国传统〔marrow bone〕Ask the butcher for soup bones - marrow bones are best.找屠夫要一些炖汤的骨头——最好是髓骨。外研社新世纪〔marrow〕Bone marrow.骨髓美国传统〔marrow〕I want to suck the marrow out of this show.我想汲取这次展览的活力。外研社新世纪〔marrow〕It takes the marrow out of a man.它使人失去活力。英汉大词典〔marrow〕Spinal marrow.脊髓美国传统〔marrow〕The marrow donor is her 14-month-old sister.骨髓捐献者是她14个月大的妹妹。柯林斯高阶〔marrow〕The very thought of it chilled me to the marrow.一想到这个我就不寒而栗。柯林斯高阶〔marrow〕We're getting into the marrow of the film.我们就要进入这部电影最精彩的部分了。柯林斯高阶〔marrow〕We're getting into the marrow of the film.我们就要进入这部电影的最精彩部分了。外研社新世纪〔marrow〕When I got back at about ten a.m. I was frozen to the marrow.我早上大约10点钟回来的时候感到寒气透骨。柯林斯高阶〔medulla〕The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone.髓质:某些器官或身体结构的内部或深部,如骨髓美国传统〔medullization〕Replacement of bone tissue by marrow, as in inflammatory bone disease.髓质化:骨骼组织被骨髓所取代,如在骨骼炎症中美国传统〔megakaryocyte〕A large bone marrow cell with a lobulate nucleus that gives rise to blood platelets.巨核细胞:大骨髓细胞,有由小叶组成的能产生血小板的细胞核美国传统〔multiple myeloma〕A malignant proliferation of plasma cells in bone marrow causing numerous tumors and characterized by the presence of abnormal proteins in the blood.多发性骨髓瘤:一种骨髓中由于血细胞恶性增生导致的大量肿瘤,并以血液中出现不正常蛋白质为特征美国传统〔myeloblast〕An immature cell of the bone marrow that is the precursor of a myelocyte.成髓细胞,原始粒细胞:骨髓的一种未成熟细胞,是髓细胞的前身美国传统〔myelocyte〕A large cell of the bone marrow that is a precursor of the mature granulocyte of the blood.髓细胞:骨髓的一种大型细胞,是血液成熟的有粒细胞的前身美国传统〔myelofibrosis〕Proliferation of fibroblastic cells in bone marrow, causing anemia and sometimes enlargement of the spleen and liver.骨髓纤维化,骨髓纤维变性:在骨髓中成纤维细胞的扩散,常引起贫血症,而且有时也会导致脾和肝的增大美国传统〔myelogenous〕Originating in or produced by the bone marrow.骨髓的:起源于骨髓的或由骨髓产生的美国传统〔myeloid〕Of, relating to, or derived from the bone marrow.骨髓的:骨髓的、与骨髓有关的或从骨髓中提取的美国传统〔myeloma〕A malignant tumor formed by the cells of the bone marrow.骨髓瘤:由骨髓细胞形成的一种恶性肿瘤美国传统〔osteomyelitis〕Inflammation of bone and bone marrow.骨髓炎:骨和骨髓的炎症美国传统〔penetrate to〕The regret penetrated to his marrow.他终生遗憾。21世纪英汉〔pith〕Archaic Spinal cord or bone marrow.【古语】 脊髓,骨髓美国传统〔pressure〕A box of beef or mutton bones, pressured until the marrow is extracted, makes excellent broth.用压力锅熬出骨髓的一盒牛骨或羊骨可以煮成美味好汤。英汉大词典〔primarily〕Bone marrow transplants are a controversial procedure, primarily because of the high costs involved.骨髓移植是一项具有争议的手术,主要是因为其价格昂贵。麦克米伦高阶〔produce〕Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.红细胞在骨髓内生成。剑桥高阶〔scoop out〕Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.把一个西葫芦切成两半,挖出种子。柯林斯高阶〔scoop out〕Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.把西葫芦切成两半, 用勺子把籽挖掉。外研社新世纪〔transplantation〕Bone marrow transplantation began 20 years ago.骨髓移植开始于 20 年前。柯林斯高阶〔transplant〕She received a bone marrow transplant from an unknown donor.她从一个匿名捐献者那里得到了移植的骨髓。韦氏高阶〔vegetable marrow〕Marrow squash.西葫芦美国传统Fear took the marrow out of him. 恐惧使他失去了活力。译典通He was chilled to the marrow. 他是冷到了骨髓。译典通Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.红血球在骨髓内生成。剑桥国际She compiled a dossier guaranteed to chill the marrow of (=frighten) those responsible for security.她编了一份档案材料,保证会吓得那些负责保安的人脊髓发凉。剑桥国际The charity has so far raised $2.5 million to finance bone marrow transplants for children.慈善团体已筹得二百五十万美元,用于儿童的骨髓移植。剑桥国际The gardener won a prize with his giant vegetable marrows.菜农因他的巨型西葫芦而得了奖。剑桥国际We had stuffed marrow for dinner.我们晚饭吃了加了馅的西葫芦。剑桥国际We were frightened/thrilled to the marrow (= extremely frightened/thrilled).我们吓/激动得要命。剑桥国际

