
单词 negate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕The side effects of the drug negate any possible benefit. 这种药的副作用抵消了它可能带来的益处。朗文写作活用〔coup de théâtre〕An unexpected and sensational event, especially one that reverses or negates a prevailing situation.戏剧性突变:一个出人意料、耸人听闻的事件,尤指与前情相悖或否定的事件美国传统〔femaleness〕They are under pressure to negate their femaleness.她们承受着否认自己女性身份的压力。外研社新世纪〔female〕They are under pressure to negate their femaleness.她们承受着否认自己女性身份的压力。柯林斯高阶〔negate〕Alcohol negates the effects of the drug.酒精能使药物失效。牛津高阶〔negate〕Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly polluted.有关海洋受到严重污染的报道可能会使拓展旅游业的努力完全白费。朗文当代〔negate〕Either this statement or its negate is verifiable.这一说法或其相反说法都可得到证实。英汉大词典〔negate〕He warned that to negate the results of elections would only make things worse.他警告说,否定选举的结果只会使事情更糟。柯林斯高阶〔negate〕Such reasoning seems to negate the distinctions inherent in logic.这样的推理看来是抹煞了逻辑内在的区别。英汉大词典〔negate〕The fact that she lied about her work experience negated the contract.她谎报工作经历致使合同无效。韦氏高阶〔negate〕The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.我们的盈利增长被日益增加的经营成本所抵消。剑桥高阶〔negate〕The story negated the trade supported by the government.该项报道否认了此项贸易受到政府的支持。21世纪英汉〔negate〕These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.这些缺点抵消了他在其他方面对待员工还算开明的态度。柯林斯高阶〔negate〕These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.这些缺点抵消了他在对待员工上还算开明的态度。外研社新世纪〔negate〕This negated all the good that we had achieved.这使得我们已经取得的一切好处都化为虚无。外研社新世纪〔negate〕To negate the results of elections would only make things worse.否定选举的结果只会使事情变得更糟。外研社新世纪〔negate〕To always negate is not the way to create what is new and original.一味的否定并非就是标新立异。21世纪英汉〔neutralize〕Terror momentarily negated the effects of his injury.恐惧的人要时刻抵制伤害对他的影响。美国传统〔sublate〕To negate, deny, or contradict.否定,否认或否认…真实性美国传统The increase in our profits this year has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.本年度我们赢利的增长被上升的经营业务费用抵消了。剑桥国际

