“as it is”用法

词组 as it is

■ as it is


1) 如果 it 有所明确指代,意思是“照现在的原样”。

  • We can't publish it as it is.我们不能把它原样发表。
  • Paris as it was and as it is.巴黎今昔。

2) 如果 it 是泛泛的,没有明确指代,则:

a) 以现在与将来相对立(“现在本来已经如何”)。

  • Don't disturb me. I'm nervous as it is.别打扰我。我本来就已经够紧张的了。

b) 以现在与过去相对立(“而现在呢”)。

  • If Carter had done what he has done now six months ago, the German would have found it perfectly acceptable. As it is, they are afraid that Carter has given an impression of weakness and inexperience not only to his allies...卡特现在刚做的事情,假如是半年前做的,德国人就本来会觉得完全可以接受。但是现在呢,他们就担心卡特不但给他的盟国,而且也给…一个软弱和无经验的印象。

3) 这个 is 可以有时态变化。

  • He had decided that four bottles were all he could carry. As it was, the bottles would be enough for eight people.他早已经认定,自己最多只能带四瓶。就拿四瓶来说,也够八个人喝了。

