
词组 too...to

■ too... to inf.

1) 这样的结构中,后面的动词不定式尽管形式上是肯定,但其实是否定的,中文应该加上一个“不”字。这也是中国人常常容易出错的地方。

  • She was too fearful of the boy's falling to let him ride in the howdah.她很害怕孩子摔下来,不敢让他骑上驼鞍。
  • The anchorman was too serious about the eleven o'clock news broadcast ever to be gay and frivolous and flirtatious in the late evening.这位节目主持人对十一点钟的新闻广播十分认真,以至于无法在晚间显得轻轻松松、嬉皮笑脸。

尤其是当 too 与 to inf. 相距较远时,或是当中出现了标点截断了行文,就容易忘掉前面的 too 而把 to inf. 误解为肯定。

  • She'd been a nurse too long, had too often seen the results of substance abuse, to think otherwise.她当护士的时间够长的,也看够了吸毒的后果,所以不会有别的想法。
  • He said there was too much uncertainty about the potential dangers of mobile phones for them to be classified as safe. (South China Morning Post, Nov. 27, 2000)他说,有关移动电话潜在的危险性,很不容易确定,所以不能把这些电话列为安全的。
  • On the one perfect morning for sailing — the day after Christmas — the crew had been too incapacitated from their drunkenness of the day before to stir. (John Darnton, The Darwin Conspiracy, p.125)到了圣诞节后一天的清早,是适合航行的大好天气,但是船员们前一天喝得酩酊大醉,已经动弹不得了。
  • There's too much to do when you're growing a new business to waste time blaming yourself for mistakes and failures that were beyond your control.新办起一个企业,正在起步发展之时,要做的事很多,尽管不由自已出了些差错和挫折,也不必因此而浪费时间自怨自艾。
  • He was always too busy playing tennis or golf, or going fishing with friends, or nursing the worst cold in history, to argue with me about the kids.他总是忙于打网球或者高尔夫球,或是同朋友一起去钓鱼,或是害了有史以来最厉害的感冒需要养病,所以没有空同我争吵有关孩子的事情。


  • That was the question I was too stupid to ask.那个问题,我当时太傻了,没有问。

要注意的是:too 前面如果有 only, all, but 等词的时候,too... to inf. 的 inf. 就不是否定的。另外,too 所修饰的形容词如果是 ready, eager 或 apt,后面的 to inf. 也没有否定意义。

  • He was only too keen to get involved and help.他非常喜欢挺身而出帮助别人。
  • It's all too easy to use the wrong one.很容易用错。
  • It's all too soon to predict.要预言还为时过早。
  • The government seems too ready to give in to religious pressure.政府似乎很容易向宗教压力屈服。
  • He was too eager to believe.他太轻信了。

2) 另外,too 后面的 to inf. 有时要加个逻辑主语,这个主语就用介词 for 引入。

  • The hotel was too expensive for me to stay.那旅馆收费太贵,我住不起。
  • The problem was too big for him to deal with alone.问题太大,他一个人处理不了(注意:for sb. to inf. 的 inf. 动词或其后介词的宾语,如果与全句主语重合,则可略去,这里的 to deal with it 的 it [= the problem] 即略去)。
  • She's too big a part of who I am now for me to cut her out of my life completely.她已经是我现在这个人很大的一部分,大到我无法把她从我的生活中完全割裂出去。

3) 还有,too 后面如果是形容词,作为定语再修饰一个名词,则这个名词只能是单数的可数名词(too + 形容词 + a + 名词,必须有 a),既不能复数,也不能是单数的不可数名词(不能 too + 形容词 + 名词),例如不能说:*It's too good food to throw away. 这食品太好了,扔了可惜。这句可以改为:This food is too good to throw away.

4) 更加值得注意的是:有时候前面没有 too,但是从前后语义对照中(往往是彼此方向相反的)可以知道后面的 to inf. 实际上是否定的。

  • He's a little well dressed to be playing Spiderman.他衣着比较整齐,很难扮演蜘蛛侠。
  • Italy is a bit far to come on a lark when you make a teacher's salary.拿教师的薪金,要到意大利来游玩,未免路程远了点。
  • 25 is pretty old to take up ballet dancing.二十五岁,就年纪太大,不宜开始学芭蕾舞了。
  • He's enough of a coward to do that.他是个胆小鬼,不敢干那个的。
  • It was all an illusion, an odd thing for a man of supposed regard for objective truth to value.那全是一个幻象,这样离奇的东西,是一个本应尊重客观事实的人所难以重视的。

美国前总统克林顿曾矢口否认绯闻,但后来隐瞒不住,就有人谈到他最初的否认时说:That's a pretty strong statement for him to reverse course. 意思是说,他前面说得太绝,后来不好转弯了。这句话,前面也没有 too,但是后面的 to inf. 仍然是被否定的。

前后语义方向的彼此相反,有时候可以从后面出现的某个“否定极性项”(Negative Polarity Item, NPI) 看出来,从而可以判定后一个成分隐含否定意义。

  • This one is, however, a long and very cumbersome method to use on any very large scale.不过这个方法,使用起来既费时,又麻烦,不宜十分大规模地使用。
  • Avoid time-release formulas. They're expensive and also present a problem in dissolving enough quickly to do you any good.要避免服用那些缓释剂。这些药物既昂贵而又因为溶解过快造成问题,不会对你有什么好处。
  • The human animal is a strange spectacle to behold, let alone comprehend. (Mr. and Mrs. Julius Haldeman, Dust)人类这种动物,是一种样子看起来很离奇古怪,而且要理解就更为困难的奇景。

5) 从各个例句可以看出,for somebody to inf. 中的 inf. 有时就以前面 to be too... 的主语为宾语,但有时候另有其宾语,有时候 inf. 动词是不及物的,没有宾语。

6) too... to inf. 如果 too 前面有 not,则 not 的否定作用偏及整个结构,从而本来被 too 所否定掉的 to inf. 恢复肯定,例如:

  • Lady Lucas was a very good kind of woman, not too clever to be a valuable neighbour to Mrs. Bennet. (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter Five)

这一句中的 clever 是很传神的,因为卢卡斯先生是有爵位的人,他的夫人,如果有心眼 (clever),就会摆架子,傲视邻居 (not to be a valuable neighbour)。但是卢卡斯夫人不那么有心眼 (not too clever),比较大大咧咧,因而就成了班纳特夫人的好邻居。看了一下一本中译本(王科一译,上海译文出版社),全书译得很流畅,但是这一句有点含糊,没有传达出作者用 not too... to inf. 的苦心:“卢卡斯太太是个很善良的女人,真是班纳特太太一位宝贵的邻居。”也许可以试译为:“卢卡斯太太是个很善良的女人,不那么有心眼,所以还是成了班纳特太太一位宝贵的邻居。”

7) 除了 too... to inf. 和 too... for... to inf. 之外,还有 too... for...,也是没有否定词的否定。

  • The situation was too critical for that kind of scruples anymore.情况太危急,不能再那样顾虑重重了。
  • She's too good and holy for any man, let alone me. (George Eliot, Adam Bede)她太美好,太神圣了,哪个男人都配她不上,更别说我了。

8) too little too late 是个惯用词组,用了两个 too,意思是本来应该及早投入足够的力量,但是早些时候投入的力量太小,等到后来增加投入的力量已经为时过晚,无法补救。

  • The help was too little too late. A lot of people in New Orleans died because of that.救援来得太少太迟。新奥尔良许多人因此而丧生。

